Monday 28 July 2014

Historical References

Historical References.

In speaking of Chronology, and as with it all even said and to encompass Chronology in itself [and as said in all, and to speak of Napolean like figures], Timelines or even Historical References too [and further speak here for instance, and of the birth of Jesus too], is to in all, present the above work, and as going along and with speak of African Historical References, and as versus Timelines too [and which do dominate the World today], and as Historical References in all [and as going along in all perhaps, and with speak of Akan Scholarship too], do in all ways even truly appear perfect, and in dealing or solving, Africa's many Social/Psychological/Intellectual problems that is.

Saturday 26 July 2014

African Ethics

African Ethics.

It is in many a way it often said, that Africa, is in all, Lagging behind, and to the rest of the World that is [and in speak of Development, Mannerisms, or even and in speak of Sexuality in itself too that is]. Why in all, is this said or believed to be true? In all again, it probably does best speak, and of just how Africans, do define Ethics that is. That Africa, and as said Lagging behind, does speak in all, and of Ethics in African society, and as truly associated in all even, and by speak of Parental Mechanisms that is [and speak truly even, and of just how we do perceive Right and Wrong for instance, and on solving just about every problem encountered that is].

In all again, just how best in all, and to perhaps best attempt, and to speak in all, and of African Ethics? In many a way, it can be said, and to speak and of just how Africans in all, do approach, Societal/Psychological Models and of the Human Being that is. That in all, many such Models do exist, and Africans and as said Lagging behind, does in all even, speak and of their not using/utilizing, certain said Psychological Models of the Human Being, and in solving many a problem and in African societies that is [and as with it all even simply said to speak of Basic Intelligence that is].

The first of these, can be said European in all perhaps, and as it is often touted as such that is. A Model in all, and that does say in all that, Human Beings, are simply said Physical, Mental, Emotional and that said Visceral/Spiritual too. In all again, a Model and by which most in Africa, have never truly evolved by, but by which, and in all again, basic Human Intelligence and Cognition too, and in the very World we live in today that is, is said adjudged by actually. Other Models, and which are known in Africa (or Egypt in particular), do speak and of Man, and as said Humanoid too perhaps, simply said Physical, Logical, Conceptual and Contextual and in his ways that is. The most common of African Psychological Models of the Human Being, does in all even, go along in all and with speak of the Swahili saying 'Haba na Haba, hujaza Kibaba', and as with it all even said speaking of the Tracker Archetype, and the keeping in all, and of Track, and of just about anything, such that, the Human Being is simply said a Vessel, and by which in all, he is  said filled and by all sorts or kinds of Knowledge, and through which he does in all keep a Track of things that is. Another Model and in all though, and that does speak of West Africa in particular, does simply speak of the Human Being, and as very much interpreting in all, his environments or environs, and via speak of the Joker, Trickster and Magician Archetypes too that is [and life too, and as simply said having Three Stages to it all actually].

There is however another Model, Psychological too, and of the Human Being, and that can be very well said to speak of the Congo in all [but with it all even said and to speak of African Christianity], and by which in all, it does speak of Man, and as simply said Body, Mind and Spirit too [and with the Mind here, said to speak and of the Group Mind for instance, or speak even and the Higher Mind too that is]. In all, a Model, the just mentioned that is, and that is said best believed, and to speak and of just how best to solve Africa's problems today, and as said Psychic/Psyche and Developmental too, and as with it all even said to speak of an Evolutionary Consciousness, and as said to speak of the 'Human Condition' too, and that does associate, African societies, and with all forms of backwardness that is [and as including speak of Eating Habits too actually].

Body, Mind & Spirit:

Thursday 24 July 2014

Holistic practises

Holistic practises.

When most out there, do here of the phrase/wording 'Holsitic practises', they in all ways even, never do think Africa that is. For in all ways too, Holistic practises are often associated and with speak of Wholeness, and with Africans on the otherhand, often truly associated and with speak of Emotional Turmoil and Volatility that is. In all, why is this all said to be? In all again, it does in all truly perhaps, speak of and of just how in all again, one does define Arrangements, Formations and Alignments in their lives, and as with it all even said to speak and of just whom or who in all, we are, and as with regards and to speak of Wholeness that is.

Africa in many a way though, is actually truly a Magical continent, and when said perceived and from speak of Wholeness that is. What in all though, does this truly refer to? It does refer it is believed, and to what many a (Quantum) Physicist in all, does pertain to study, and when involved and in speak of Parallel Universes for instance, and in the attempt and in redesigning many an environment in all (or environs and Spaces too), and outside Africa in all that is. That in Africa, Parallel Universes, Higher Dimensions, Quantum Mechanics, Holographic Universe etc., are in all ways even said, and to be existent in their ways, and as with speak here even, and of what does constitute and for Stability in Africa, but in many a way too, speak in all and of the attempt and in making sense of African Religion that is.

To understand all this much better, is to associate Africa and in a general sense, and with speak in all, and of String Theory for instance, and as said in all even, and as referring and to Number Theory too that is. That for Africans, and as with they said Nigerian too, chaos and in society, and as perceived in all even and from patterns and as emanating and from Number Theory too [and speak even and of African Counting systems that is], and as with it all even referring and to Nigerians as Tricksters, and Number Theory too, and as perceived in all again, and to what does constitute and for Arrangements, Formations and Alignments and in society, and as with they basically said Wholesome in all, and from a Number Theory perspective too that is [and speak even and of that basic belief in all perhaps, that while holding a Party, and two whole new guests do make it, a feeling of disappointment and as with regards to Wholeness, and as in speak of the very belief that, Three guests in all, should have made it that is].

Take Kenya on the otherhand, and just where Wholeness and in society too (and further speak here and of Spaces/Dimensions that is), has often gone along, and with speak in all even, and of Quantum Mechanics [or the desire in all again, and to truly adjust, respond or adapt in all, and to the very slightest of changes, and as happening in a Space, Room or society in itself too], and as with it all even referring and to just how Kenyans in all do perceive Wholeness, and as with regards to speak of Arrangements, Formations or even Alignments too [and basic speak here in all, and of a place and as said Haunted, or truly Lively too, and when empty that is].

Finally, South Africa, and as truly attempting to design Spaces and society in itself, and in speak of Higher Dimensions [and basic speak here in all, and of the South African Real Estate Industry that is], and speak in all again, and of the very belief that, any Space, Room/Dimension or society in itself, and at any moment too in all, can simply be made better, and as in further speak here even, and of inviting many a person and to a Party too, and their not showing up, or speak truly in all, and of their all making it, and the sunken feeling that, someone else should truly be invited (and as in asking if they are 'Free')[South African English], but that in all ways even, speak of South Africa and as truly said a stratified society, and from speak in all even, and of outside Media in all, and as said not South/Southern African in all, and into South Africa, and which does attempt to introduce Behavioural patterns, and that do speak even, and of the so termed 'Rainbow Nations' that is.

In all though, Africa and as said a Magical continent in all, and as now in all again, referring, and to Angola for instance, and the very world of Capoeira too, and as referring and to society in all, and as designing Spaces, and that do incorporate the very concept of Eshu in all (and as said Yoruba too), and speak in all even, and of the unexpected and as said truly occurring, and the adaptive changes that do follow in all, and which in all again, are said to speak and of a Transformational experience, in that, society now proceeds, and in rather new or novel manners that is [in all ways even, speak here in all, and of Malandragem, Amulets and Charms too, and the ability in all again, and to keep society or a Space in all, simply alive in its ways, and from simply knowing in all again, what the Unexpected and as said Transformational too, does truly refer too that is].

In Finality, speak even and of the Igbo peoples of Nigeria in all [and as with they said Cameroonian too], and as truly said in all perhaps, and to live lives isolated and from other peoples in Nigeria and Cameroon, in that, they do define themselves, Stringently too, and from the very perspective and of Taboo that is, and as with it all even said to speak of Africa and as a Magical continent, and alongside speak in all, and of the Chinese I-Ching Oracle for instance [that the I-Ching, is an Oracle in all, and that does attempt to define Chinese society, and in speak of Taboo, and as with it all even said associated, and with many a Magical phenomena that is][Igbo Taboo].



What in all, are Symptoms truly? They can, and in an African sense too, simply said Viral in their ways, and as with it all referring, and to what we do in all, do consider perfect that is [and as with it all even said Subconscious, or in many a way and in all again, to simply speak of our being Natural or Plain that is]. In all again, speak truly even and of what many do term Spiritual, Emotional or Psychological Ailments and Malaises too (and further speak here in all, and of Psychic Trauma/Damage too), and as with it all even said, recurring in its ways that is.

Saturday 19 July 2014

African Studies

African Studies.

African Studies, and as with it all and in many a way, often in all, truly associated and with speak of African Forms & Motifs, African Studies and in many a way though, is best said believed and to speak of Size, Build and Type/Fit in all, and as with it all even said and to speak of African Philosophy and as meeting African Nature too, but that in all ways even, speak truly and in all again, and of many a discussion and of just whom/who is African, and whom/who is not, and as with it all even said to speak and of many an African Artifact (Artefacts, Relics, Symbols, Collectibles, Antiques etc.), and as with they basically in all again, adjudged, and from speak of the Egyptian/Pharaonic too that is.

Communications Theory

Communications Theory.

What is Communications Theory? It basically in all, can be said here, and to speak of the Promise, that the so termed 'African Future', is often said to hold that is. To understand all this better, is to speak of the attempt in all, and of many a person, and as attempting to represent African History, and the African Future too in all, and from Nationalist Mindsets that is [that many a Writer on African History today, is simply said in all again, and to adopt African Nationalist Mindsets, and on presenting/representing African History that is].

What though, does truly go in Africa today, and as with regards in all even, and to it all and as said having no solid footing to it that is? That it in all, does basically speak and of presenting/representing African History, and in speak of African Oral traditions/History, and African Ethnography too. That surprisingly to most, Modern African Political events in all, and as said Historical too, do very much arise and in the very world of African Oral traditions/History [and further speak here in all even, and of Modern African Political Leadership too that is], while you do on the otherhand, have another Africa, and as said to go along and with speak of African Ethnography, and further speak here in all even, and of African Materiality too that is [and as with it all referring too and in all even, and to the very fact that, Africans, and as said possessing in all known 'Iron-working' Knowledge Bases, and as very much said Local and Regional too, do in all ways even find their efforts in all again, utilized, and in speak of African National Agendas that is].

In all, the above manner of viewing African History and further speak here too perhaps, and of Modern African Development, has resulted and in many a problem, and as with speak here in all even, and of the attempt to create a Modern African Philosophy, and that does speak in all too perhaps, and of African Nationalist Agendas that is. 

In all though, the very goal of this posting in all, and as said to speak in all again and of the very belief or Belief that, the African Future, does truly lie, and in Africans in all, and as truly knowing themselves in all again, and as Communicators that is, and as it is in all believed that, knowing oneself and as a genuine or said true Communicator in all, does result and in one and as pretty much in all again, seeing things, and as they truly are that is (and as Technologists too), but that speak in all again, and of Africans and as surpassing the rest of the World, does speak in all truly, and of their opening up perhaps, and as Communicators too, and from basic speak here in all even, and of Emotion, and as said genuine in its ways that is.

Wednesday 16 July 2014

Africa Carved Out

Africa Carved Out.

"The Rise and Fall" of Africa:

To speak of the phrase 'Africa Carved Out', is to speak in all again and of many a misconception, and that does associate it all, and with Colonial Rule / Colonialism and in Africa that is. That the phrase 'Africa Carved Out', and as said to have its origins, and with the so termed 'Berlin Conference', does not actually in all speak of the 'Scramble for Africa', but in all ways even, does speak of European Missionary activity, and as leading to European Colonial Rule, and with speak of the 'Scramble for Africa' on the otherhand, does in all ways even go along and with speak of 'The Great Continent of Africa' that is [Link].

In all, what does 'Africa Carved Out' truly represent? It in many a way, it does for instance speak of the  very fact that, European presences and in Africa, and during the Colonial Rule, were never said One in their ways, and due to many a false belief in all, and that does speak even and of European History, and as going along and with Europe and as said divided into many a part in all, and with each in all again, very much alien to each other that is [and speak even and of the referring and of Germany for instance, and as the Rhineland too that is].

In all, 'Africa Carved Out', does speak in all ways even, and of the very birth in all perhaps, and of a said reknowed African Society that is. That the European Colonial Powers, and as going along even, and with speak of European Colonial Rule (and speak furtherly even, and of the phrase 'The Three Africas')[Link], does in all even actually speak of European attempts, and in creating Society in Africa (and as with it Political too, and not truly Civil either), and via which in all again, they would in all ways even, be highly respected, and by the so termed Natives that is. In all again, speak of Europe and as said Post-Revolutionary in its ways, and Europeans too, and as now entering Africa, and in the hope of finding a new of way of life, and that does speak even and of Happiness in itself actually [and with the best example of this, speaking in all even and of the very world of Shaka Zulu too for instance].

Other developments and as with regards to speak of Africa and as said 'Carved Out', do speak even and of Muslim Caliphate Rule in Egypt, and alongside British Rule in 'the Sudan' too, and which did in all ways even attempt to create Society in the place, rather memorable too, and as in telling one that, the promise of African Society, and as said even highly civil in its ways, does in all actually, not speak of its Members specifically, but that in all ways even, does refer and to African Society, and as going along and with speak of it all and as said as 'Capturing ones Imagination' that is [Egypt/Sudan].

One of the far more interesting attempts, and in attempting to create African Society, and as said highly respectable and civil, does speak even and of Rhodesia in all (and further speak of Cecil Rhodes here), and a Society too, falsely said or believed in all even, and to speak of White Oppression and of Blacks in Zimbabwe  too in all, and when in reality, Rhodesia did speak of the very likes of Cecil Rhodes in all, and their very attempts and in creating Society and in Rhodesia too in all, and that did in many a way and in the very least too, carry with it, Sentiment, and that did speak of Victorian and Elizabethan Society, and as seen in both Kenya and England too that is. In all, Rhodesia, and as helping truly give birth and to the myth, that Black Africans in all, are actually a savage people, and due in all ways even, and to the false associating of Rhodesia, and with Apartheid South Africa too that is [Rhodesia].

You do also find, so termed German Occupation of Tanzania (or Tanganyika truly), and as going along in all, and with the creation of African Society, and that does in all ways even speak of Christianity too (and as said African in all even), but speak of its demise in all, does speak even and of those who do have a said aversion, and towards Christianity in Africa too that is [and further speak here even, and of the Maji Maji Rebellion that is] [and with this Sentiment too, held in many a way, and by those in Africa not willing to accept that, Christianity might have many a solution to their problems and as with regards to Development, and as with Christianity in Africa and not Western Media either, often associated and with many an African perhaps, and as developing a Self-Hatred, and due in all and to the the said Undeveloped nature and of many an African Culture, and as with regards even and to speak of the Psyche that is][that many an African people, do pride themselves and in having accumulated a Body of Knowledge, and as said even and to speak of Witchcraft, and that does have to do with the Psyche, but with Christianity in Africa, having with it, a Psyche, and that is enviable and to many an African, and as with regards even, and to basic speak too, and of its Womenfolk that is] [Link].

Other developments and as with regards to all this, does speak even and of the birth of the so termed East African Community, and as with it all even viewed and from speak of Political Society [and that did speak in all even, and of late Presidents' Jomo Kenyatta, Julius Nyerere and even Milton Obote too], and as with they in all even attempting to create Society, and just where many a person would exchange Ideas in all, and as with regards to regional Development, and that did speak in all again, and of the incorporating and of many an Idea, and from just about every part of the World, and in all ways even, speak here in all, and of the 'Spearheading of Development' in Africa, and as going along and with a Philosophy too, and that did in all ways even, lead to it, and as associated in all, and with speak of 'American Interests', and as taking a hold that is [and speak in all even, and of Nairobi too, and as now very much proclaimed an International City that is][Link]

Another mentionable in all, does speak even and of the Swahili peoples of Kenya / Swahili Coast in all, and as attempting to create Touristic Society and in Kenya too, and in the hopes of helping develop Kenya in all again, and in a manner and that does speak even and of an Economic Summit too for instance, but Society too, and as not truly taking off, but speak of it all and as said honourable or mentionable too in all, speaking in all even and of former Microsoft CEO Bill Gates, and as somewhat having been associated and with this Society, and which at the very least even, did in all give birth and to Google Kenya for instance][Link].

Finally in all again, speak even perhaps, and of Cote D'Ivoire (and as versus the Ivory Coast too), and speak even of Abidjan that is, and the very birth of Society, and as said Pan-African too, and the attempt in all, and to develop Africa, and alongside speak in all even, and of Pan-Africanism, and as going along and with the creating of the greatest of relationships/Relations in all that is [and in a West Africa too, and where in all again, Black skinned Africans, don't mingle or interact and with Brown skinned Africans in all, and speak here in all even, and of such said Sentiment, and as arising in all, and with the West African Slave Trade that is][Link - and as with it all even said 'Over the Head' perhaps]

In all again, Africa and as said Dying or Waning, does speak of African Society, and as said in all ways even, and as truly 'Capturing Ones Imagination', in that, it is Society and as said transformational in its ways (and as with Happiness said very much around the Corner too), and such that, one is driven towards Success in all (and as with it actually truly happening that is), but speak here in all again, and of Evil and as seen in African society, and that does speak and of those, simply said not capable of 'joining in', or even, further speak here too, and of African notions of Shame, and with true Africans in all, said not easily Embarrassed that is.

Finally and in all again, such African Society and as stated above, and as said even Pre-Modern in its ways, but Society too that was truly capable of changing Africa (and speak even and of the memorable Times involved) [and further speak even, and of Africans and as said surpassing Europeans, and in speak of Presentation too], but in all ways even, its demise, and  as giving birth to African Society, and that does simply speak of holding many a Party, or speak even and of Expensive Entertainment too, and in all ways though, African Society today (and as it once was that is) [meaning that, there are those who do view Current Africa, and as more harsh in its ways, and as compared in all again, and to speak of Colonial African Society, and Neo-Colonialism too in all], but that in all ways even, it is probably Kampala, and Society and as seen in the place too, and that does hold remnants in all, and of past African Society, but that in all ways too, African Society, and as said in all and to speak of many an Interesting Character, and as perceived as such in all, and by the top Echelons or Elites, and of Western Society too that is [Link].



Figurines, and speak in all and of Righteousness in itself, and Conscientiousness too, and as said truly African that is.

Saturday 12 July 2014

Audio/Video Tones

Audio/Video Tones.

And speak of an Independent African Media in all.

Friday 11 July 2014

The Truth

The Truth.

Know the Truth, and the Truth shall set you Free

The above mentioned Adage, is known to many a person, but with its meaning, capable of being interpreted, and in many a differing way or manner too [and as with it all even, speaking of Cultural Contexts that is]. In all though, to truly best understand this adage, is to perhaps in all again, speak of Chronology in itself. That Chronology in all, does truly speak and of just how in all truly, we do perceive, record or even keep time in itself, and as with it all even said to speak of Calendars, Schedules, Timetables, Rosters, Programs, Curriculums etc., or even further speak too, and of Notebooks, Backlogs, Annnals etc. that is.

In all, the very way we do speak of Chronology in all, does define in all again, just how in all, we do think about what is True, and what is not either. That in all, thinking about a problem and from speak of Curriculums too for instance, does lead one and to arriving at the Truth, and in a rather different manner or way in all, and as versus speak even that is, and of keeping a private Notebook for instance.

In all, Chronology, and as truly holding the keys, and of just how we do perceive Truth in itself, and as in telling one that, when one does truly master Chronology in all, then in many a way in all again, the solution to many a problem and as having to do with life, is probably simply said, easy to come by that is [and as with the Backlog too, said to be of interest, and with Africa today that is].

Wednesday 9 July 2014



To speak of Commerce here in all, is to perhaps in all again, attempt to associate it all, and with Spirituality too. That Commerce, does go along, and with speak of Payment in all actually, and for a good or service, and that one does believe in all, will provide a certain said or desired result too that is [and as with this all, at the very least even, speaking of Satisfaction that is].

In many a way, Commerce in the past, did in all speak of Spirituality in itself, in that, most out there don't truly believe in Spiritual Visions for instance, and as they in all again, do go along, and with speak and of one and as having 'Paid their Dues' in all actually. That Spirituality in all, and in the form of Guardian Spirits and Ancestors too, or even spirits in themselves, did in all drive Commerce, and as with regards to one, and as said having Paid their Dues that is [and with the concept or idea in all, and of Payment too, and as said here in all again truly influencing, what one does believe, and to be true, and about Reality that is].

In all, the ancients, and as perhaps associated and with what did constitute for Payment, and when it did come to speak of the Gods for instance, and as compared to speak of Humanity today, and which does associate Payment (and disastrously too), and with speak even, and of (Sexual) Gratification too that is.

Tuesday 8 July 2014

The (Movie) Screen

The (Movie) Screen.

The Movie Screen, and as with it even said to speak of the movie 'Shaft' (and in an African context too), but that in all ways even, the Screen, and as speaking in all and of African Film/Movie-making, and as speaking in all again, and of it all and as carrying, speech, and that does speak of Oriki that is.

Wednesday 2 July 2014



Africa and the rest of the World [and as versus speak of South Africa too].