Tuesday 22 October 2013

African Images

African Images.

Africa today, does face many of a problem, and as with regards to just how to represent itself, and on a International level too. In many a way, talk of keeping Africa down, or even having Africans downtrodden in all, does in all ways even speak truly of what does constitute African Images of Respect in all, and especially and as with regards to Aesthetics too [that so termed ugly Africans are the norm, and attractive Africans a curiosity that is]. In all ways even, this is what Ali. A. Mazrui, and a Swahili too, did attempt in all again to study, and as with his work in all ways even, helping Africans in all, truly discern what does constitute African Images of Respect in all, and as with speak of Africa being 'deep' in all again, speaking in all again and of Africa, appearing to encompass, many another culture outside Africa that is, and as with regards even to not only Images of Respect in all, but African Voices too, and even African Bodies in all, and in all truly even, what does constitute a genuine African Identity that is [and as with Africans even, known to creatively borrow from many another culture that is] [and as with this in all again, a genuine African Identity that is, traditionally believed Egyptian, but with asking Africans today, to in all probably attempt to creatively rise above all this actually].

In all ways even, all this targeted towards those in Kamp-o (and Anatolian Kampala too), and as with helping create New Media in all, and targeted towards discussing what truly is African in all again, and as with regards to getting to the depth of the matter that is.

In all again, this New Media, and as truly embodying even, what the AU is truly all about.