Thursday 2 January 2014

African Democracy

African Democracy.

Alot has been said on African Democracy in all, and its failures in all again, and to deliver to the Masses too that is. In many a way, this has been blamed on Corrupt activity and such as Bribery too for instance, but there does appear to be another Reality to all this, and as with regards even, and to how well educated in all, and as with speak even of a Civil Education too, that the Masses truly are. To understand the latter statement in all, is to also speak of how in all again, to best perceive and even define Government, and as opposed to simple talk in all again, and of Government and as only truly dealing in all, and with anything to do with the Economy that is.

However though, is to perhaps in all again attempt to speak of Government in all, and as seen in past times too, and in many a part of the World that is. The first of these in all again, does speak of Government, and as associated truly even, and with Rights that is (and of all kinds too), and as with helping even many a citizen in all, truly learn how to define and perceive them actually. The second of these, does speak in all again, and of Government in all, actually defining the Freedoms, and of many a Civilian too that is [and as with their being some confusion too, and as with speak even of the difference between Rights and Freedoms, and as with misusage of terminology here, and as with Rights even, speaking of Human Freedoms, Human Liberties and even Human Civil Liberties too, and as compared in all again to speak of Freedoms and as with speak even of generalities that is, and as with this referring to Means, Ways and Ends in all actually]. Finally, a more complicated way and of looking at Government, and as based in all again, and in what some do term Dues in all, and as with repaying someone in all even, for something done too that is [and a form of Government in all, not known to most today, but does still in all again, work rather well actually].

To make all this clearer, is to speak of the very fact that, Modern Governments in all, are based around Rights actually. This does differ from the past in all, and in Africa too, and as with speak even of Government in all again, Decentralized in all, but not defined and as based around Rights too, but in all ways even, and as based around Dues actually [and as with speak even of past/traditional Africans in all, and as known to be rather Independent in their ways, and as defining Help or Assistance too, and as only based around Government too actually]. There are those though, and who do romanticize in all, even heavily, European History and lifestyles, and as with it even, presented falsely in many a way too, and from the perspective of Rights actually, and as with Government that is, when in reality, European History and as with speak of even Government, was defined from the very perspective of Freedoms actually [and as with speak even of European society in all, and as more Cultural than most, and one in all again, where everyday or daily life in all, was defined and from the very perspective of Means, Ways and Ends too, and how in all again to truly define and meet them that is] [and as with this speaking even of Europe, romantic in its ways and in Government too, and as with speak even of Titles in all, Royal too, and as with Government Titles in all again, rather Cultural in their ways, and not Political truly either].

Africa today though, does however define Government in all, and as based around Rights too that is [and with a lot emphasis in all again, and on Economic Rights too that is]. The failure of Government in Africa today though, can be blamed and in a basic manner, and on the failure to educate the Masses, and on their Rights too that is [and as with speak even of what some do term a Civil Education that is].There does exist though, a Philosophical underlying in all, and in attempting to define Government, and as based around Rights too that is. This in many a way, and as with speak even of the Western World for instance, does speak in all again, and of the creation of societies in all, and as based around many a Religious, Social, Political and even Economic Tension too that is [and as with this speaking even and of the everyday acceptance in all again, and of discriminatory activity for instance, and in the Western World too that is]. To speak of Government though and as defined and as based around Freedoms in all, is to speak even of its Philosophical underlyings in all again, and as can be said even, and as being based around Presences in all, and as with this basically referring and to the Moods, Atmospheres and even the general Feel in all, and of a place too that is.

In defining though, Government in Africa, and as based around Rights in all again, is the failure in all and as with speak even of spurring all sorts of activity, and from the Economic and to the Cultural, the failure in all again, and in defining the Philosophical underlyings, and to in all again spur all sorts of activity in all, and in a place or Country too that is. In all, most Africans in all again and as with speak even of today, are only ingrained in all, and with the Ten Commandments and as a basis even and for simply defining most Rights that is, and when in reality perhaps, the Bible could serve as basic inspiration for all this, and as with the attempt even to have every citizen read it in its entirety that is, and as compared to attempting in all again, to finding inspiration in all, and from Modern African Media too that is [and as with this referring even, and to the 'African Bible', and by Paulines Publishing too that is].

In all again, speak of European History in all, does basically even speak of the shift in all perhaps, and from Government, and as based around Freedoms too (and as with this referring to Pre-Revolutionary Europe actually), and in many a way, speak of the so termed 'Fall of Europe', and Revolutionary Europe too, does in all ways even speak of Government in Europe, and as said to change in its ways, and from Government as based on Freedoms, and to that based around Rights too actually (and the rise in all again, and of all sorts of discrimination and as including racial, and in Europe too that is), but with Europe today, more or less having Government, Socialist too, and as based around Dues that is [and as with speak even of Independence too, and as defined in Europe today in all again, and as speaking of having Localized Mindsets too that is].