Friday 29 August 2014

Marriage Counselling

Marriage Counselling.

In speak of Marriage Counselling or Counselling in itself too [Link], is to in all ways even, speak here too, and of South Africa in all. That South Africa, still remains a relatively poor place in all perhaps, and as the South African Economy for instance, does truly speak of Wealth Disparities, and that do go along in all, and with defining South Africa, and as truly said even, a Welfare State that is.

In truly attempting to take into account and of the above said in all, is to in all ways even, speak of poverty in South Africa, and as truly said speaking and of the South African Memory that is (and as said in all again, and to speak of Warring and Apartheid too for instance), but that speak truly perhaps, and of the very fact that South Africa in all, does in all again find itself, struggling to define itself in all, and in speak of concrete Worldviews, and as with they in all even said African too that is [that despite South Africa's attempt to Modernize in all, they very much can't seem to escape their African self that is, and as with this in all even referring and to the very fact that, most of their problems in all are simply said African in their ways/manners, and as with they in all again even, believed to arise, and with speak and of their failure, and in taking into account, a Worldview, and that is simply said and to speak of Africa too that is (and alongside speak of Credo Mutwa here for instance)]. 

In all again, speak truly here, and of the attempt to make South Africa a part of Africa (and away from speak of Kenya truly too) [for Kenyan Developmental Ambitions in many a way, do speak and of Italy in many a way too], but that in all ways even, South Africa and as perceived as African, and in Worldview too, does simply speak now, and of the Rite of Marriage that is.