Saturday 27 September 2014

To be Human

To be Human.

It takes one, to know one

This entry in many a way, will attempt to help one in all, truly realize perhaps, what does pass for being Human, and around the World too, and as with it in all even going along, and with many an attempt and by many a person, Evil too, and to breed many a Complex (Inferiority and even Superiority too), and onto/in one that is.

That Africans in all, and as with regards to speak of defining Success in the World we live in today, or speak too and of feelings of Insecureness for instance, are not in touch and with just how many out there in the World, do define what it means to be Human [and speak too, and of the possibility of being openly Maltreated in all that is].

That speak of the above and from a Historical perspective too, does see the Egyptians for instance, defining being Human and on the average too, and in speak of Physical Matter / Neuromelanin, Blood / Body Fluids, and even Bodily Gases / Bodily Juices, and such that, Humans in all, are in many a way too, judged directly, and in speak of Physical Attractiveness that is [and further speak too, and of the Egyptian Aesthetic perhaps, and as versus that said African too that is] [Link1, Link2].

While the Greeks in all did define the Human, and alongside speak of Courage in itself too, and in speak of (Bodily) Energy Levels that is [and further speak too, and of beliefs and of Humans, and as said turning in all, and into Werewolves too], it was in Italy though, and where in all again, the Human, is in many a way too, said defined, and in speak of Touch (and ones 'sense of Touch' too that is), but that in many a way truly, speak in all even, and of Memory in itself that is [that it is Italy in all, and as versus America too, and that could be said to more in disregard that is, and of the African Memory, and as with it even often said not Egyptian too that is].

While most of the World can be said to define the Human, and in everyday Experience too, and in speak of the Egyptian Model of the Human, Europeans in all and as Humans, are said Greek, but with Africans in all again, not truly understanding themselves in all, and as Human too, and as they do in all again tend to define the Human, and alongside speak of the United States of America that is [and further speak even, and of the Abolition of Slavery, or even the Civil Rights Movement too that is].

In all, Americans, and as defining the Human, and in speak of Notions of Purity in all (and as going along and with speak of everyday Experiences too that is), but that in all again, Africa, and outside Egypt too, has often in all defined what it means to be Human, and in speak of luck or chance too, and as going along in all, and with speak of Scrutiny/Contemplation in itself, and as truly said to define the everyday African Experience that is [but with 'Black Africa' in all, said to still be struggling, and with their being Human, and in speak of Notions of Purity too that is] [Link].