Sunday 5 January 2014

Port Harcourt

Port Harcourt.

Just about everyone in Africa, knows about or has heard of Nigeria in all. In many a way, the belief that, if Nigeria was to fully develop in all again, the rest of Africa, would be okay in its ways that is. Most though when they do think of Nigeria, do think of it all, and from the very perspective of Lagos actually (and its history too). In all, Nigeria developing, is all about escaping itself, and from Lagos in all (and as with speak even of its Social and Societal problems), and in many a way even, speak of Nigerian History, Modern, and as perceived as a Memory too, is said centered and around Lagos too that is.

Attempts to wipe out this Nigerian Memory in all (and as with this speaking even of Nigerians basically organizing themselves, and in a Militant manner too that is), does speak even of viewing Nigeria and from the direction in all (and as with the Natural Order of things too), and of Abuja too that is [that Abuja in all, was supposed to be a new Political Center for Nigeria, and as with regards even to helping solve Nigeria's Social and Societal problems too, and from a Philosophical stance in all again, and as with speak even of developing Nigerian/African Philosophy/Scholarship that is]. This though, does not appear to have worked out too well actually.

In many a way though, is to perhaps recommend the attempted creation, and of a Nigerian Consciousness, and in helping forment fruitful Development in all, and as based around being Sentimental too that is [and as with remembering even, a long lost friend actually]. In all ways even, this does speak of those in Nigeria, and as basically perceiving Nigerian life in all again, and from the very direction of Port Harcourt too actually [and as with telling Nigerian Media in all, to change its focus and from seeking inspiration in Lagos in all again, and towards Port Harcourt too that is].

Port Harcourt:
