Saturday 2 November 2013

The African Consciousness & Collective

The African Consciousness & Collective.

To speak of Africa, and as an Entity even and as different in all, and from the rest of the World too, is to in many a way even, speak of Consciousness and even the Collective/Soul, and as perceived in all again, and in Africa that is. One in many a way even, finds that the ancient and old Worlds (before the British times in all), did find inspiration and as with regards to speak of Consciousness and the Collective/Soul too, from Africa actually [or Egypt truly even]. In more recent times though, from the British Era in all that is, one finds Consciousness and the Collective/Soul in all again, defined from an Asian perspective actually [and as with the Collective/Soul in the World today, and as defined from a Asian perspective in all, actually speaking even for instance, and of Bass rhythms, and as seen or heard in RnB music for instance]. 

In many a way though for those in Kamp-o in all, and even Anatolian Kampala to some extent too, is to tell them that, knowing themselves as truly African in all [and as with speak even of Africa and as an Independent Entity from the rest of the World], does in many a way even, speak of defining Consciousness and the Collective/Soul in Africa, and that in many a way too, Consciousness in Africa in all, actually does find a home in Botswana, and with the Collective/Soul in Africa, finding a home in Nigeria too [but with all this again, actually not speaking of Abyssinia in all (Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia), and where in all again, one does find the definitions of Consciousness and the Collective/Soul in all, to be rather unique in their ways actually].