Friday 31 January 2014

African Biographies

African Biographies.

Many in Africa in all, do actually know of African Biographies. They in many a way though, are often falsely presented (and as with they even not genuine African Biographies in all), and from the perspective of Biographies in all again, and as seen outside Africa too, and which in all do speak of Excellence and in one form or another that is. 

In many a way though, African Biographies speak more or less, and of how Africans in all, do choose to suffer that is. In many a way too, and as with speak even of the late Nelson Mandela for instance, Modern African Biographies, and as with speak even of how Africans do suffer in all, are falsely presented and from Political scenarios in all that is, when in reality, Political situations in Africa, and as with speak even of Nelson Mandela too, actually do arise and in the Social spheres or realms of living that is, and not Political ones either actually [that Nelson Mandela in all, and as presented in all again, and as fighting for Black South African rights, is often poorly presented and from the perspective of the Umkhonto we Sizwe, when in reality, Nelson Mandela was known to attend many a Social occasions in all, and as in holding even many a Press conference too, and in simply in all again speaking his mind, and on bringing Social change to South Africa, and not Political change truly either].

In all, the very belief that, African Biographies are very much based around suffering in all, and as Christ would, is a false way or manner in all again, and of perceiving African lives that is, and as this manner of suffering and as including life time imprisonment, is actually very much of Italian origins in all that is [and as with speak even and of those whom in a foolhardily manner in all do subscribe to Italian Thought and without knowing whom they are when they do as such that is], and with African manners of suffering on the otherhand, having a comical tinge to them actually, and as with Africa too and suffering in all, actually speaking of African Tricksters that is.

In all, the very true belief that, African Biographies, do actually make for African lives, and as truly lived even and at the base levels too that is. To understand this better, is to in all ways even perhaps, speak of African Biographies, and as differing from other Biographies out there, and as with speak even, and of what does inspire in all, many a Biography and to be seen outside Africa too that is. That in all perhaps, this does speak even and of basically perceiving Individual lives even, and from the very perspective of Public, Private, Hidden, Secret and even Personal lives in all, and as with all this even, when fully lived, meriting in all again, a Biographical work of a kind actually. Africa on the otherhand does differ in all, and as in stating the belief that, Public, Private, Hidden, Secret and Personal lives in all, and in Africa too, do actually owe their inspiration, and to base African lives in all, and as with these base African lives too, actually speaking of African Biographies that is [that African Biographies, do speak of suffering in all, and as a Trickster would, and as with all this even, actually speaking of the Ridiculous, and as with it in all again, serving as an inspiration, and for those who do live Public, Private, Hidden, Secret and Personal lives too that is (and as with they even speaking of defining what is truly Ridiculous or not actually)].

In all ways though, what does really constitute in all, and for African Biographies? Perhaps in all again, it can be said even, and of redefining African Locales (or even Village lives too), and as based around even the so termed '5 Pillars of Islam' actually, and as interpreted and from an African perspective that is [this, or speak even and of turning the African Village, and into a Salsa paradise of a kind actually].

In all, speak of African Biographies, and African lives and as lived at a base level, does in all ways even speak of deciphering Africa as follows. First off, it actually does speak of Africa in all, and as perceived even and via the lenses, and of Profit, Loss & Gain too [and as with this even speaking of the world of Africans who do oversleep, and on a day when one is supposed to have an important meeting, and with an International clientele for instance]. Second off perhaps, is to speak of African Realities, Realms, Spheres of living and also Settings too and as with this basically even speaking of African Habitats in all, but in many a way too, very much speak of what does constitute for African Power [and as in speak of Coercion, Control, Domination, and even Pressure too perhaps]. In all again, African (Social) Power in all, and as gaining inspiration even, and as with speak of African Locales/Villages and as rather dynamic, gaining an inspiration in all again, and from a work and such as 'The Sources of Social Power' and by Michael Mann too that is. Thirdly, is to speak perhaps and of Ideals in all, and as with what even does constitute and for the perfect African, and as with he not Holy or Innocent in his ways, but a Trickster in all again, and of a large magnitude too that is [and as with African Tricksters, widely varying in their ways that is] [Link]. Fourthly, is to speak of Flashbacks in all, and as with this even not speaking only of Memory actually, but in all ways even, and of Personal Reflections even, and as with regards truly even, and to what does stand for (Social) Justice that is [Link] [and as versus speak even of Natural Law, and as with it said to speak of the functionable in all that is]. Finally in all, is to perhaps speak of Pensive Thought, and as with speak even of the African Biography too, it referring in all again, and not to the Reprimand and as might be common in many an African Locale perhaps, but in all ways even speaking of the Drawback (or the Objectional too), and as with all this even speaking of African societies, and as advanced in all, and as with speak even and of a Hollywood Feature film for instance [Link]. 

In all, the above and as deemed perhaps, and as with speak even and of invigorating African Village and Locale life in all, suitable for all this, and as with truly in all again attempting to define life in Africa in all again, best speaking of truly defining the Locale, and as highly diverse even, and as versus the National too that is [and as with speak even perhaps too, and of many an African Locale or Village, and as connected to each other too, and as with speak even of African Networks that is].

The African Biography (or speak even and of the Ridiculous in all that is):