Thursday 31 October 2013

Seni Hazzan

Seni Hazzan.

For those in Kamp-o, or even Anatolian Kampala too, the above work in all again, and as helping deal with issues or matters in all, and as pertaining to Failure in all too that is.

Saturday 26 October 2013

Alvin Toffler

Alvin Toffler.

Some in Kamp-o or Anatolian Kampala too, might have heard of Alvin Toffler in all. To speak of Alvin Toffler though, is to speak in all again, and of his predictions of the future, and as truly based on the belief that, due to Modern Communications Systems in all and Westernization too, Humanity in many a way, was becoming one, and what this meant in all again was that, when something did happen in any part of the World and as a result of all this, it could readily even, affect other parts of the World directly even.

To put Alvin Toffler in perspective and as with regards to Uganda too, is to in all again speak of the very fact that, Ugandans in all, are actually similar to all other Africans, but outside Ethiopia, Kenya and Somalia too [they being more Christian by nature that is]. As a result, Uganda is a more turbulent place than most believe it to be, and due to influence in all perhaps, and as coming from the rest of Africa too that is [that in all again, even the wildest of beliefs, and as seen in other parts of Africa, might become prevalent in all, and in Uganda too, and as with speak even of competing Spheres of Influence in all, and as with regards to just whom in in all again, and in Uganda too, should be highly regarded in all and by the Ugandan Government perhaps, and as with speak even of Resources in all that is]. In all again, this does speak of Ugandans today in all, and as living Localized lifestyles too, and as with they not only perceived as the Coolest in all that is, but that in all ways even, speak of who does truly represent or embody in all again, what is believed to truly represent Ugandan in all that is [or in all again simple speak of, who is truly Ugandan and who is not, and as with this furtherly speaking even, and of Esteem in Uganda, and as simply respecting a sibling in all, and who has succeeded in life that is]. In all ways even, Politics in Uganda and as envisioned as such, do speak of Ugandans in all as very much the same that is, but also that, a certain groups of people in all again, can upset the respected Order put into place, and by simply embodying beliefs in all, that might be highly attractive to some Ugandans, or even rather upsetting to others [and as with Ugandans in many a way, truly one people that is].

In all, for those in Anatolian Kampala and even Kamp-o too, the works of Alvin Toffler in all, and as helping in all again, define in all what an Ordered society in Uganda, should truly be like.

Thursday 24 October 2013

Wednesday 23 October 2013



In all ways even, it is Anatolian Kampala and Kamp-o too actually, that truly remains, Anatolia's connection, and to the rest of Africa that is. In all ways too though, when one does think of this connection, it should not be Cultural in all, or even Politically motivated too, but in all ways even, Spiritual actually [and as with being an advisor for instance]. When those in Anatolian Kampala or Kamp-o too actually, do think of connecting to Africa and in the name of Spirituality too, then let it be in the spirit of the Egyptian Crocodile God Sobek [and as with he even said to have African origins, and as with Congo too that is]. In all ways even, it is Crocodile Gods like Sobek, that are responsible for having made the Congo somewhat rather popular amongst other Africans (and as with speak even of Hospitality that is), but with the same kind of Hospitality in all, once in all again formerly associated and with the Kenyan Tourism Industry that is.

Tuesday 22 October 2013

African Images

African Images.

Africa today, does face many of a problem, and as with regards to just how to represent itself, and on a International level too. In many a way, talk of keeping Africa down, or even having Africans downtrodden in all, does in all ways even speak truly of what does constitute African Images of Respect in all, and especially and as with regards to Aesthetics too [that so termed ugly Africans are the norm, and attractive Africans a curiosity that is]. In all ways even, this is what Ali. A. Mazrui, and a Swahili too, did attempt in all again to study, and as with his work in all ways even, helping Africans in all, truly discern what does constitute African Images of Respect in all, and as with speak of Africa being 'deep' in all again, speaking in all again and of Africa, appearing to encompass, many another culture outside Africa that is, and as with regards even to not only Images of Respect in all, but African Voices too, and even African Bodies in all, and in all truly even, what does constitute a genuine African Identity that is [and as with Africans even, known to creatively borrow from many another culture that is] [and as with this in all again, a genuine African Identity that is, traditionally believed Egyptian, but with asking Africans today, to in all probably attempt to creatively rise above all this actually].

In all ways even, all this targeted towards those in Kamp-o (and Anatolian Kampala too), and as with helping create New Media in all, and targeted towards discussing what truly is African in all again, and as with regards to getting to the depth of the matter that is.

In all again, this New Media, and as truly embodying even, what the AU is truly all about.

Tuesday 15 October 2013

First Impressions

First Impressions.

There does exist, a rather big problem in Uganda today, and specifically Kampala too. It in many a way, has to do, and with just how the average person in Kampala, seeks to interact, or even communicate with others that is. That in many a way, life in Kampala in all, and as with regards even and to everyday interactions and communications too, has come to be heavily defined even, and by Elitist manners in all, and also tribal identities too. To attempt to get rid of this sort of behaviour in Kampala, is to perhaps ask those in Anatolian Kampala, to take a leading role, and in helping define everyday interactions and communications, and very much from the perspective of First Impressions that is [that in Kampala in all, and also Uganda too, First Impressions do matter actually, and as with regards even to simply bonding with others, and as with First Impressions too, and as not speaking either of elitism in all, or even tribal identities either].

Friday 11 October 2013

Economic Theory

Economic Theory.

For those in Kamp-o, or even Anatolian Kampala too, and who do wish to truly understand even, the very nature of Economics and Finance, and within Uganda too, then one can very well be alerted that, it is pretty much similar, and to what you do find, and in the source posted above: Freakonomics.