Friday 10 January 2014

The African

The African.

This post in many a way, does intend to delve deeper in all, and in speak of the African Races too. That in all again, the African Races and as compared to similar looking peoples outside Africa in all, can be basically even classified and into three main groups: African Habitats, African Knowledge Bases, and even African Deities too.

To speak of the first manner of basically classifying Africans, speaks even and of Africans and as truly grounded even, and to African soil that is. This in many a way does refer and to the following post [Link], and on Natural Selection too, and which does state in all even that, Africans in all do possess Genes that are unique in their ways, and Genes too believed to be only capable in all, and of being possessed in all truly even, and by only Africans that is [that for instance, a person in South America is capable of possessing a Gene believed Asian in all, while African Genes on the otherhand, can only be possessed and by those that are truly African that is]. In all ways even, this does speak of African Habitats in all, and as found in African Nature too, and as making many an African possess a Mental of Psychological state even, and that is unique to Africa that is [and as with this speaking even and of the belief that Africans are more Healthy in all, Physically or Psychologically too, and than most other peoples to be found out there, and outside Africa too that is].

The second way of basically defining or classifying the African in all, does speak even and of African Knowledge Bases, and as primarily stored in the form of Designs too actually, and not Aesthetics or Patterns truly either. That living in Africa in all, does at the very least even require certain forms of Oracular Knowledge in all again, and which does help solve a problem in all, and as with speak even of designing a Routine that is. It is here in all, that Africa does connect and to the History of many another African-like people too, and to be found outside Africa that is, and as with they said even possessing African Hair for instance [that these peoples, and as found in Asia or even the Middle East and Central Asia too for instance, are actually acquainted and with not only Religious practises in all, but also truly even Oracular Knowledge in all again, and in the form of Prayer too for instance, and that has led them to develop African like Hair that is] [and as with speak even of many an African looking God outside Africa in all, more or less having to do and with Religious Music or Prayers for instance, and that does have African Designs to it, and as with all this even rather Evolutionary in its ways that is].

Thirdly though, a different way of looking at the African, does speak of African Sauti/Voice (and as with this referring to African levels of Civility for instance), African Languages, and even African Speech (and speak even of levels of Knowing or Understanding too that is). In all ways even, this does speak of the worship of African Deities (and not Gods either), and as with this referring even, and to the Sphinx too for instance.

For many an African today though, the belief that Africans are progressing in all, and on the World scene too, has to do and with speak even of African Designs (and as with an African serving as an and in the Western World too), African Patterns (and as with speak even of the birth of Jazz, the Blues or even 'Rhythm and Blues' that is), and even somewhat now, speak even of African Aesthetics too (and the rise even of many an African Model or Actor too perhaps).

The African though, and as reknowed Being too, is actually truly older than all this. At the very least, it does speak even and of the worship of Sphinxes, and in Ancient Greece too for instance. What does in all ways even separate Civilization and in Africa, and from that outside it too, is that, for those outside Africa, a search in all, and for Excellence in itself too actually [and as with speaking even and of something that will stand the 'Test of Time' that is]. For those in Africa though, evolution and as speaking even and of the search of Magnanimity, and as with this referring even, and to speak of Ideals, and even further speak of the search for something in all again, and that will offer one endless/infinite possibilities in all that is.

All the above in many a way, does speak even and of the History of Celts somewhat. That the Celts, were originally Greek in many a way, but did very much become Roman Celts in all (or Italian truly even), and as with speak even and of the birth of Italy in all that is, and as it was the Italians in all again, and as Roman Celts too, and that did spread Language and into Europe that is, and as with English even, originally a Roman Celt Language actually [that nearly all European Languages in all, do have their roots in Italy that is]. You also do have the Briton Celts, and in Europe too, and who in many a way, can be associated and with the History of Architecture in Europe, and as very much Freemasons that is. In all, the Roman and Briton Celts, and as very much Sphinx like in their ways too that is.

Celt Moorhead (Sphinx):

In many a way too, and for the unknowing African today, speak of the African, does not only speak of the building of the Pyramids in Egypt, but in many a way even, the History of Indomitable folks in Europe and Italy too, and as with this speaking even and of the Jesuits and the Knights Templar too for instance, and which does see them in all again, heralded in all, and by the African too perhaps (and as a Moor that is), and as a worshiper of the Sphinx in all that is. Finally, the Ronin of Japan, and as a different breed of Samurai and one who in all, and in Mental Health and Psychological States too, very much like the African, and as with further speak of Physicality too that is [in all, a complicated History of Japan in all again, and that does speak even and of the presence of Dutch and Italian Jesuits, and in Japan too that is].

The world of the African (and as seen in Europe too):

'the Arab'