Sunday 19 January 2014



One of the reasons for living out life, very much has to do, and with Celebrating it actually. It is here in many a way, that Africa starts to become Western in all, and as versus Modern too [and speak even of Africa and Modern Infrastructure that is]. In many a way, speak of Celebrating life, does speak even of Youth Development, and as with inspiring even, Youth in Africa, into upholding certain Communal beliefs for instance, and as with keeping in track in all, and with Family traditions too actually.

In Africa today though, one does find in all, that many a Youth are trapped in all this actually, Western forms of Celebrating life, and as with not knowing what else to do about it all that is. Hopefully speaking though, one does find many an African Youth, still adopting behaviour in all, and as originating with Western/American music, and very much of olden African Cultural origins that is [and as with speak even and of the descendants of Africans, and in the Americas too that is]. In all though, one does see three of these kind of African originating Cultural influences in all: Yoruba/Igbo, Congo, and even Kongo too. To speak of Yoruba/Igbo styled Cultural influences and as originating in the Americas for instance, and as with regards to Celebrating life in all, is to speak of a movie and such as the 'Best Man', and which in all ways even does speak of Celebrating life, and as based around relationships in all, and that do go along or revolve around in all too even, Western/American styled Marriages for instance [and as with this speaking even, of those who do define Wealth and Success, and as around Family too that is] [but with Ancestor Worship in all for instance, and as fundamental in creating African Family Identity too, not really taken into account that is] [Yoruba/Igbo].

There are those in Africa though, and very much Youth too, and who do wish to Celebrate life in all, and in manner that does speak of Congo cultural influences in the Americas, and in all ways even refers to those who do wish to Celebrate life in all, and as more or less based around many a Social Group formation that is, and which does wish for social success in all again, and as based around being Elevated actually [or in many a way, speak of those in a Social Group, each attaining success in their own ways, and waiting for it all to spill over to the rest of the members somewhat, and as with each member inspired to seek out success too, or be somewhat left behind, or kicked out of the Social Group too that is] [In all ways even, such Social Success, and not Education either, and as deemed primary even, and in succeeding in other areas of life, and as including worklife too that is]. In many a way, this does speak perhaps and of many a movie with Bill Bellamy in it, and such as 'The Brothers' for instance]. In all ways too, a way of Celebrating life in all, and that does not always translate well, and into Married life for instance [Congo].

However though and for many an African Youth today, and as with truly even helping one connect to ones Family traditions in all [and as with speak even of being guided by Ancestor Worship for instance], it is believed that it is in all again, Western music and as having Kongo cultural orientations to it (and such as speak of some of the music of R Kelly), that could very well be best, and in helping one remain African in this day we live in, and while Celebrating life, and in a somewhat Western context too that is [Kongo].

In all truly even, suggestions in all, and as with regards to the belief that, Africans in all again, best succeed in life, and when left to very much operate, and in a more or less Individual manner actually, and not from the perspective of Group formations truly either that is.