Monday 6 January 2014

Foreign Policy

Foreign Policy.

To speak of Foreign Policy in all, is to in all ways even speak of Global relations that is. In all ways though, this does not actually speak of Political relations, but in all ways truly even, Social relations actually. In all again, and as compared to International relations too (and speak even of Political relations that is), it is best for those in Africa in all again, to get a general idea of the rest of the World, and as based around Global/Social relations that is. That many in Africa are aware that, they do not necessarily fit in, and with most other peoples to be seen around the World.

In all again, proposed below, a way of seeing the World and as based around Social/Global relations that is [and as with these relations even, believed to lie in all, and at the very heart even of many a Global venture, and such as the opening of a Food Chain for instance, and in a distant Country too that is].

Japan & the Middle East.

Central Asia & Australia.

East Asia & South America.

Southeast Asia/India & North America.

Europe & Greenland.

Egypt & Spain.

And with Africa in all again, somewhat truly in many a way, separate from the rest of the World actually [and minus a few places here and there that is].