Tuesday 31 December 2013



To speak of Independence and Africa, is to also refer to the rather false known notion that, Independence in Africa, could be equated to many a Black Power Movement in all, and as seen around the World too that is (and as with this referring even, and to Economic Empowerment in all actually), when in reality, Independence movements in Africa, were very much along the lines of Black Liberation Movements in all, and as seen around the World too that is [and with a lot of talk of Post-Independence Africa in all, speaking of it all and along the lines of Black Power Movements too that is].

To speak of Black Liberation Movements, is to speak in all again and of the ability in all, to express oneself and as one might truly wish. Speaking of Independence as such, does in all ways even, speak of just how the so termed struggle for Independence, is often erroneously presented to most that is. That in most ways even, there are three main ways in all, and of looking at the history of the Declaration of Independence, and in Africa too. The first speaks of a National Consciousness, the second of Family, and the third of Marital Relations in all that is.

To speak of a National Consciousness, and as often said to having been at the heart of the so termed struggle for Independence in all (and as with it more or less truly a Liberationist Movement actually, and not a Black Power Movement either that is), is to speak of the false belief that, Africans in all, and as with speak even of their Traditional societies in all again, did define themselves and as based around National Consciousness that is, when in reality, Nationality in all, did not exist and in just about all parts of Africa too actually. To speak of the so termed struggle for Independence in these terms, National Consciousness that is, is to not only equate it all really, and with the Congo and South Africa too, but that in all ways even, all this did speak of the attempt to destroy Cultural and Political Imagery/Symbolism, and by European forces too, and all in the name perhaps, and of Hate in itself too actually [that Africa in all, deemed primitive, was actually more developed than most believe it to have been, and as with speak even of African Classical Art that is] [and such as that seen in Dahomey, or amongst the Yoruba too actually]. In all ways even, this does speak also of the troubling History of Apartheid in South Africa, and which was not in most ways based around Black Power Movements either (and as it is presented today in all again that is), but more or less truly around Black Liberationist Movements in all, and as with Apartheid South Africa too, having been more cultured in all, Artistically too that is, and than most believed it to have been actually [and as with simple speak even of many a Black South African Jazz Band in all, Local too, and their ability in all again, to simply afford many an Instrument that is].

To speak of Independence, and as perceived around Family life in Africa, is to also speak of what are known as Freedom Fighters in all, and in the so termed struggle for Independence that is. That this manner of perceiving the struggle for Independence in all again, is actually truly falsely believed or assumed Kenyan in all (and as with speak even of the Mau Mau for instance), when in reality, it did actually truly only happen, and in North Africa that is [that this in all ways even, speaks of the disrupting of Family life in North Africa, and the attempt in all again and by North Africans in all, to reclaim their past, their Family livelihoods and lifestyles too, and by engaging in many a struggle, and as based around being a Freedom Fighter that is].

Finally in all, and as with speak even of Kenyan History too, is to speak of Independence in all again, and as perceived via Marital Relations that is. That Kenya in many a way in all again, is often perceived as not being truly African in all, and very much due to the backward nature in all again, and of Tribal Identities, and to be seen in the place that is [that Kenyan Tribal societies in all, were/are in many a way, perceived rather backwards even, and as with speak even of poor and undeveloped Languages, Religion, or even speak of African Art too that is]. The reason for this does lie with the very fact that, most Kenyans in all, are actually recent arrivals to the place (and as with speak even of Arab History in Kenya, and the settlement of African looking peoples into Kenya, and from the Middle East and Asia too), but that the so called struggle for Independence in Kenya in all, actually does arise, and with many a Marital Dispute that is [and as with this referring even, and to the so termed 'Corridors of Power', and the attempt in all again, and by many a Black Kenyan too, to truly actually engage, and in Colonial/Victorian lifestyles, and as seen in the place too actually] [All this too, and as excepting in all again, the Maasai, Boran and Somal (Kenyan-Somali) peoples in all, and of Kenya too, and who are truly the only Indigenous (and not Native either) peoples of Kenya that is]. In all again, Black Kenyan Tribal cultures in all, and as truly only based around Marital Relations too, and not Religion either.

Having mentioned the above, is to first in all again put Modern African Lives in all that is, and into perspective, and as with mentioning in all again, they are today perceived even, and from the very perspective of Black Power Movements that is (and as with speak even of Economic Empowerment too actually), and are in all again disconnected from their past (past Generations that is), and as with Africa and the fight for Independence too, based around Liberationist Movements/Mentalities that is.

In all ways though, how to best speak of the impact of not only Colonialism in Africa, but also speak of the impact in all, and of many a Declaration of Independence that is, and in Africa too actually [and as with many an African today, expected to create a core Identity in all, and as based around the Declaration in all, and of Independence too that is]. In all ways even, to speak of the Declaration actually (and not the resistance to Colonial rule either), and of Independence too, and in Africa in all, and as with this referring even to a general African Consciousness in all again, and the belief that we do need to create Identities and as based the Declaration of Independence too, does speak in all ways even, and of Marital Relations that is. That in all ways even, many an African today and as with speak even of Neo-Colonialism for instance, does attempt to create Marital Relations in all, and somewhat similar to those seen in the Western World actually, and without truly knowing, what truly in all again, does constitute African Marital and Gender Relations that is. That in most of the World and outside Africa too, Marital and Gender Relations and as found/seen between a Man and a Woman in all, does speak even and of Discrepancies and between a Man and a Woman too (and as with speak even of Compatibility that is), and as with all this furtherly referring even, and to the creation of Perfect Images of a Man and a Woman (and such as those seen in many a European Fairy Tale too for instance), and by which a Man and a Woman in a relation, are supposed to meet that is. This does differ though, and in Africa too, and where Gender and Marital Relations in all, have been based around what one could call Distinctions actually [in all again, knowing truly what does differentiate a Man from a Woman, and in all ways even celebrating such differences actually, and in a relationship too, and as with this even speaking of African Masculinity in all, and as widely differing in all again, and if perceived from the very lenses in all, and of the Womenfolk that is (that all Women in Africa in all again, actually do differ from each other that is)]. In all again, the creation of Marital Relations and as based around Discrepancies too, and between a Man and a Woman, and as seen around the World and outside Africa too that is, has led to many an Inferiority Complex in all, and amongst many an African too that is.

In all ways the above, Marital Relations, and as speaking even of the pervading presence of the memory of the Declaration of Independence in all, and in Africa today too that is [and as with further speak even and of comparisons and to European and American Marital relations that is].


African Realities

African Realities.

What in all does constitute African Realities? To speak of it all and in all again, is to speak even of Individualism, and Individuality too, and as defined in all, and in African societies that is. In many a way, many an African today is very much disconnected, and from their History in all, and as with regards even, and to Expectations of life that is [and as with speak even of the Natural Order of things actually].

In all ways though, African Realities of life in all, have today been replaced by Modern Realities too, and as with speak even of what does constitute Oppression, Repression and Suppression in all, and as with it all even speaking of our Expectations of life that is [that in all again, Expectations of life, appear to be a general motivator, and for many an African in all again, and as with speak even of rearing children in Africa, speaking of teaching them in all, the Natural Order of things that is].

In many a way, speak of Modern Realities in all, and as with speak even of our Expectations of life, does speak of them as defined from an Institutional perspective too, and as with this primarily even, speaking of ones Background that is [and as with this referring even and to ones Educational Background for instance, or even ones Ethnic Background too, and as said to define in all, ones Expectations of life, and as with speak even of what could truly happen to one in all again, and as with speak even of our desires or wants in all, and in any given place or time too that is]. In all ways even, Modern Realities, and as very much discriminatory too, and even heavily prejudiced in their ways that is.

African Realities though, do differ, and as they in all again, are very much Religious in their ways actually. It does in all ways even, speak of not only defining African Realities, or even African existences too, but in all ways even, speak not even, and of defining the Natural Order of things and as based around Access too (and as is done in the Modern World in all), but truly in all again from the very perspective of Expectations in all that is, and as arising with ones Mental processes too actually. In all ways even, this does speak of defining Expectations in all again, and of life too, and from the very perspective of Beckoning, and even Repelling many a thing out there that is. In all ways even, the very attempt to awaken many an African to African Realities in all (and as versus Modern Realities too), and by stating that it all does speak of Religious Beliefs in all (and such as those seen in the above posted work 'Flash of the Spirit' too), and as versus Beliefs too in all again, and that do go with ones Background that is, Modern too, and as with this speaking even, and of Modern Realities in all actually. 

African Realities (gone Rap):

Modern Realities (gone Rap/Pop):


African History Revisited

African History Revisited.

To speak of revisiting African History in all, is to speak in all ways even, and of Modern attempts in all again, and to interpret African History, and from the very perspective of Scholars and as living in Nigeria and West Africa too that is. In all again, a way of looking into African History, and that has truly distorted the Self-Image that many an African holds of themselves, and by associating African peoples in all, and with other such similar looking peoples in all too, and to be found around the World too actually [and as including Central Asia, the Middle East and even Asia too that is].

In many a way, the above view of looking at African peoples in all, is the one put forward in the above posted work: Africana, and by one Kwame Anthony Appiah, and another Henry Louis Gates Jr. too that is. This view though, is not acceptable to most out there, and African too, and who do not truly identify and in all ways even, and with similar looking peoples in all again, African looking that is, and to be found outside the Continent actually.

To help African peoples in all, make these distinctions, is to in all ways even, speak of what does intrinsically in all again, separate Africans, and from other such populations, and as to be found around the World that is. To begin all this, is to speak of Africa and Africans, and from the very perspective of African Designs actually. That in all again, it is believed that there does exist in all, Knowledge Bodies in all again, that are truly African, intrinsically even, and as with speak even of African Designs that is. In most ways truly even, this does actually refer to African Religion, and as truly existing only in the form of Vodou in all that is [and as with other African looking peoples out there, not Vodou and in all ways even actually]. It is this History in many a way, of African Designs, that can be associated with the History of African Migrant Labour in all, and as with this originating even, and with the History of Phoenicia in all again (and as separate from Egypt too), and as with the Phoenicians in all, said to have been masterly Sailors that is. This History does continue in many a way, and with not only the History of Swahili Sailors into Asia, but in all ways even, does merge with the History of the Kongo/Angola, and as not only Soldier-Sailors into South America (and alongside the Portuguese too that is), but that in all ways even, the modern concept of the Navy, appears to have been born of Africans, and as Soldier-Sailors too that is [and as with the Portuguese, and as Sailors too, and speak even of the Portuguese Jesuits, very much like Warrior-Knights that is, and not Soldiers either]. In all ways even, African Knowledge Bodies as sought out and via Slavery too, and as with speak even of African Slaves and in the Americas, and as reknowed Iron-workers actually (and as with bringing new techniques into the field of Iron-working in all), but that in many a way, the History of African Migrant Labour, has today in all come to be described in many a way even, and from the very perspective of what some do call the African Brain Drain that is. In all ways even, asking or telling many an African out there that, what does make them African, does also speak of the possession in all again, and of forms of Knowledge in all, and as with Vodou too, not to be found outside the Continent that is [and as with this basically speaking even, and of being rather Ideaful for instance].

The second way of looking at African History in general, and as separating Africans and from other African looking peoples outside the Continent too, does speak in all ways even, and of African Art, and also African Aesthetics that is [and as with speak of truly looking African actually]. This in many a way does speak even, and of theories of African Racial superiority in some ways (and as with speak even of the 'Fear of the Black Man' for instance, and in certain Black Caucus circles too that is), but that in all ways even, Africans don't truly see themselves as others do in all, and pretend to view themselves as being Holy that is, when in reality, speak of being African and as with regards to Aesthetics, does instead speak of Sanctity in all [or the very fact that, one cannot be tainted and in all ways even actually]. This in many a way, does speak of viewing African Art, and as with it said even, Classical/ancient in its ways (Ex1, Ex2), and as with the fore posted Art in all, truly speaking of African Aesthetics, and just how in all again, Africans, do truly look like that is [and as compared to African looking peoples outside the Continent actually]. In all, an attempt to shift Africans in all again, and as with speak of Self-Awareness too, and from falsely perceiving themselves as Holy, and instead see themselves and from the very perspective of Sanctity too [and as with interpreting African History in all again, and outside Africa too, and from the perspective of Sanctity that is].

The third way of viewing Africans in all, is unknown to most in Africa, but has become the preferential way in all again, and of viewing anyone said to be African looking in all that is. In all ways even, this does speak of viewing the History of the World in all again, and from the Swahili term Historia too, and as with it even said to speak more of Greek History actually, and not Egyptian History truly either. Historia in all, does speak of viewing Historical events in all again, or even History in itself too, and from the very perspective and of how one is said to Move, Act/Re-Act, or even Do things in all that is. That in all again, speak of Western Supremacy, or even Western Superiority in all, does not truly speak of Technology in itself actually (and as many do believe), but in all ways even, just how Westerners in all again, do perceive themselves, and from the very perspective of how they do Move, Act/Re-Act, and even Do things actually [and as with putting on an accent for instance]. In all ways even, speak of Africa as such, does speak even of Africans viewing African History, and from the perspective of Egyptian, Nubian and Libyan Civilization too, when in reality and in all again, a much better view of all this does speak even of the Kongo in all, and speak in all again, and of Africans, and as defining themselves in all, and as with regards even to the History of Capoeira or the Tango too for instance. In all again, a failure by most Africans today, to define themselves from this perspective (and as with the rest of the World doing as such and in many a way truly even), and as with perhaps even telling one that, to speak of Kenya in all (and not East Africa truly either), is to speak in all again, and of a certain incident in all said to be associated with so called Slaves from East Africa, and in the name of the Zanj Rebellion too that is [that in all ways even, this incident does speak even and of Slavery in all, and as viewed from the perspective of how one does Move, Act/Re-Act, and even Do many a thing that is]. In all, the Zanj, and as hereby said even, to be actually from Kenya in many a way that is.

In all again, Africa as undeveloped and developed, speaks of certain peoples in Africa today, more or less Black African actually, and not truly African either [and as with Black Africans undeveloped, and facing many a self-esteem issue that is].

African 'Supremacy' modes:

Black 'Supremacy' modes:

Sunday 29 December 2013


The VOA.

Probably in many a way, the most recommended source of News in all (International that is), and for those in Uganda too perhaps, and as with regards even, to those wishing in all again, in putting out Positive Images of Africa actually, and around the World too that is.

As A Man Thinketh

As A Man Thinketh.

For those in the rest of Africa, and who do wonder what to make of the very fact in all that, the History of Abyssinia (Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia) in all, and as region too, has very much been Christian in its ways, is to acquaint it in all even, and as with speak even of Religious beliefs and as seen amongst the Maasai peoples of Kenya too, and with the above Christian work: As A Man Thinketh (and by James Allen too that is).

St. Kizito & the Three Ugandan Matyrs

St. Kizito & the Three Ugandan Matyrs.

To speak of Cosmology in all, is to speak in all ways even, and of what some do term Human Affairs. At the very least in all again, the attempt in all, to apply Cosmology in all again, and into Human Affairs too, and as in truly wondering even, why the inexplicable does happen that is. In many a way, to speak of African Cosmology, is to speak of it all, and as helping in all again, define African Law actually.

In general though, African Law today, and in its most basic sense too, can be said to be divided into three spheres of influence in all. The first in all again does speak of Law, African, and as perceived via the lenses of traditional African Religions, and which can be basically classified as being Vodou too that is. The second does speak of the region of Abyssinia in all (Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia), and where Religious beliefs in all again, have always been Christian in their ways actually, making the original/indigenous peoples of these region, very much Christian in all that is [and as with the Law too actually] [and as with further speak even of Italy and Europe too that is]. The third way of perceiving African Law today, does speak even of Migratory trends into Africa in all, and as with speak even of those not perceived truly African actually, and in speech, behaviour or manners too that is [and as with they even not readily respecting in all, Indigenous or Native forms of Authority that is]. In all again, this group can be classified as being Missionary, and as their Religious beliefs in all, do span Christianity, Islamic beliefs, and even Asian religious beliefs too, and in many a way even, the group of people in all again, and as with regards to African History too, who can best be classified as being 'Black Africa' that is [and as with all this even speaking of Black Power Movements, Black Separatist Movements and even Black Liberation Movements, and as seen on the Continent, and outside it too actually].

In all ways though, the reason for this post, is to talk of the story of St. Kizito and the Three Ugandan Matyrs. In many a way, this story does appear to be Cosmological in its ways, and as with it even believed, to have come to strongly shape a general Ugandan Consciousness in all, and as with regards even to general Law in itself, and in all again, what is believed said good or bad that is. In all again, in attempting to erase this general consciousness in all (and as with the story of the Three Ugandan Matyrs too, said to very much speak of whom Modern Ugandans in all again, are with and as with regards to general Lawful behaviour too that is]. In all ways even perhaps, an attempt to reconnect Uganda to its true past, and as with speak even of Modern Law in itself, said to be subjective in its ways that is [or in many a way even, simply limiting one, and as with regards to full Human expression actually]. In all ways even, the above work posted 'African Cosmology of the Bantu-Kongo', and as believed even truly suited in all again, and for an upcoming Ugandan Generation in all, and as with the attempt even, to erase the harmful effects of Modern Law in Uganda today (and as with it Missionary too), and in all ways even, help the average Ugandan in all, free their thoughts in all again, and as with regards even, and to full Human expression that is.

The Ugandan Youth today:

The Primeval

The Primeval.

When we do speak of the Primeval, we are in many a way even speaking of the very origins of Civilized life and on this Earth too, and not as based around Political life that is, but truly in all ways even, speak of developing what some do term Humanity actually [or speak even of developing Sociable relations, and with just about everyone of interest too that is]. In all again, this does speak of societies in all, and as believed even evolving, and as based around three main streams in all: Hunters & Gatherers, Farmers and also Nomads too actually.

It is here though, where Africa in many a way is deemed a failure in all again, and as the Primeval in all, is not known to have existed and in well developed formats that is [and as with speak even of Archaeology too actually]. In many a way, speak of the failure of African societies to develop in a recognizable manner in all, speaks in all again and of the failure in all truly even, and in developing proper forms of African Humanity [and as with many an African out there, not willing to readily help their brethren in all that is]. 

The exception to all this, lies in three main regions/parts of Africa, and where in all again, Humanity, and as with speak even of Sociable relations, are more developed than in other parts of Africa, and leading to societies, where History is a recordable fact in all again, and as with regards even to perceiving History, and from the very perspective of Humanity too that is [and as with most African History in all, and as perceived based around Humanity too, and as with further speak even of daily events in all, falling mainly and into the realms of Oral History that is]. 

The exception though in many a way, does lie in three parts of Africa: South Africa & Namibia, Abyssinia (Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia), and also Egypt too, and as regions in all again, recognized around the World, and as based around Humanity too, and as compared to the rest of Africa that is, and as with Egypt too, having developed Nomadic cultures, Abyssinia and Hunter & Gatherers cultures, and also South Africa & Namibia, and speak even of somewhat developed Farming cultures too that is. In all again, these three places and as having folks in all, that most outside Africa, do somewhat take interest in, and as with speak even of general friendships that is.

Saturday 28 December 2013



There is false belief out there, and one that, does often truly associate even, Reggae music, and with Africa in all that ios. This is not actually truly true in all again, and as Africa in all truly even and today too, has come to be shaped and by Reggae music and from in many a way even, a regional perspective that is [in all that, certain regions or places of Africa, popular too, do listen to Reggae music in all, and as with speak even of Zimbabwe and Harare too, and in many a way even, a popular association of Reggae music in all again, and with the whole of Africa too that is] [and as with furtherly speak even, and of a general African spirit that is].

However though, to put Africa into context, is to perhaps state that, outside Abyssinia in all (Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia), all Africans are truly in all again, similar to Ugandans actually. If this view is taken and as a belief actually correct in all, one then find that the ideal music from/of the Americas in all again, Ethnic too, and that does go with this view of all Africans and outside Abyssinia too, and as said similar to Ugandans in all that is, then speak of a general African spirit in all again, and as with speak even of Popularism too, does speak in all ways even, and of acquainting Africa, and with Salsa music actually.




For those in Africa in all, and young in spirit too, and who still in many a way are obsessed with seeking to live out a life in the so termed Western World in all, then in all ways even is to tell them that, when they do think which International city out there, truly suits them and in spirit and nature too, then in all ways even is to tell them that, its actually Montreal in all.

This entry in many a way, is dedicated to two Ugandans in all again, I did happen to meet while staying/living in Montreal in all: Mr. Olavi Matovu, and of one other said Arthur Ntozi too actually.

Frantz Fanon

Frantz Fanon.

The Psychology of the Modern/Western African Family in all, and in many a way really, where Africa does meet the Carribbean actually.


of Zaire.

To speak of Zaire in all, is to perhaps speak of misrepresenting the region of the Congo, and as one ruled by Dictatorships too actually. In all ways though, to speak of Zaire in all, is to actually speak of it all truly even, and as being nothing more, than an African Aesthetic, and even an African look too that is. An African Aesthetic in all, that in all ways even, was supposed to represent in all again, Modern Age African Royalty and Elitism too, and as with this speaking even, and of viewing African peoples in all again, and from the perspective of Caste and Workers too that is. In all, a look or Aesthetic in all again, that was supposed in all to go with the breeding of a new class of African Intellectuals and Leaders too, and as with they defining themselves and from the perspective of Royalty in all, and in all ways even, solving problems in Africa, and as based around Caste too, and Caste in all again, and as perceived by African Royal Classes that is [and not Government truly either].

In all, Zaire, of Congolese history, of Lubumbashi, Haut-Katanga, the Congolese past, of Zimbabwe, of Bantu history, the Bantu past, as having been somewhat more memorable than most believe it to have been, but never in all again, did reach its full potential in most ways actually.


Friday 27 December 2013

Respect, Honour & Loyalty

Respect, Honour & Loyalty.

To speak of Respect, Honour & Loyalty, and on a basic level too, is to then mention that, it all does speak of Organization in all, and even Self-Organization too. In many a way though, how one in all does define Respect, Honour & Loyalty, does differ in all too even, and around the World that is. Africa in all again, is actually rather unique in its ways and as with regards to this, and as defining Respect, Honour & Loyalty, does differ, and in Egypt, South Africa, and the rest of Africa too that is.

In all, one does find Egyptian norms of defining Respect, Honour & Loyalty, more prevalent around the World, and as they do speak even of Planes of Knowing, Understanding and Comprehension too. In South Africa though, speak in all again, and of Respect, Honour & Loyalty, does speak even, and of Stratums actually, and of Knowing, Understanding and Comprehension too. In the rest of Africa though, speak even of Respect, Honour & Loyalty, does speak even actually, and of Levels of Knowing, Understanding and Comprehension too. All this too, and for those Africans who do believe in Organization in all, Modern too, and as based around Planes of Knowing or Understanding that is.

In all again, Planes of Knowing and Understanding, and as referring to Comparison in all, Levels of Knowing or Understanding, and as speaking even of Weighing in all (and as with Weighing ones chances too that is), and with Stratums of Knowing or Understanding on the otherhand, and as speaking even of Correlation in all that is.

Thursday 26 December 2013



What they do call Affluence and unknown to most too, is actually pretty much, an African way or manner, and of defining Wealth & Materiality too. All this in all again, and in an Africa, where many a Materiality in all, is not known to bring full or partial even, satisfaction, and in everyday lives too that is.

Affluence, and as with speak even of the image posted above, while considered in many a way American too, actually in many a way really, came to be defined in all, and in America too, and by Africans, Igbos especially, and as some slaves too actually [and as with speak even, and of the 'inventor' George Washington Carver that is].

In all ways even, Africa today, has come to be highly defined in all, and by seeking to define life in all again, and as based around only Materiality that is [and the worship somewhat of South Africa too that is]. In all ways even, all this leading to a culture of hatred and envy in all, and all over Africa too, and as with regards even, and to finding satisfaction in all again, and as based around living lives truly defined only, and by Materiality in itself that is [and as with speak even, and of attempting to limit others and from developing in all, and as in acquiring certain forms of Materiality too that is].

To get Africa back on its feet, and as with offering its peoples in all, alternate ways of living and in the name of diversity too, is to in all again truly attempt to speak on what a life in Africa, and as based around only Materiality in all, should truly be like: that it in all, should be based around Affluence that is. In all again, three basic forms of materiality posted below, and in helping build communities and across Africa too (some even interconnected) [but with all this perhaps, with the exception of Egypt, Somalia and Ethiopia too], and as based around living a life truly only defined in all, and by Materiality too that is.

1. The Telecaster

2. Work Overalls

3. Cashewnuts

The Walking Dead

The Walking Dead.

To speak of the Walking Dead, is to in many a way even, speak of Trauma, and as it often shows up in Africa that is. That in many a way, Trauma in all, and as with speak even of the Walking Dead, can be said to arise in all again, and with being disconnected, and from ones Ancestors too that is (and as with speak even of Taboo perhaps), and in many a way, leading to experiences, similar to those seen in Oroonoko that is.

Wednesday 25 December 2013

The African Psyche

The African Psyche.

To speak of the African Psyche, is to speak of Africans in all again, and as Indomitable too, and in just about any given situation that is, but with this Psyche in all again, defined differently in Abyssinia (Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia) too, and as with the Psyche in Abyssinia, more or less Christian in its ways actually.

In all again, speak of the African Psyche, is to speak of Africans and as Starters in all again, and in everything they do actually, and as compared to places outside Africa in all, many too, where the Psyche in all again, does speak of being a Beginner actually [and in many a way even, all this speaking of general African society in all, and as filled with Starters too, and as with speak even of Work Ethic in all again, and as compared to be a Beginner too, and outside Africa in all too really].

Deconstructing Africa

Deconstructing Africa.

To speak in many a way, and of Deconstructing Africa, is to speak in all ways even, and of what does constitute African Philosophy in all that is. That in all again, African Philosophy, does speak even and of an Energy Matrix in all, and where it is believed that inputing/feeding energy/knowledge into it, and in a general sense too, and to a certain point that is, will result in certain results showing up in all [and as with this basically even speaking of what some do socially term Vibes actually, and as with Vibes too, capable of having one live their lives and as they pretty much wish to define them that is] [and speak even furtherly, and of beliefs that Africans in all, are corrupt by nature too that is].

In all again, Deconstructing Africa, does speak even of not only categorizing Africa in all, but in all again all this truly even referring to Africa in all, and as Regionally divided into various parts too, and as with speak even of Southern Africa, and Eastern Africa too for instance.

In all, this actually does speak of Modern African Philosophy in all again, and as having come to be defined in all truly even, and by Nubian, Yoruba and even Igbo Philosophical Thought too actually. In all, an attempt in the Modern Times, to view African Philosophy, and by comparing it in all, and to European and American Philosophy, and as with this even speaking of African notions of Empowerment too [or in all again, Beliefs we do wish to believe in all, and as with they even, making us in general, feel really good about ourselves, our lives, and even our expectations and of just about anything or everything out there too that is].

The purpose of this post though, is to attempt to realign Modern African Philosophy in all, and as with it believed even to have Nubian, Yoruba and Igbo origins to it all, and instead very much center it in a world in all, that once did exist, and was known even, and to the Portuguese Jesuits too that is: this in all again, speaking of the very world of the Kongo actually.

To speak in all again, and of Modern African Philosophy, and as more or less not speaking of truly defining the limits of experiencing Life in all (and as it once did that is), but instead, simply speaking even of Empowering Africans, and as with making them simply feel good and confident about themselves that is, is to in all again attempt in all, and to ground it in the very world of Kongo Religious Beliefs too that is. In all again, Modern African Philosophy, and as with it even now, helping somewhat unite African peoples in all, and as with it even speaking of offering African peoples in all again, all sorts of opportunes actually, and in experiencing life, and on the African Continent too that is [and beyond it even] [and as with this basically in all again, speaking of Africans in all, and who do amass Wealth, and in another African Country too that is].

N'Kisi: To speak of N'Kisi in all, is to speak in all ways even, and of African Philosophy, and as defined based around Social Identities too. In many a way, this does speak of the African Continent in all, and as mainly holding Social Revolutionary sentiments, and as compared to Political Revolutionary sentiments, and as is often seen in South America, North America and even Europe to some extent too actually. In all again, all this speaking of African Totemism, Fetishism, Animism etc., and as coming to define African Social Identities in all, and not Political or Religious Identities either.

Political Centers: Many African Cities, are often perceived, and from the very belief in all that, they are actually Capital Cities. In many a way, speak of Capital Cities, does speak even, and of they solving problems, and from more or less a Cultural perspective too, and not a Political one either. In all ways even, speak of African Cities, and as Political Centers too, does speak even and of their being admired in all, and as with their being Highly Esteemed, Recognized or even Worshiped too, and for offering a Political Solution in all, one admired too, and to many a problem out there actually, and as with speak even of being Connected too in all. In all ways even, the very world of African Internal Affairs, and in many a way too, the very world even and of Enigmatic African Political Leaders too that is [and as with speak even of Idi Amin perhaps, or even Tom Mboya too actually].

Palo Mayombe: Many out there, and in Africa too, might have heard of the term 'Naija' actually. This in many a way, does speak even and of Orisha worship, and as seen in Nigeria too, However in all again, it does speak very much, and of the very world of Popularized/Famous Africans in all, and as with they even somewhat Celebrity like in their ways actually, and as with this in all again, speaking even, and of Nigerians/'Naija', and as with they the more popular of Africans out there too that is [and as with this popularity in all, going along with Orisha worship too that is]. However, to speak of Popularized/Famous Africans, and in Modern Africa today too, is to perhaps put aside 'Naija' in all (and as with this speaking even and of Africans breaking into the American Music and Movie Industries), and instead bring back the very world of Popularized/Famous Africans, and as based around the world even, and of the Kongo Palo Mayombe Belief systems too that is.

Lingua Franca: To speak of Lingua Franca and Africa, is to speak in all again and of the very world in all, and at the very least too, and of African Languages actually, and as very merging in many a way, and with English too for instance, or many another respected and politicized Language and outside to Africa too that is. In all ways even, this does speak of Africa and as divided into Lusophone, Anglophone and even Francophone Africa too, and with the false belief that, it was the Anglophone or the Francophone that did in all, come to exist first, when in reality, Africa has been Lusophone, and for a rather long period in all, and dating back to the times of the Kongo Kingdoms too that is. In all again, speak even of the very world of reknowed African Figures, and as with this furtherly even, speaking of many an African Political Institution, not only rather Local in its ways, but having Influence far and wide, and in many a way too, speak of these Institutions, and as very much Behavioural in their ways, and not speak of one being Highly Educated either that is. 

African Diplomacy: To speak of African Diplomacy, is to speak of African states of Being actually. In all again, this does refer to the African Mind, or even speak of African Souls too actually. In all truly even, speak in all again, and of African concepts of Power in all (and as with this truly speaking even of Humanity and what it does mean to be Human/'Sacred' actually), but that in all ways even, African Diplomacy can be said, to have its origins, and not with African efforts to recreate their societies in all, and after the Colonial period too, but that in all ways even, it does have to do and with the History of Central Africans in the Americas (and as including America too), and some as slaves too, and as coming even to have an impact, and on White Society in these places that is [the very false belief in all that, it is groups from Mali, Nigeria/Yourba/Igbo and even Ghana too perhaps, that did come to shape American societies in all, and as with speak even of Blues Music, Jazz or even Rhythm & Blues too that is (and not RnB either)]. In reality though, those in the Americas in all and as including North America too even (and as with speak of Esteemed White Society), and as possessing said African Behavioural norms in all, that are actually truly Central African in their ways, and not those seen amongst other African peoples too that is [a good example of all this, would be to speak of Michelle Obama for instance]. In all ways even, a rather good way of thinking of African Diplomacy, and even the African Diaspora too, and from the very perspective of Central Africans in all, and their History, and in the Americas too that is.

Tuesday 24 December 2013



To speak of Duality and in Africa, is to speak in all ways even, and of it and as coming in all again, and to be defined along the lines of Gender too [and speak even of Duality in all, and as simply perceived even, and from the very perspective of being Male and Female too]. There is however, another more suitable way of perceiving Duality in African societies, and as based around Ancestor Veneration too. In all, Duality and as perceived via Ancestor Veneration in all, speaking even of African concepts of Wholeness too, and even African perceptions in all again, and of what does constitute in all truly even, of African Drama that is.

Monday 23 December 2013

The Gris-Gris Man

The Gris-Gris Man.

Many in Uganda or Kampala in itself too, might have heard of the Gris-Gris Man actually. He though, and as a reknowed African Figure too, is somewhat misunderstood. This in many a way, does lie with the belief that, the Gris-Gris Man in all, does in all again solve problems, and in a rather unconventional manner too, and in an Africa in all, that actually somewhat does truly try to be Western, and in mindsets too that is.

In all again though, the Gris-Gris Man, can be perceived in a certain way actually. For he in many a way, he is truly a Religious Figure in all, but with his Religion in all again, truly in all not actually Vodou [and which is the conventional Religion in all, to be seen all over Africa too, and as including Egypt that is, but outside Abyssinia too actually (Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia)]. In all, the Gris-Gris Man, is actually truly associated and with what some do call Hoodoo actually.

A fine way though, to properly view the History of the Gris-Gris Man, is to know that he is very much associated, and with what some do call Ancestral Memory. For it is the Gris-Gris Man, and as a kind of revolutionary figure too, and as with Hoodoo even, speaking of being Knowledgeable in Oracular Knowledge in all, Millitancy, Herbology & Medicine, Religious Art/Music and even what some do term Traditional Banking too. In many a way, the Gris-Gris Man, and as an African archetypal figure, at the very least does teach one, how to live life, and as based around ones Home too that is. That in all, the Gris-Gris Man, and as a Local Figure too, was said in all, to very well help one stake out any success they did so wish for, and as with this speaking even, and of the Gris-Gris Man too, and speak even of Ancestral Memory that is (or the African past actually), truly helping the Individual African in all, truly learn just what in all again, to aspire for, and in Life too that is [and as with saying that, and as in putting the Gris-Gris Man into context, that Western Entertainment Media in all, has very well replaced the Gris-Gris Man and in African lives too, and as with helping Africans even, truly define what Individual success in all truly is, or what in all again, will truly make them happy that is]. In all again, to put the Gris-Gris Man into a certain light, and as with speak even of the difficult lives many a person in Africa today might live, and as with furtherly speaking even of seeking out Individual Success too, is to go as far, as associating in all, the Gris-Gris Man actually, and with what some do calls 419 Crime in Nigeria too, and as a form of African Trickery too that is.

To put the Gris-Gris Man into a much better context in all and for the younger African today too that is, is to perhaps speak of him Mythically, and as an American would too perhaps, and as with furtherly even associating the Gris-Gris Man in all, and in a mythical fashion too, and with the Jimi Hendrix Song 'Along the Watchtower' actually [and a Song too, that does speak even and of what African Rock Music in all, would sound like actually] [and as with this speaking even, and of Igbo and Bantu (Cameroon) peoples too that is].

In all again, perhaps asking those in Africa in all or Uganda truly even, that when they do seek out Media in all, and for the Home too, then let it be along the lines of 'Along the Watchtower' actually, and as with helping even bring back the Gris-Gris Man into African lives, and as with simply helping Africans too, truly think about or even truly again, deeply contemplate their lives in all, and as with regards even to any actions taken that is, and as with Ancestral Memories too, speaking in all again and of Africa as truly grounded in Ancestor Worship that is, and as a Belief system in all, to be highly respect that is [and as with this even speaking of Losing oneself, and never truly caring to know or understand anything that is].

Thursday 19 December 2013

Modern Africa

Modern Africa.

To speak of Modern Africa in all, is to speak of it in all again, and as coming to be highly defined, and by three elements that is: News Media, Photography and even Modern Dress too. In all ways though, the three in all, are said even to be highly unregulated (and as with speak even of a Foreign News Media Channel, reporting on an African Country, and with no proof in all, and of the validity of what they are reporting on that is).

In all ways though, it can be said that News Media in all again has come to define Africa Socially, while Photography in all, is in many a way associated and with Political life in Africa, while Modern Dress in all again, has very much come in all, and to truly define Economic life in Africa that is.

In helping those in Anatolia in general, think about the three social forces above: News Media, Photography and even Modern Dress too, is to attempt perhaps to tell one of just how in all again, to truly think of the above three social forces, and from an Institutional manner too that is.

Educational Facilities/Institutes & Librarian Services: In all ways even, Educational facilities in all, and as recommended even, and for helping regulate News Media in all, and as with offering in all again, alternate News Media, and that one can seek out too that is.

Health Facilities/Institutes & Health oriented Research: In all ways even, Health Facilities in all, and as recommended even, and in helping regulate Politicized Photography in all again, and as with the belief even that, those who do work in such Institutes, Health Institutes that is, can come up with Photography of Africa on their own (and as with choosing them out), and which is believed legitimate and in offering Images of Africa too, and that are believed truthful or correct in their ways that is.

Law Institutes & Constitutional/Legal Research: We live in a World today, where what one could term Modern Dress in all, is actually truly Racialized in its ways actually. That only certain peoples, and as with those having Caucasoid Features even, or even those having Elongated Bodies in all, are said in all again, to be able to truly fit, and into most Modern Dress that is. In all again, those well fitting in Modern Dress, as generally respected or even highly accepted in all, and despite even their being criminals or even unintelligent peoples too that is. In all ways though, Law Institutes, and as with helping deal with all this, and as with truly even attempt to define Constitutional profiles, and of generally respected and highly accepted peoples in society that is.