Wednesday 8 January 2014

The European Story

The European Story.

Many an African out there, and who does tend to operate in all, and as very much a Dreamer, and as compared to being guided in all again and in envisioning African life, and as based around being an Escapist/Escapism too that is [and as seen traditionally in Africa and outside Egypt and South Africa too that is] [and as with Escapism here, speaking of working until you drop and then finding reprieve, and as versus being a Dreamer, and very much working in perfect conditions that is], might in all ways even believe Africa ways of living rather backward in their ways that is. In all ways even, such folks who do tend to be Dreamers, do often wonder why their World in all, is not perfect in its ways, and as it would perhaps be in England or Europe too that is. 

Many who do study European History in Africa, often poorly in all do perceive it all, and from the very perspective of European Philosophy and Literature/Art too that is. There is however an alternate way of studying European History in all, and that is more or less suited and for many in Africa, and who might simply wish to live as Dreamers that is. In many a way, this does speak of viewing European History, and from the very perspective of Tribes actually. That when European History is viewed as such, it then speaks of basically viewing Europe, and from the very perspective of Aesthetics, Patterns and Designs, and as with this referring even, to the very use of the forementioned three, and when basically Presenting oneself that is [that in all, speak of being European, does in all ways even speak of European ways and manners and of Presenting oneself that is]. In all, to speak of European Intelligence, does speak in all ways even, and of their ability to Present just about anything, and from Architecture to Technology in itself, and in Novel manners too that is [and as with this speaking even of unique Aesthetics, Patterns and Designs, and when Presenting anything, and as clearly as possible for instance].

In all ways though, when those in Africa think of European History as such, the uncovering in all too even and of European Aesthetics, Patterns and Designs in all, and in all ways even speak of unique ways of Presenting the latter three that is, and which did in all again lead to European societies and civilization and as arising and as based around the Drama ensuring from the forementioned three, then in all ways even, do think Celt actually and as having heralded all this, and especially the Briton Celts too that is [and as with Europe today, Traditional too, only truly existing in Liechtenstein that is] [and as with European Drama in all again, very much in the form of Comedy, Tragedy, Irony and Parody too that is]. In all ways even, for the African in Europe/England today, and as wanting to see Europe in all, and as it truly was that is [meaning in all, the ability to identify somewhat, and in an African manner too, and with European Architecture for instance], then in all ways even think of Europe and from the very perspective of Tribe that is.

In all ways too though, one could very well say that the European Story did come to an end, and with speak of the Nazi's in Germany and France, and whose History has been falsified in all and by unseen forces too that is, and as with the Nazi's very much having been Celt that is [and as with they even, attempting to live Traditionalist lifestyles, and in a more or less Modernist manner too that is].

Nazi Germany: