Tuesday 15 October 2013

First Impressions

First Impressions.

There does exist, a rather big problem in Uganda today, and specifically Kampala too. It in many a way, has to do, and with just how the average person in Kampala, seeks to interact, or even communicate with others that is. That in many a way, life in Kampala in all, and as with regards even and to everyday interactions and communications too, has come to be heavily defined even, and by Elitist manners in all, and also tribal identities too. To attempt to get rid of this sort of behaviour in Kampala, is to perhaps ask those in Anatolian Kampala, to take a leading role, and in helping define everyday interactions and communications, and very much from the perspective of First Impressions that is [that in Kampala in all, and also Uganda too, First Impressions do matter actually, and as with regards even to simply bonding with others, and as with First Impressions too, and as not speaking either of elitism in all, or even tribal identities either].