Monday 6 January 2014

The Traditional African Family

The Traditional African Family.

There are many in Africa in all, and who are in all ways even truly disconnected and from their Self's that is. This in many a way, does speak of the African Family, and as with it said even, to be Evolutionary in its ways actually. To understand this better, is to speak of the low profile even, and of the Modern/Western Family in all, and in helping foment Ties and between Family Members too, and as with speak even of being driven in life, and via basically associating oneself with ones Family too that is [and as with this referring even, and to Somaticism in itself actually].

There are those though who have often romanticized living in Europe in all, and due to the very manner that Europeans in all again, have often idealized Family life that is. That for Europeans in all, Family life in all again, did evolve and as based around themes pertaining to Comedy, Tragedy, Irony and Parody too that is. This is not true of the rest of the World, and where Family life in all, has been envisioned in all again, and as based around factors pertaining to Family Feuding that is [Family Feuding, should not be confused and with Family Fights in all, and which are rather common in the Western/Modern World that is] [and as with Family Fights even, more or less silly/simple in their ways that is, and in many a way, the decline of living standards and as seen around the World too, can be blamed on the poor bonds created, and by many a Family today, and which in many a way have failed to serve, and as a proper Support Mechanism in all, and as with regards to issues pertaining to disaster or failure too that is].

In Africa though, Family has often taken differing norms and to those seen in the rest of the World actually, and as Family in Africa in all again, has often even operated and as based around issues pertaining even, and to Regicide, Patricide, Parricide etc. In all ways too, these themes in all again, and as serving as a basis even, and for the known Wole Soyinka work, 'Death and the King's Horseman', and as with it even speaking of the Yoruba Family that is.

In all ways though, the Traditional African Family, and as believed more stable in its ways, and as with regards even to raising Individuals in all, Fearless by nature, and not only as with regards to failure or disaster too, but in all ways even, mature in their ways, and as with regards to speak of Family oriented Support and Defense Mechanisms that is [and as with Family here in all again, Traditional too, believed said to be based around Mechanisms in all that is, and as compared to the Modern/Western Family in all again, and which is said based around a Social Conscience that is].

In all ways though, one does find Family differing in Africa today, and with this speaking of 5 differing regions/places in all again, and as with regards to all this: Egypt, Ivory Coast/Ghana/Nigeria, Abyssinia (Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia), South Africa, and finally in all again, the rest of Africa too that is.

Finally though, to speak of Dr. Wole Soyinka, and the African Family, is to perhaps in all again introduce issues pertaining to Regicide, Patricide, Parricide etc., and as seen in Christian Abyssinia too that is. That today, Africa and as Cultureless in all, does not speak of it as having Family idealized in all, and in a Modern/Western manner too that is, but that in all ways even, speak of the Modern African Family Conscience, Social too, speaks of it even, and as very much Asian in its ways actually [and as with this referring even, and to Missionary activity in Africa that is]. To Dr. Soyinka though, a source below and that does speak even of issues pertaining to Regicide, Parricide etc., and as seen actually in Christian Abyssinia too, and as with this basically speaking even, and of the fact that Europe, traditionally known to house peoples of differing Colours, White, Brown and Black too, did see some of them, actually move to the region of Abyssinia, and during and before the Colonial period that is. In all ways though, the story told below, that of Georgina, is not actually a European tale, but one in all again that can be said to be adopted, and for life in Abyssinia too, and as it does present Family in all again, and as the Traditional African would know it: Parricide, Regicide, Patricide etc.