Monday 27 January 2014



Those in Kamp-o in all, or even Uganda truly even, do know about URTNA. It is in many a way though, is believed said a Media complex in all, and that does simply attempt to create African Media in all. This in all ways even, is actually true, and as with speak of African Media here, and as it said to best somehow bring together, all Africans that is. In many a way though, and as with belief even that Ugandans in all, are actually truly similar to all Africans and outside Abyssinia (Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia) too, is to perhaps even state that, when those in Uganda in all, do think and of just how in all, they are similar to those in Abyssinia, it is best perhaps in many a way then to think of Afropean cultures [Link], and as with Afropean in all, best actually called Euro-African too, and as with it culture even, more African in its ways, and not mainly or truly European either that is [and as with URTNA in all again, best believed centered around Uganda in all, and not Ghana truly either actually]. 

Finally, Afropean or Euro-African cultures, in all truly even and as more or less centered around Belgium in all, and as those in all again, wishing to borrow from Europe in all, and even directly, best seeking out Belgium, and not England, France, the Scandinavia or Germany either that is.

Euro-African (Afropean):