Saturday 25 October 2014

African Cartography

African Cartography.

The spirit of Africa; and as in telling one that, learning just how to best to 'Map out', 'Trace out' or 'Chart out' Africa in all that is, is truly the key, and to learning just how best to go about Developing in all, Africa that is.

Friday 17 October 2014

the Diloggun

the Diloggun.

There is a tendency by most, and to in all ways even, associate Nigeria, and with the Opon Ifa in itself (Link), when in reality, Nigeria, is in all ways even, very much truly, like the Diloggun that is.

Sunday 12 October 2014



This entry in all, will attempt to speak, and of just where in all again, Africa, is in all said to be headed, and in speak of creating Civil societies/cultures that is, and that do in all again, accommodate all. That African societies/cultures in the past, and as now said truly centered in all perhaps, and in speak of the Akan/Ashanti (and even speak of the 'Nok Civilization' too), does speak in all, and of the following entry, and in the 'Dar' Blog that is [Link]. That African societies/cultures in the past, are now said to be evolving, and in speak of Political Organization in all, and as now said Local too, and which does in all even speak of Africans, and as said holding many a Discussion and into the Night perhaps, and as going along in all even truly, and with speak of Diatribe in itself that is [and further speak too perhaps, and of African Semiotics in all][Link]. 

However though, another Africa does exist, and one that can be said centered in all, and in speak of South Africa too, but speak truly in all even, and of Kenya that is. An Africa, and as going along in all again, and with speak of Figures and such as HM Stanley for instance, and which does speak in all even, and of the following entry: [Link]. An Africa in all again, believed truly Acrimonious in its ways, and as it does in all even speak of Genetic Breeding, and Racial/race Theories that is.

There is however another Africa and that could very well be said to exist (and alongside the two mentioned above), and that could very well be said in all again and to go along in all, and with truly attempting to define Africa, and in speak of EQ (Emotional Quotient) that is [and with EQ in Africa today, surprisingly enough, and in speak here of it all and as said even a personal statement, said to speak of Angola that is] [EQ Africa].

Friday 10 October 2014

Suddenness / Sudden Impact

Suddenness / Sudden Impact.

The very sounds in all, and of the Truth/Reality in itself, and for those in all again, very much ascribing or subscribing in all, and to life in Africa, and as very much explained on this very Blog that is.

Tuesday 7 October 2014

The (War) Council

The (War) Council.

In speaking of the Council or War Council too, is to in many a way refer and to the very known or said belief that, Africa, is in many a way a Continent in all, often said to be in a state of War/Warring that is.

To understand the above better, is to perhaps in all again, speak of just how best to define Communications, and that do in all even speak of War/Warring, and as referring and to speak of Africa too that is.

That to speak of Egypt, the Council, and even War/Warring, it does in all even speak of 'the Watch', and as with it not only and popularly too, referring and to a Watchtower for instance, but in all ways even, speak of Intelligence, and in the very form of the 'all Seeing Eye' that is.

In speaking of Greece, the Council, and speak even and of War/Warring, and as referring in all, and to Communications, and as speaking of Tessellations, and as furtherly speaking even, and of the moniker 'Anonymous' that is.

In speaking of Italy on the otherhand, the Council, and War/Warring too, and as speak of Communications in all, and as very much going along in all again, and with speak of Plausibility/Conjecture that is [and speak too in all again, and of the World today, truly said functioning as such that is].

In regards and to speak of Africa, a difficult view in all, and of War/Warring, the Council and the Communications that do go with it all, and as said to speak in all again, and of the term 'in Memorium', and not Memory in itself either that is.

Sunday 5 October 2014

African Sexuality

African Sexuality.

This entry, short in its ways, will attempt to propose for an African Sexuality, and that does speak of African Women, and as said imperfect/tainted, and African Men, and as said imperfect/stupid, and in speak of the Sexual Bond too that is.

African Democracy

African Democracy.

Thursday 2 October 2014

An African Awakening

An African Awakening.

This entry in many a way, will simply introduce the very idea that, life, and as lived in Africa, is truly grounded in all, and in speak of Consciousness in itself that is. That to perhaps make all this clearer, is to not only associate African life in all, and with it said traditionally grounded and in speak of Ancestor Worship & Veneration too, but that interestingly enough, lots of Media in the World today, is said, simply perceived, and from such a Perspective/Consciousness that is [that of Ancestor/Ancestral Identity that is].

This entry though, will attempt to simply claim that, life in Africa (and outside Egypt in many a way too) [and from speak of History in itself that is], is simply said lived, and in the fomenting or creating, and of just about any Consciousness wished for that is, and as with it all even spelling out the name Africa in itself too, but that in knowing all this, it does in all even speak of African Identity, and as going along in all and with speak and of many a Constriction placed in all, and as having to do with Family, History or even speak of Success in itself too (and as said imprisoning one that is), and such that, many of Africa's problems and as having to do with speak of Somasis/Response (and further speak even and of Death in itself too), are simply said in many a way solvable that is [and in an Africa today, and where in all, just about all that is said possible, is truly associated, and with speak of a Consciousness, and that does go along in all even, and with speak actually, and of African Militaries that is].