Wednesday 9 July 2014



To speak of Commerce here in all, is to perhaps in all again, attempt to associate it all, and with Spirituality too. That Commerce, does go along, and with speak of Payment in all actually, and for a good or service, and that one does believe in all, will provide a certain said or desired result too that is [and as with this all, at the very least even, speaking of Satisfaction that is].

In many a way, Commerce in the past, did in all speak of Spirituality in itself, in that, most out there don't truly believe in Spiritual Visions for instance, and as they in all again, do go along, and with speak and of one and as having 'Paid their Dues' in all actually. That Spirituality in all, and in the form of Guardian Spirits and Ancestors too, or even spirits in themselves, did in all drive Commerce, and as with regards to one, and as said having Paid their Dues that is [and with the concept or idea in all, and of Payment too, and as said here in all again truly influencing, what one does believe, and to be true, and about Reality that is].

In all, the ancients, and as perhaps associated and with what did constitute for Payment, and when it did come to speak of the Gods for instance, and as compared to speak of Humanity today, and which does associate Payment (and disastrously too), and with speak even, and of (Sexual) Gratification too that is.