Monday 20 January 2014

African Crossroads

African Crossroads.

This entry in many a way, is targeted towards one Dr. Wole Soyinka, and as with speak even truly, and of just how he does perceive himself as an African, and a Nigerian too perhaps. There is alot to be said of Dr. Soyinka, and especially as a critic in all, and as with regards to the African Continent in itself too. In many a way, and as the title of this entry does show, this does speak of Africa in all, and as perceived from the very perspective of Chaos & Disorder, everyday too, and speak even of the very fact that, the likes of Dr. Soyinka, did seek to 'escape' Africa in all perhaps, and for safe abode in all again, and in London too, and as with the belief that, Africa is a doomed Continent in all, and from speak in all too even, and of Chaos & Disorder that is. In many a way, Dr. Soyinka, and as said or believed even very much displeased in all, and as with regards to Africa not changing its ways, and as with speak even of the perceived Chaos & Disorder to be seen all over that is.

Dear Wole (Soyinka):

Hopefully, the salutation above did not add to any displeasure you might have of Africa, but in many a way even, it can be said to speak and of the Chaos & Disorder, that does continue to plague Africa in all, and at all cost it appears too that is. In many a way perhaps, this problem I believe, might not be as serious as it appears, but in many a way it actually truly is, and as with further speak even, and of being proud to be African that is.

In many a way, this 'letter' in all, is also targeted towards many a Youth in Africa, and who might not be in all, a part of your Audience (Dr. Soyinka that is) and as you attempt in all, and in bringing change to Africa, and as with regards to speak of Ordered & Lawful societies that is. 

To in many a way start off on this difficult topic on Africa and as a disorderly place too, is to perhaps speak of the very fact that (and as mentioned even and in a latter entry on African Designs: Fractals that is), is to speak of African Nature as being perceived rather wild even, and as compared perhaps, and to Nature and as seen in Europe too, and as with Nature in Africa, very much speaking of Fractals in all that is. In many a way perhaps, it also does dictate in all that, African Order and Lawfulness, does perhaps take Fractals into account, and as the basis even, and of any logical construct in all, and in helping create Order and Lawfulness in Africa that is [and as versus Europe too for instance, where Lawfulness in all again, could be said to go along and with the Music of Mozart too for instance].

However though, there is another way, more complex in all too perhaps (and as with speak even of generating African Pride in all that is), and that does speak even of Local settings in all that is. This in many a way, speaks of how traditional African Villages for instance, were very much ordered in all, and as with this speaking even and of three main things actually: Call-and-Response, Speech recognition, and even the use of Visual Descriptors (Audio-Visual perceptions in all), and in generally helping create Ordered African societies that is. What though does best constitute of the three above, and in African society today? A rather difficult question in all, and as with African societies said to readily vary even, does not speak of African Languages in all perhaps, but in many a way of the three forementioned ways in all, and of ordering African societies that is. In many a way too perhaps, is to in all again approach this topic, and from speak even of the trial/tale of the said Kongolese Saint, Kimpa Vita, and as with speak of her attempt even, to spread Christianity in all, and in the Congo/Angola region too that is, and as with it all having very much to do, and with Chaotic and Disorderly African societies to be seen in the Congo/Angola region that is [and as with speak even of African societies said to in many a way possess militant cultures that is].

Perhaps in many a way, a solution that could fit Africa today (attempting to deal with Chaos and Disorder, and from a Kongolese perspective, and as versus speak of Malian or Hausa/Fulani cultures for instance), but with also perhaps attempting to mention that, ones displeasure and for what has transpired in Africa and as now Chaotic & Disorderly in all, might not obviously have to do and with the failure to create proper African Identities in this Modern Age in all again (and as with this referring even, and to attempting to perfect African speech in all), but in many a way too perhaps, further speak even and of the very fact that, African cultures and as evolving even, and as based around Habitat models in all (truly knowing that is, what exactly is a Habitat), does speak perhaps and of the failure to find such a Habitat in all again, and as a perfect model too, and for the development of African societies in all [and all this, and as with regards to Chaos & Disorder actually] [and as with perhaps mentioning that, the writer here, Al, and as writing from Kenya too, is working from a Nature based Locale in all, a Habitat too, and that does very well go along and with the creative impulse it is believed, in being a Writer, or as with regards and to the writing of all this that is].

Writing from the above Habitat mentioned in all, and as with it called Karen too [Link1, Link2], and as with it even housing a Victorian styled Heritage in all that is, does call even and into disappointment, the Political and recent History of Kenya, and as with it even having been supposed in all, Kenya that is, to have developed and along the lines of Victorian Society too actually, but instead, one sees the flooding of Kenya in all, and after Independence too, and by many an African-looking people into the place, and with the end result being the Chaos & Disorder that one sees all over Kenya today too that is [and as with mentioning that, Colonial and Pre-Colonial Kenya, did house many a population in all, and that did consist of 'People of Colour', and whose origins vary and as with speak even of Europe, Italy and America too, and whose History in all again, has never truly been recorded that is] [To speak of one such character, is to actually speak of the Author of the so said Victorian work in all, Dracula that is, and by Bram Stoker too, and who was actually a 'Person of Colour', Victorian somewhat in his ways, but in all truly even, truly Italian (Italiano) actually] [In many a way, his work, is written and in a similar voice and style, and to this Blog too that is]. 

In all perhaps, and as a case study here too, and as with speak even and of the difficulty, and of putting now 'African' Kenya into place in all (and as with speak of everyday Chaos & Disorder that is), is to also say that, the work Dracula in all again, can actually be perceived even, and from the perspective of Call-and-Response, Speech recognition and even Audio-Visual Descriptors in all, and as with this even perhaps speaking of the possibility that, Kenyan society, had it remained Victorian in its ways in all, could very well have become the very home of Dracula himself actually. 

In many a way perhaps, is to also tell Dr. Soyinka that, Victorian cultures in all, are actually truly even in many a way, African in their ways (and all this and as perceived from a Communicational perspective), and as with further speak even of Indigenous cultures in Kenya, and such as the Maasai too for instance, and that 'African' Kenya in all today, is actually a creation of the attempt in all, to Westernize Kenya, and as with Westernization here, speaking not only of Inferiority Complexes that many an 'African' today possesses, but also in many a way, of the Communicational aspects of Modern African society (and as with Victorian Communications, mirroring Maasai Communications for instance), and as with it all believed even (African Inferiority Complexes), to originate in all again, and by the Writer here too, and with 'African' Speech patterns actually.

