Wednesday 23 October 2013



In all ways even, it is Anatolian Kampala and Kamp-o too actually, that truly remains, Anatolia's connection, and to the rest of Africa that is. In all ways too though, when one does think of this connection, it should not be Cultural in all, or even Politically motivated too, but in all ways even, Spiritual actually [and as with being an advisor for instance]. When those in Anatolian Kampala or Kamp-o too actually, do think of connecting to Africa and in the name of Spirituality too, then let it be in the spirit of the Egyptian Crocodile God Sobek [and as with he even said to have African origins, and as with Congo too that is]. In all ways even, it is Crocodile Gods like Sobek, that are responsible for having made the Congo somewhat rather popular amongst other Africans (and as with speak even of Hospitality that is), but with the same kind of Hospitality in all, once in all again formerly associated and with the Kenyan Tourism Industry that is.