Friday 13 June 2014

Knowledge Transfusion

Knowledge Transfusion.

African Social / Children Games:

The term 'Knowledge Transfusion', does in all actually truly refer and to just how in all, Knowledge does pass around, and flow in all again, and in society too. That understanding society and as such, does lead in all too even, and to the ability in all again, and to very much do as one wants that is.

Knowledge Transfusion though, and as with regards to speak of Africa in all, can very well be associated, and with the very world of African (Social / Children) Games that is. In all ways even, Kenya and as somewhat differing and from the rest of Africa, and as Social/Children Games in Kenya, have often taken a Victorian form, but with Victorian Social / Children Games too in all, actually very much African in their ways, and as with  speak of South Africa here in all, and as the exception, and as with regards to all this that is.

In all though, Egypt and as having traditionally associated problem solving in society, and with speak of Formulations in the form of Recipes too, and Recipes in all again, and that do speak of transformation and the alchemical too that is [and as with knowing just what to bring together, and at any moment too, and in attempting, and to solve just about any problem, and as with Egyptian Drama in all, very much also speaking of the transformational, and as going along and with an alchemical/mystifying experience too for instance].