Saturday 1 September 2012

African Psychology

African Psychology.

African Colours:

To speak of African Psychology, is to in all ways even, generally speak of the differing fears,worries, doubts or even mental sicknesses & illnesses too, seen in Africa in all, and as opposed that is, and to the rest of the World too. In helping make all this much clearer, is to in all again, associate Psychology in all, and in the rest of the World too, and with many a Religious Institution that is {and as with it even, truly defining what a truly normal Human Being, truly is like}. In Africa though, Psychology has often taken differing dimensions. First off, is to in all again, separate African Psychology, and into three: Egyptian, Abyssnian (Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia) and Continental African.

In many a way, while Egyptian Psychology is somewhat difficult to comprehend in its ways (it taking into considering Magic and as very much a rather real part of it too), Abyssinian Psychology, is more or less truly even, rather Victorian in its ways actually, and as with it even, differing from that seen in the rest of Africa (Continental Africa) too, in that, it is highly based around what they do call Phases actually (and as with the example of Cognitive Psychology for instance), and as compared to Psychology in Continental Africa, and which is highly based around Periods in all that is {and as with attempting even, to define Man, and as separate enough, and from his environments in all that is}.

In many a way, Uganda, can in many a way too be said, to be the true Gateway (Cultural), and into Africa in itself {but minus Abyssinia too that is}. That in all, and due to the differing Psychology seen in Abyssinia, Uganda in many a way, is truly believed, to house a unique Psychology of its own, and one too, that does make Uganda in all, culturally similar, and to the rest of Africa, and outside Abyssinia that is {but including Egypt in all too really}. In many a way, this Psychology, does speak of what they do term, African Colours perhaps {and as with African Psychology too, the kind to associate colours in all, and with various emotions/moods that is}.

While the rest of Africa in all (and outside Uganda and Abyssinia too), does truly ponder its societies in all again, and as based around a Psychology too, heavily Periodic/Historical based in nature that is, in that, theirs is a Psychology, that does truly attempt in all, to truly ask, just how strongly in all, ones environments (and as they are that is), truly do come in all again, to truly influence, Human behaviour in general that is. That in all, (Continental) African Psychology (and as with speak even of African Evolutionary History too), does in all ways truly even, speak of attempting to disassociate Man, and from his environments too, and with the true aim of it all, to truly ask whom Man in all again, truly is, and away/separate from his environments too, and just how in all again, do his environments in all, come to shape his natural behaviour that is. For Uganda though, and as with this referring to Periods too and as versus Phases that is {and as with Phases and in Psychology too, speaking of not truly knowing what one wants, and as with truly wanting one thing one minute, and the next, truly wanting another that is}, there does appear to be a unique Psychology in the place, that does associate Periods in all, and with what one could call African Colours too that is {and as with this referring to, the very use of differing shades and intensities of Colours too, and that do in all again, truly appear to mirror Colour, and as it does appear, and in African Nature too that is}, and in all ways even, Psychology too, that does not study its environments, and from a Political scenario either (and as with the rest of Continental Africa that is), but in all ways truly even, does study its environments and its impact on Man, and from a rather Sociological perspective too that is {and as with this referring even, and to the building of Infrastructure in itself too actually}.

In all ways though, it is truly believed that Uganda in all, can truly help introduce this form of Psychology (Periodic/Historical, Sociology and Colour/emotion based too), and into the rest of Continental Africa that is (and as with this even, speaking of Economic opportunity in itself), and via in all again, associating Anatolian Kampala and in the very least too, and with African Sociology that is {and as with the average resident of Anatolian Kampala too, said very much to be a Sociologist at heart too that is}.

In all again, the very use of the above source 'Blueprint for Black Power' and by Amos X, and as with it even, housing a Psychology in all, truly African in its ways (and very much Ugandan too that is), and as with it a Psychology too, highly evolving around Sociology in itself, Historical Periods too, and finally in all again, the very viewing of Humans in all, and from very much an emotions/moods/colours perspective too that is.