Saturday 11 January 2014

The African Memory

The African Memory.

There is a difference in all, and as between life, and as lived in Africa, and outside it too that is. This in all ways even, does speak of what some do term Memory actually.

To better understand this, is to basically say even that, in other parts of the World, life is mainly lived and as built around Memories in all, and not Memory truly either. To understand this better, is to speak in all ways even, and of how societies and outside Africa too in all, have basically evolved that is. That in many a way, this does go with the world of scholarly and scholastic works in all, and as even built around Memories too that isn, and works too, believed to have an Impact, and ones self or memory even, and leading one in all again, to become highly enthusiastic in all, and of life in itself too that is. In all again, scholarly and scholastic works in all, and which actually in many a way, are based around Memories in all truly even, and not Memory truly either.

Africa though, is a place in all again, and where Memory in all, has been the basis of living life, and as compared to Memories that is [and as with African Memories in all, more or less coming unpredictably in their coming/ways actually].  The reason to speak though of Memory, very much has to do, and with issues pertaining even to Re-incarnation for instance, and as with speak even of truly believing in all that, one day in all again, you will return to Earth that is [and after you die obviously]. If one however was to live a life and as based around Memories in all, then a belief in Re-incarnation does not truly exist, and in some places like in the Christian World, many in all, are indocrinated with the Belief that, re-incarnation in all, is actually truly real [and as a Logical System too that is].

In all, all this and as referring even and to Africans in all, and as attempting to create a Memory of themselves, and as actually based around African Faces too, and some which are now deemed gone even [and as with speak even of the Faces of the Pharaohs that is].

European Memories:

In all again, is to mention that, the very world of Memories, does not work too well in Africa [and as with speak even of Africans and as more Individual in their ways, and as with regards to their reactions in all, and to anything that does happen that is]. In all ways even, and as a result in all again, Memories of life in Africa, can be rather individual in all, and in many a way even, might truly need an expert of a kind, and to truly capture them/it all that is. In all again, Africa and as a Continent strongly associated even, and with Song too in all, does speak even and of life on the Continent, and as lived around Memory too that is, and one said in all again, and to emanate even, and from an Ancient past that is [that in all, anything that does happen in Africa, is at the very least even, supposed to go along and even match perhaps, a certain Song/Memory that is].

In helping Africans in all, truly ponder this manner of living [that based around Memory], is to in all ways even perhaps tell many an African that, what did constitute for Memory in all again, and in certain parts of the World that is [that for instance, everyday life in Asia, does go along with an Egyptian Memory, but on the otherhand, the History of Architecture in Asia (and as with speak even of Persia too), does actually go along and with the Memory of the Greeks that is].

In all again, a way of life, that is believed even, to truly work in all (basing life and as around Song/Memory), and as with speak even, and of the writing of this Blog actually. In all again, many a Memory and of a place outside Africa in all, and by which Africans can somewhat truly learn how to think about these places in all again, and also of their very lives too that is.

The Egyptian Memory:

(and for those in Africa, who falsely believe the Egyptians, to have been memorable in their ways, and in a similar manner to those in the Middle East, or even India too that is; and as with the above Song in all, speaking also perhaps, and of Egyptian Cosmology in all too that is)

The Greek Memory:

The European Memory (everyday Realities):

The Italian Memory (everyday Realities):

(Italian Music, and not German/European Music either)

Finally in all is to mention that, while alot of African Music, Historical too, does attempt to capture a moment in African History, and as with speak of building on it too [and as with speak even of the Music of Salif Keita and Mali too for instance], there are some in Kenya who have apparently done the work and in attempting in truly finding out a Kenyan Memory, Ancient in its ways too, and as with furtherly saying that, and controversially too, that Anatolia in all again, is actually built around this ancient Kenyan Memory [Link] in all truly even.