Saturday 19 July 2014

Communications Theory

Communications Theory.

What is Communications Theory? It basically in all, can be said here, and to speak of the Promise, that the so termed 'African Future', is often said to hold that is. To understand all this better, is to speak of the attempt in all, and of many a person, and as attempting to represent African History, and the African Future too in all, and from Nationalist Mindsets that is [that many a Writer on African History today, is simply said in all again, and to adopt African Nationalist Mindsets, and on presenting/representing African History that is].

What though, does truly go in Africa today, and as with regards in all even, and to it all and as said having no solid footing to it that is? That it in all, does basically speak and of presenting/representing African History, and in speak of African Oral traditions/History, and African Ethnography too. That surprisingly to most, Modern African Political events in all, and as said Historical too, do very much arise and in the very world of African Oral traditions/History [and further speak here in all even, and of Modern African Political Leadership too that is], while you do on the otherhand, have another Africa, and as said to go along and with speak of African Ethnography, and further speak here in all even, and of African Materiality too that is [and as with it all referring too and in all even, and to the very fact that, Africans, and as said possessing in all known 'Iron-working' Knowledge Bases, and as very much said Local and Regional too, do in all ways even find their efforts in all again, utilized, and in speak of African National Agendas that is].

In all, the above manner of viewing African History and further speak here too perhaps, and of Modern African Development, has resulted and in many a problem, and as with speak here in all even, and of the attempt to create a Modern African Philosophy, and that does speak in all too perhaps, and of African Nationalist Agendas that is. 

In all though, the very goal of this posting in all, and as said to speak in all again and of the very belief or Belief that, the African Future, does truly lie, and in Africans in all, and as truly knowing themselves in all again, and as Communicators that is, and as it is in all believed that, knowing oneself and as a genuine or said true Communicator in all, does result and in one and as pretty much in all again, seeing things, and as they truly are that is (and as Technologists too), but that speak in all again, and of Africans and as surpassing the rest of the World, does speak in all truly, and of their opening up perhaps, and as Communicators too, and from basic speak here in all even, and of Emotion, and as said genuine in its ways that is.