Wednesday 11 June 2014

World's Apart

World's Apart.

To speak of World's Apart, is to in many a way even, speak of many a Conspiracy theory, and as with regards to the World that is. That this in all, and from an African perspective, does not truly speak and of certain groups of people in all again, and as said possessing certain Bodies of Knowledge too, and secretly that is, and as with it all allowing them in all again, and to basically rule over the World and in one way or another that is [and speak even and just whom in all again, Europeans in all perhaps, are with Italy too], but that from an African perspective, Conspiracy theories in all, do actually speak and of just whom or who in all again, has the best understanding in all, and of History in itself too actually.

That unknown to many an African perhaps, most of the World and outside Africa, and as versus though said Downtrodden too, do in all actually tend to view History, and in speak of Ritual & Community too that is [and further speak even and of Empowerment in itself actually]. In all, those with the best understanding of Ritual & Community, do in all ways even have a true understanding of themselves, and as with regards even, and to speak of easily succeeding in life that is [and speak even and of the United States of America too perhaps, and the Skulls & Bones Society too for instance].

Many a person out there though, often does present African societies today, and in speak of Ritual & Community, when in reality, when it does come and to speak of just how Africans do perceive themselves and with History too, it does in all again, speak of Oral traditions / Ethnography, or even speak of Scholarship too [and as with all this even, speaking of the Movie Business too that is] [and with African Political Leadership today, and as said lacking in its ways too, speaking of Oral traditions / Ethnography, and of a poor variety too that is].

In all, Africa and as said a threat to World Security perhaps, does have in all to do, and with Africans, and as understanding History and from certain unique or interesting perspectives, and which do in all, allow them to act rather boldly even, and as with regards to succeeding in life that is.