Saturday 11 January 2014

Youth Development

of Youth Development.

Many in Africa, have probably heard of the Third Reich. They in many a way though, have been falsely been made to believe that, they were actually racist and fascist in their ways that is. This in not exactly true, and as the Third Reich in all, is often falsely presented and from the very perspective of Hitler, the German Nazi Party and even the German Militaries too that is. A better approach though, and to studying the Third Reich in all, does speak even actually, and of the Hitler Youth that is.

To better understand just how the Third Reich in all came to be, is to speak in all ways even, and of the Fall of Europe too (and as with Europe today best referred to as the EU actually), and also speak of Revolutionary Europe in all that is. In all ways even, events leading to the Fall of Europe, do not speak of political/ideological sentiments in all and as many have been made to believe, but in all ways even with the disruption of social and political life in all again, and as truly even based around envy and hate that is [that the Fall of Europe in all, does very much have its origins, and with a popularity contest here and there that is].

To truly basically understand whom the old Europeans were, is to very much perhaps say that, they were brought up, and in learning how to truly even express themselves in all, and in a Knightly manner too that is, and as with this even not only leading to experiencing all forms of excitement and as with regards to oneself even (and as based around expressing oneself in a Knightly manner that is), but in all ways too, speaking of all kinds of opportunity coming your way, and as with speak even of Influence and Persuasion that is. It is in such a Europe in all, and one too housing many an excellent piece of Architecture, and whereby those who are not popular in all and as described as above (and as with speak even of Women oriented Society in Europe, and as opposed to speak of the Musketeers for instance), do in all ways even attempt not to change their lives and by many a political ideology in all and as some believe, but in all ways even, attempt to disrupt the lives and of those perceived popular in all actually [and as with speak even of a politically motivated murder here and there that is]. All this in many a way, does differ and from how many a Child in the Modern/Western World is raised, and so as to become so to speak, responsible and dutiful in nature that is [and as with being dictated upon too actually]. The disruption of life in Europe, does in many a way reach its heights, and in France too, and as with one finding France's borders very much open and to any intruder too, and who in all ways even is very much used as an agent, and in helping disrupt life in Europe that is. A most strange of situations, as many an outsider to France, does help in many a way and in disrupting life in all, and by foregoing in all again all kinds of customs, and as with speak even being readily insulting in all, and on an average too that is. To truly speak of how strange all this truly was, is to speak of the so called Bourbon Kings in all, and in Revolutionary France too, and as having their origins in all again, and in South America too that is. In all, to summarize it all again, a culture of great disrespect even arises, and as with speak even of an attempted takeover of Europe in all, and then simply live in the place actually, while doing nothing much that is [and as with speak even of European Architecture in all actually].

It is from this History of disrupting life in Europe, and as with it even having Feminist undercurrents and as arising with Womens oriented Society in Europe, and which in all again does lead to the Third Reich in all, and as with the Fall of Europe too, speaking of Europeans and as a dying People in all again, and as with they changing in nature even, and as with regards to Personality in general that is [and as with speak even now, and of a Europe lacking in all again, charismatic personalities, and such as those found amongst the Musketeers for instance]. 

In all ways even, the Third Reich does arise, and with many a Traditionalist European in all, and as versus those who can be said Feminist (Modernism) and in their ways too that is. The Third Reich in all though, attempts to spearhead a movement in all again and in basically raising a whole new breed of German and European Children too, and who will in all ways even restore European life to what it previously was, and with a Europe now, housing many an 'Immigrant' in all again, and still not European, and as with they even housed in all, and under Feminist (Modernism) Europe that is [and as with basic speak even, and of what does constitute genuine European speech patterns that is].

In all ways even, the whole culture that does go with the Third Reich, and as including its Symbolism too, can actually in all truly be associated with the Hitler Youth actually, and does speak even and of attempting in all again, and of raising a new breed of German and European Children too, and with a somewhat full understanding even, and of European History, and from the ancient times and to the present that isl [and as with this furtherly even, speaking of the very world of Freudian and Jungian Psychological Research that is]. In all, the Hitler Youth, and as not only full-bodied in all again (or rather Healthy too), but in all ways even and as having a full understanding of themselves, and as based around  the possessing even, and of any violent emotion that is [that they in all again, the Hitler Youth, were raised and in learning to express violence in all, and if they truly believed or felt it right that is].

In all ways even, the Hitler Youth and the Third Reich, might be of interest in all, and to many an African in all again, and as the techniques used in raising the Hitler Youth, could very well be said somewhat African in their ways, and as with regards even perhaps, to having one in all truly have, a full understanding of themselves, and from a Historical perspective too that is. 

In all ways though, why Nazi styled Child (Youth) Development in all, might be of interest to Africans is because, at the very least, it did speak of raising Children in all again, not truly personable, but actually in many a way, truly serious-minded, and as with making any promise or a bet, and seeking out to fulfill it and at all cost too that is. In all ways even, the efforts of the Nazi's were not truly fruitful in all, and as they were in many a way outnumbered in all again, and by those possessing Feminist (Modernism) attitudes, and in all ways even their Legacy in all, does speak of leaving behind a Body of Knowledge, Psychological too, and as based around Youth Development that is [and which in many a way even has been misappropriated in Modern Europe today, and as with attempting even to raise peoples in all, and who do possess Authority in all again, and rather Sexual in its ways too for instance] [and as with this speaking even, and of defining success and happiness in society, and as based around gratification too (and as with speak even of masturbation for instance), and as versus excitement in all (and as speak even of a beautiful woman approaching one that is)].

In all again, Germany today and as a success too in its ways, and as owing even, and to Youth Development and as based around Nazi Ideologies in all, and as a success too in all again, and as with speak even of being sound-minded in all that is [or in all ways even, speak of being stable-minded, and when scared too for instance].

In all ways even, for those in Africa, Youth Development in all, and as based around understanding many an event in History, and with Youth Development in Kenya/Abyssinia too, somewhat differing from the rest of Africa that is [Link].

In the said equating of, and of the said Third Reich too that is, of Nazi Germany, the Weimar Republic, and to the said too that is, Politics, European, Modern, and of the said Cold War too that is, of Russia, the USA, of East, West Germany, of Mega-Structures, of Nazism, the Berlin Wall, the German Democratic Republic, the Federal Republic of Germany, now is to and in all, even, perceive, talk too of, and of a said Kenya too that is, of Kenya Colony, [Link], the Colonial, of Colonial Kenyan Youth, [Link], the Colonial and Protectorate of Kenya, British, and along such said lines too that is, of German Nationalism that is, of said German East Africa too that is, of Ujerumani, Kisw., the East African Community, the East African Federation, or if not in talk too of, and of the said terming too that is, naming, Colonial, German, and of said Kenia too that is, of Kenyan Diplomacy, the Kenyan National State, or if not of said Kenyan Citizenship too that is, of Kenyan Nationality, Hospitality, Commonality etc.

The Third Reich.
Madonna - Live To Tell.

The Cold War.
Phil Collins - Be In My Heart.