Friday 6 June 2014

Africa Charted

Africa Charted.

To speak of Africa and as said Charted in all, is to perhaps in all again, associate it all even, and with speak of Africa, and as said even Politically Mapped that is. That the latter in all, does often speak of Africa in all again, and as said even, Poverty-stricken, and problem filled too that is.

To speak of Africa and as Charted though, is to speak in all ways even, and of many a said popular myth in all, and of Africans and as said Admirable too, or even and as said a Feared people that is. To understand all this better, is to perhaps even associate many an Historical event in all, and with many a said African Presence that is. In the simplest sense too, this does speak even in all, and of the Haitian Revolution for instance.

In all, the History of Africa and as said Charted, does in all ways even, speak of Affiliations in all again, and as with they said even Religious too, and as with it all even not speaking of Physicality in all, but in all ways even, and of Knowledge Bodies too actually [and as with they in all too, said even, nascent in their ways, and as with regards to speak in all too, even and of what some do term in all, the 'Development of Knowledge Bodies' that is].

To perhaps in all truly speak of all this, is to first off even, speak of the coming together in all, and of France and Spain too, and in a political fashion, and as with they even responsible in all, and for truly making even, terms such as Moor, Moorish, African, Morisco etc., highly politically charged in all, and as with regards even and to speak of History in itself actually [that the term African, does speak even and of highly adaptable even, forms/modes of Organization] [and as with furtherly declaring here, France historically in all, and to have very much been a Country of Moors that is][and as with speak even and of the French Language, and as said truly even, a 'Language of the Moor' that is].

To view Africa and as Charted though, and from speak even and of the Middle East, is to associate in all, speak of Islam and the Islamic, and as said even to speak of History in all, and that does go along in all even, and with speak even and of straight haired in all, caucasoid, peoples too, or even those particularly in all, Islamicized, and in language/behavour too, and as dominant in their ways that is. All this too, and as compared to speak of Christianity in all, and in its Egyptian/Coptic, Greek/Orthodox, Italian/Roman, or even Arab/Nazarene forms too, and which does in all ways even, speak of those said in all, and to possess Swarthy skins, or even in many a way truly, and as very much appearing very Egyptian/African in their ways/manners and looks too, and as said in all again, and to hold Authority, and in the above forementioned forms of Christianity that is. In all, they said and as possessing Knowledge too in all, and as with regards to what does constitute and for the Challenge in life that is [and speak even and of the resulting Glory too] [and as with it even speaking and of what is truly best for one, and in striving in all perhaps, and in attaining success that is, and as versus speak even and of chasing in all, what some do term a 'Fools Hope' that is].

Another manner or way and of looking at all this, does speak even and of Asia in all, and whose peoples in all again, do truly attempt to judge all said African looking peoples, and from speak even and of the Arts & Media too, and as with truly associating in all, African looking peoples and in North America , and as said even possessing the most developed forms of said believed African styled Arts/Media that is [and as with furtherly even attempting in all, to associate African languages and speech, and with primitivity, and as with Africans too, and as said even Eloquent in expression, said in all again Sell-outs, and to their roots too that is]. In all again, Dreadlocks, and as said to speak of Africa, while Rasta/braids hairstyles, do not in all truly refer and to Africa that is [but to so said Black Identity in all actually].

Another view of Africa and as said Charted, does speak even and of Spain & Latin America, and whereby African Identity in all, is said grounded and in Nubian civilization/culture/ethnography too, and as with associating in all even, African Behaviour, and with that said truly Nubian that is [and as with it all even going along, and with perceived beliefs that, Lupita Ny'ongo, is actually truly African in her ways, and as an Oscar Winning Actress that is]. In all, and in the attempt to make all this decipherable perhaps, speak even and of Africans and their Behaviour, and as going along and with speak of the Disqualification too that is [and further speak even and of Africans, and as discriminated against, and for simply being Cool that is] [and with Nubians too, probably in all, the most UnCool, and of all Africans that is][Link].

In all again, is to also speak of Central Asia and America too, and where in all again, speak even and of Africa and as said Charted, does speak even and of African Personas/'Religious Figures' in all, and as said even more Moral perhaps, and Morality too, and that does speak even of Egyptian Civilization, and as one in all again, said the most Developed in all, and as with regards to speak of Psychic Phenomena, and as said a Humour too that is.

In all, the very world of Africa and as said Charted, and as believed truly even behind many an effort in all, and to truly Colonize Africa (and by Non-Africans too), and all apparently very much in the name of Empowerment in all actually [and as with the World outside Africa, privately said even Barbaric in its ways (but with a fine materiality to go with it all too), and as versus speak even of Africa, and as said Savage or highly violent too that is].

Finally, and as with speak even and of the Future, perhaps speak even and of the possibility and of Africa and as said Traced (out) in all [and Politically too], and as versus it in all again, and as said Charted or Mapped out too that is.