Friday 29 August 2014

Marriage Counselling

Marriage Counselling.

In speak of Marriage Counselling or Counselling in itself too [Link], is to in all ways even, speak here too, and of South Africa in all. That South Africa, still remains a relatively poor place in all perhaps, and as the South African Economy for instance, does truly speak of Wealth Disparities, and that do go along in all, and with defining South Africa, and as truly said even, a Welfare State that is.

In truly attempting to take into account and of the above said in all, is to in all ways even, speak of poverty in South Africa, and as truly said speaking and of the South African Memory that is (and as said in all again, and to speak of Warring and Apartheid too for instance), but that speak truly perhaps, and of the very fact that South Africa in all, does in all again find itself, struggling to define itself in all, and in speak of concrete Worldviews, and as with they in all even said African too that is [that despite South Africa's attempt to Modernize in all, they very much can't seem to escape their African self that is, and as with this in all even referring and to the very fact that, most of their problems in all are simply said African in their ways/manners, and as with they in all again even, believed to arise, and with speak and of their failure, and in taking into account, a Worldview, and that is simply said and to speak of Africa too that is (and alongside speak of Credo Mutwa here for instance)]. 

In all again, speak truly here, and of the attempt to make South Africa a part of Africa (and away from speak of Kenya truly too) [for Kenyan Developmental Ambitions in many a way, do speak and of Italy in many a way too], but that in all ways even, South Africa and as perceived as African, and in Worldview too, does simply speak now, and of the Rite of Marriage that is.

Sage Publications

Sage Publications.

Towards the constructing in all, and of African Worldviews, and as said not only to speak and of 'Kamp-o' in itself, but in all ways even, Worldviews, and that do speak in all, and of what does truly constitute, and for an African Design that is [Link].

Saturday 23 August 2014

African semiotics

African Semiotics.

This entry in many a way, does have to deal, and with just how best in all, to truly define, Semiotics (Link), and in African societies too. That Semiotics, is often truly associated and with speak of Survival in itself (Psychic too), but with many in all, truly associating it all, and in many a way too, and with speak of (African) Institutions, and Resource Access/Accumulation that is. There is however, a much more fruitful or better way of defining African Semiotics in all (and speak too, and of just where Africa in all, does actually meet Egypt, and in History too), and that does in all, truly speak of defining, just what does constitute and for (everyday) Evil, and in Africa too that is [and speak for instance, and of the African Slave Trader in all].

In all, when one does think and of Africa and in the latter manner, and as versus the former and which does speak of Family, Ancestor Worship & Veneration and Local/Regional Religion too, then in all ways even, it is best to think of it all, and from the following three perspectives:

1. African Philosophy (Humour).
2. African Law (Stigma).
3. African Communications (Stature).

4. African Practises/Ritual [and speak too, and of African Skeletal Systems, and as with they in all even, said Egyptian too that is].

Thursday 21 August 2014

Social Theory

Social Theory.

Cultural Currency and the African Revival:

This entry in many a way, does have to do, and with speak of the Societal in Africa, or poverty in itself too, and as said very much entrenched that is. That this in all, is said now, to be a mark in itself, and on the Conscience of many an African, and such that, it does speak of Taint in itself too that is.

In all, the very belief that, so termed Structural solutions and to Africa's problems, have in many a way failed, and such that, the only solution that does appear to remain, does speak in all, and of Cultural Currency, and as with it all even pertaining, and to defining Africans in all, and in speak of Empathy in itself (and as said truly defining the African Psyche that is), and as with it all even grounded and in speak, and of the Humourist in all [and further speak too, and of what some do term Eminence, and as versus, speak of the search and for Praise in itself that is].

Tuesday 19 August 2014

the Opon Ifa

the Opon Ifa.

of Africa in all, and in the said Setting too that is.

Thursday 7 August 2014

Nubia vs. Egypt

Nubia vs. Egypt.

In speaking and of the said known differences and between Egypt and Nubia, is to first mention in all, that they do in all again truly speak of Political Structures, but that in all ways even, it does all speak of the Egyptian Memory, and as said truly differing and from the Nubian past that is.

The Nubian past:

In all, speak of Egypt and Nubia, and as truly differing though, does speak in all again, and of Egypt too, and as said now Stratified, and into Upper, Middle and Lower Egypt (and in Name & Memory too), and as with it all even referring, and to speak of the very birth and of Egypt and Nubia in all, and as society/civilization too that is. That the Egyptians in all, and in speak here of giving birth and to society/.civilization, do in all follow, the very Model or Belief that, that Humans in all, and as base or uncivilized creatures too, are very much like Primates, and who do in all engage, and in stupefying Behaviour, and that does speak of criminality, adultery or even thieving in itself too, and which in all ways even, does see Egyptian society and as said split between Men and Women, and speak in all too, and of the very rise of the worship of Thoth for instance (and in Lower Egypt too; towards Cairo), but speak in all ways even, and of Egypt society in all, and as coming to be truly defined, and by Egyptian Men too [and further speak in all perhaps, and of animosity and as said and as arising as such, referring, and to what some do term Egypto-Nubian history, and as very much said to speak of Egyptian Women that is].

One though, can not truly fault Nubia, and as Nubian History, is actually truly real [and speak here too, and of Qustul, and Kush or Meroe for instance]. However though, it is believed, that Nubia and as said representing African Civilization, does speak of African society in all, and as arising and with Africans, Primitive to perhaps, and as simply said Disgusting in their ways that is [and speak too and of the bid in all (and as with it all referring and to one and as said initiated into Africa), and in the escaping and of all forms of Disgust that is, and with Africans too in all, and outside Egypt, now said the most Humane and of 'us' all that is][and as in perhaps stating that, Egypt with Disgust (and as with Disgust said Egyptian too), said African in all, and in speak of Aladdin and his Magic Lamp for instance, or further speak even, and of Egyptian Asceticism / 'Islam', and as said to represent Hybrid African Religion that is (Mskitini)].

Egypt & 'African' Disgust:

Friday 1 August 2014