Sunday 19 January 2014

The Caribbean

The Caribbean.

Many in Africa, do not truly know why most out there, don't take them too seriously in all actually. In many a way, Africans are often perceived and as being Comical in all, and as with regards even, and to speak of the 'Fool' that is [and as an archetypal figure too actually]. In many a way too, this appears in all again, and to very much have to do, and with a kind of Humour in all [Link1, Link2], that most believe to be truly African, when in reality, it is actually in most ways even, Caribbean in all [and Humour too, more or less in the form of the Spectacle actually] [and as with one not knowing truly even, how some Africans in all again, did come to be associated and with this kind of Caribbean Humour that is]. In all ways even is to tell many an African that, when they do think of Africa and the kind of Humour posted above [the Spectacle in all], then let them think of the Kongo realm, and as it does exist in the Yoruba world that is: and as with all this in all again, speaking of Gelede actually.
