Wednesday 16 November 2016

The Body

The Body.

When it can be said that, Uganda, can too be said even, perceived in all, and as said too, the very said center of Africa that is, we can too be said even to refer, and to Ugandans, and as said even characteristically that is, said even similar, and to just about any other said Africans, and as said even to speak of Egyptians too that is. Having presented Uganda and in such said light, now is to in all even associate talk of Uganda, and in said regard to Africa, and with talk too, and of said even Prevailing Conditions, and that do in all even it can be said, simply hamper Africa, and in any said endeavour too that is.

In all, Uganda, and as said now too, perceived, and in talk and of what is said the Body, said even Organizational, and if not Physical too, and of said Ugandan perceptions of the Body, and if not of African History as said perceived as such, and in talk too of the Body, and as now said even Egyptian, said too now to refer, and to talk of Gods and Goddesses for instance, while that said to speak of Christianity, the Body that is, is said even spirit, but that it is that Body, said even to refer, and to what is said Iconography, and that would too very well speak of Uganda, and if not of Africa, and in said regard and to speak and of the prevailing that is.