Sunday 7 September 2014



Those in Kamp-o, or living life and as presented in all, and on this very Blog too, will find themselves living lives, and that do in all again truly speak in all, and of just how Africa does define Time, but in all again, what does constitute and for change, and as with regards to the Times too that is.

That in all, there is something to be said and of the African Continent, and that does go along and with speak of Indulgence and Bondage too that is. That once in Africa, and once exposed to its ways, meanings or affairs too, one in many a way might find themselves, simply losing their way that is [or speak too even, and of a mind, and as said truly distracted in all actually].

That in all, the Psychology of Distraction perhaps, does in all even speak and of whom or who in all, we are with Indulgence and Bondage in itself too, such that, African Philosophy and African lives too in all, are now said to be heavily in all even, dealing, and with issues or matters and as pertaining to Indulgence in itself that is.

In all, the very holiday of Christmas, and as said African too, speaking and of just whom or who in all we are, and with Indulgence in itself too, and as with it now, a Holiday, and as coming in all again, and to truly influence or define, African Heritages, and as going along and with speak of African Art for instance [and a Heritage too, and as said exclusive in all, and to those said African only that is].