Monday 11 November 2013

National Theatre

National Theatre.

Many an African Country, still struggles with the issue, and of just how in all, to best create National Identities. Many an attempt in all again, does speak of the very use of Modern Governments for instance, to create Tribalized National Identities in all, or even the very use of Educational Systems too, to somewhat create Racialized National Identities in all, or even furtherly again, the very use of History and Historical events in all, to very much create Judicial/Localized National Identities that is.

In all ways though, it is perhaps best believed that the very use of National Theatre/Arts, still remains one of the best ways of uniting a people (Country) in Africa, and as with regards to National Identities that is.

Saturday 2 November 2013

The African Consciousness & Collective

The African Consciousness & Collective.

To speak of Africa, and as an Entity even and as different in all, and from the rest of the World too, is to in many a way even, speak of Consciousness and even the Collective/Soul, and as perceived in all again, and in Africa that is. One in many a way even, finds that the ancient and old Worlds (before the British times in all), did find inspiration and as with regards to speak of Consciousness and the Collective/Soul too, from Africa actually [or Egypt truly even]. In more recent times though, from the British Era in all that is, one finds Consciousness and the Collective/Soul in all again, defined from an Asian perspective actually [and as with the Collective/Soul in the World today, and as defined from a Asian perspective in all, actually speaking even for instance, and of Bass rhythms, and as seen or heard in RnB music for instance]. 

In many a way though for those in Kamp-o in all, and even Anatolian Kampala to some extent too, is to tell them that, knowing themselves as truly African in all [and as with speak even of Africa and as an Independent Entity from the rest of the World], does in many a way even, speak of defining Consciousness and the Collective/Soul in Africa, and that in many a way too, Consciousness in Africa in all, actually does find a home in Botswana, and with the Collective/Soul in Africa, finding a home in Nigeria too [but with all this again, actually not speaking of Abyssinia in all (Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia), and where in all again, one does find the definitions of Consciousness and the Collective/Soul in all, to be rather unique in their ways actually].