Friday 18 September 2015

the Soothsayer

the Soothsayer.

This entry, will attempt to deal, and with the said even troubling, or problematic too, psycho-somatic condition, and that does too speak, and not and of what truly, is said Perception, but in speak now, and of what is said Accessible, and of what too is said Limited that is. That it all, will attempt to claim that, life in Africa, cannot be truly perceived, and from speak and of what does pass for Presentation, or for Representation too, but in all truly, speak, and of what is said Access, Accessible, and of what too, is simply said Limited, or of said Limits too that is.

That in attempting to make it all too coherent, is to now point, towards, Egypt in itself, and in now too saying that, said African definitions, and of the problematic, or of the troublesome too, and if not of the situational that is, do in all even point, and at said similar Egyptian definitions that is. That the first of these, does have Egypt, and as said Juxtaposed too, and to Africa, and in now associating it all, and with the said term/word too, and of Ntu that is. That this term/word, said to speak and of the Person, can too be said, and to speak of African, and of Egyptian Faces too, and as said too, to speak, and of African Masks, and if not of the Great Sphinx and at Gaza too that is. In now and again, saying that, Africa, is more or less a place said Accessed in all, and not a place either, said lacking in Presentation, or in Representation truly, is to now too and again, point towards, or at Egypt, and in regard, and to what too does pass, and for what a Figure, is said to be that is. That according to the Pygmies of Africa, Twi, or Baka too, a Man, is said to possess a Ba- (or spirit, Mind), and if not a Ka- (Soul) too. However, what we are trying to say here is that, any talk of Ba-, and of Ka-, and of Man too, does actually point and at a Man, and as said too a Figure that is, and if not one, and as said too, truly a Trickster that is. In all, speak of Egypt, and as said too, Paralleled and in its ways/manners in all, and to Africa too that is. 

It is however believed that, the above two manners in all, and of viewing a said Human, African, that of Ntu (Person), or that of the (Trickster) Figure too, is not in all even believed truly adequate in its ways, and in regard, and to speak, and of what too, does pass for the troubling, problematic, and if not of the situational, and in Africa too that is. That what is too been said here is that, Africa, and if not Egypt too, is said in all a place, said too in all, Accessed that is, and not a place truly either, and that can in all be associated, and with speak of Presentation, or of Representation too that is. That in speak and of Africa, and of Egypt, and in regard and to speak and of what Ntu is said to be, speak of the very fact that, it is all too said Accessed, and not Presented, or Represented for, and in speak too now and of Media, and that does too speak of Cine/Film that is. Hopefully, what is been said here is understood, and in regard to what has just been said above, and in now too saying that, Africa, or Egypt too, and as said in all even to go along in all, and with speak and of the (Trickster) Figure, does in all even find itself, not said Presented, or Represented for truly, but in all again, said Accessed, and in regard, and to speak and of Print Media too that is [that hopefully and again, what has been said here is understood, that Africa, or Egypt too, and in regards and to speak of Print Media, is in all even said to speak of Africa, and of Egypt, and in said Parallels, and as having to do, and with speak and of the (Trickster) Figure that is].

However, and if not moreover too, what 'three', can be said here is that, there is another said manner in all, and of viewing the Human, and in regard and to what in all is believed said to speak, and of said reality in itself that is [and as said perceived here, and in speak and of the problematic, the troubling, and if not of the situational too that is]. That this said third manner in all, and of describing the Human, and at his fullest too, is actually believed said even rather difficult in all, and in its said description, for it in all too, cannot be truly Exposed to one (and not said Presented truly either), and in regard, and to talk of Media in itself that is. That it in all, now does too, talk of the Soothsayer that is, and as said too, and to speak of, and of Matches here, and of the said matching too, and of Egyptian Titles, and to those too said African that is, and that does too and in all even, speak, and of the said Story, and of Joseph, and in Biblical Egypt too that is. That Joseph, is now too said, a Character, one said Biblical too, but said living, amongst other said Characters, and that are too said Egyptian that is. That it all now does speak and of Man, and as said too a Character, but what we are trying to get at here, is that, the Character at hand, is too, simply said a Soothsayer in all, for the Soothsayer too, does in all even speak and of the very world and of African, and Egyptian Titles too, but that in all again, the said belief here that, no Media out there, can be said and to speak, and of Africa, or Egypt too, and along the lines of the Soothsayer, and as said Character too, and other than in speak of the Bible that is. However, the very belief here that, Africa, is too best said, and to speak and of the Soothsayer, and not of Ntu, or of the Trickster too, and in now too saying that, this is the very manner in all, those in Africa, should in all even choose, and in reading, or perceiving, the Bible in itself too that is.

In many a way too, speak too now, and of the Hedgehog, African, Ugandan truly, and other said Animals like it, and in said speak too of the Weasel, and as said best here, and to speak and of the Soothsayer, and in Africa too that is.