Friday 24 January 2014

The Hero with an African Face

The Hero with an African Face.

There are those in Africa, and who have probably heard of the Hero. And while believed more or less a Worldly figure in all, the Hero in many a way has always been truly Greek [and as with those who might falsely believe, he was Egyptian too that is].

This post in many a way, does though, have to do, and with just how we do perceive History in itself actually. That unknown  to many a person today, the very manner and in which History in all (and as with speak of Modern/Western History too), is often perceived, is very much actually, and from an African perspective/manner in all that is. This in many a way in all, does actually speak of what some do call the Spectacle [and as a kind of African Humour too, and which does find a home in all again, and in the Carribean too that is]. That when one does speak of anything Historic, Historical or even speak of History in itself too, many in all, do attempt to present it all, and from the very perspective and of the Spectacle too that is [and as with holding even, a Presidential Conference, a Public Debate (and as versus belong to a Debate Club that is), or even having a Criminal openly arrested and arraigned even, and in a rather public manner too actually]. That in all again, when many do simply seek to record History in itself today, they in many a way basically think around the Spectacle in all that is.

The Spectacle (and the recording of History today):

[The above Songs and on President Barack Obama's Electoral Campaign, actually in many a way do speak even, and for the fight for Freedom and Rights in all, and as somewhat Caribbean too, and not truly American either].

Traditional American styled Campaigns and For Freedoms/Rights:

In many a way though, and despite what one would say about the Spectacle in all, and as a means of recording History, it does actually remain in all, a Valid manner actually, and for the recording of History in Anatolia in all, but in many a way in all, is actually not believed recommendable and for most of the World that is [and as the Spectacle in many a way, simply passes and as a form of basic Humour even, and in Africa too that is].

Traditionally though, History has been recorded, and in a differing manner actually. In many a way, this does speak even and of just whom Scribes in all, were in Egypt actually. That many in all, might have heard and of Egyptian Spirituality, and as somewhat similar even and  to Indian Spirituality in all, and which does in all again, speak of equating Life in all, and with Breathe too, and as with speak even of Pranayama that is. In many a way, to speak of Breathe, and the Breathtaking, is to speak even, and of the Pyramids at Gaza, and as with the Egyptians perhaps, very much attempting in all, and to record History, Egyptian and Other that is, and from the perspective of the Breathtaking that is [and as with all this, speaking of Scribes in all, and as recording in all perhaps, events in Egyptian History (History, Historical, Historic), and in the form of the Breathtaking too that is]. In all ways though, it can be said that the Egyptian way of recording History, is no longer truly alive, and as no one in all today, does perceive History, and as with speak of sentiments too, and from the Breathtaking that is [and as with perhaps stating that, nothing Breathtaking in all, does happen in this day and age that is][and as with all this furtherly speaking even and of (and in example too), Malian Music, and which does attempt to record History, and as with speak even and of Sundiata too for instance, and from the very perspective of the Breathtaking that is].

The Breathtaking:

[and as with furtherly reminding one too that, the original name for Egypt, is actually KMT (and which did speak of Lower Egypt, and towards Cairo that is), while the term Kemet, does speak of Upper Egypt, and with Kemetic, standing for Middle Egypt in all actually. In all, the name Egypt, or Aegypt too that is, standing for just how the Greeks did perceive Egyptian History/'Cultutre' in all, and as with it even referring, and as with speak of Classification too, and to Greek Cultural elements, and as to be seen in 'Egypt'/KMT that is (and as with this speaking even and of the City of Heliopolis for instance)].

In all though, is to perhaps speak of Africa now, and as recording History, and not from the Egyptian perspective in all (and of the Breathtaking too), but in many a way even, from the Greek perspective [and speak of the Hero too that is]. That in all, the Greeks did record History, and from the perspective of the so termed four rhetorical modes, and as with this speaking even and of Argumentation, Exposition, Description and even the Narration too that is [Link] [and further speak too that is, and of the Hero in all actually].

The Hero (Description):

[And as with the above song by Enrique Iglesias, speaking of the Description, and as can be equated in all, and with the Pearl Harbour bombings for instance that is]