Sunday 5 January 2014



There are those in Africa, and who have probably heard of the Gypsies, and believe them to be native to Spain, or even the Middle East too actually. This is not actually true, as the Gypsies in all, are pretty much Egyptian that is.

To understand the above fully in many a way, is to talk of Development in all, and of all kinds and as including the Cultural, and from the very perspective of Psychology too that is [and as with speaking even of breeding Humans in all, that are truly resilient, or even truly again, speak of Humans in all and who do not in all again, stay in depressive states of mind and for long periods of Time too that is]. In all, two Models of Development and as based around Psychology in all again (and as versus speak of building a world class Infrastructure in all, and that does afford one all sorts of opportunity too that is), can be said to exist.

In all again, speak of these two Models of Development and as primarily based around Psychology too, does in all ways even, speak of attempting to define for instance, what does stand for Innocence in society (and as with speak even of being highly Civil), and also, speak even of those in society, and who in all again, are associated and with Knowledge and in the form of Lore too actually [or speak even of small bits of Information, and that can make for all the difference and in a solving a problem too that is].

It is here in all again, where one can truly in all see Ancient Egypt, and as it did exist [and for those in Africa, who simply believe that the Egyptians only truly knew Sculpture and Architecture that is]. To speak of Egypt in all, and as basing its Development and as based around Psychology (Self-Development that is), is to in all ways even, speak of Innocence in Egypt, and as having been associated with the Khoisan and Pygmy peoples of Africa [and as with the Khoisan even, similar in nature in all, and to the Pygmy's, and in expression too perhaps, and as with the Pygmies and Innocence here, speaking of Gary Coleman for instance, and in the Different Strokes TV series too that is]. In all again, Innocence here, and as speaking even, and of not doing anything stupid in all, or behaving as such that is.

The second Model though, does refer in all again, and to what did constitute Folk/Village existences in all, and in Egypt too that is. That seeing Egypt from this perspective [and as with the use of Innocence to develop Egypt in all again, speaking of its Royal and Upper Classes that is], that of Folk/Village existences, speaks in all ways even, and of Egyptian life, and as defined around Gypsy cultures too that is. That Egypt, and its lowest levels even, did speak of the Egyptians as being Gypsies actually.

Egyptian Gypsy Music, and Dance, and as it was back in the old Times too that is.

It is here though, using Psychology in all and as the basis that is, and of Development too, where one does see just how backward in all again, Africa can be [that this Model in all, is actually truly suited for Africa that is] [that Gypsies in all again, were at the very least associated with Knowledge in the form of Lore, while backward existences in Africa, speaks of African villages, and as simply even defined only, and by African Markets too that is].

In all ways though, and for those Africans who do still believe that it is possible to build Great Kingdoms and Civilizations, and in Africa too that is, is to tell them that, Development of the People, and at the lowest levels too (Village existences), must speak even, of creating high profile folks that is [and as with speak of Village folks in all again, that the high and mighty of society in all, might have heard of that is].

In all ways even, and as with attempting to tell those in Africa, just how difficult it could be to create a Great Empire in Africa for instance, is to associate Salsa music in all again, and as explained in a previous post too, and with Village existences in Africa that is [and as with this even speaking of Self-Development in all actually].

American Gypsy Music, and as with it serving as an inspiration even, and as with speak even and of the Memory of the Gypsies and in Egypt's past too, but in many a way even, and as with speak for instance and of whom Americans traditionally have been, and when going to War that is, the above Song, and as basically even speaking of Americans as Soldiers too that is.