Thursday 24 July 2014

Holistic practises

Holistic practises.

When most out there, do here of the phrase/wording 'Holsitic practises', they in all ways even, never do think Africa that is. For in all ways too, Holistic practises are often associated and with speak of Wholeness, and with Africans on the otherhand, often truly associated and with speak of Emotional Turmoil and Volatility that is. In all, why is this all said to be? In all again, it does in all truly perhaps, speak of and of just how in all again, one does define Arrangements, Formations and Alignments in their lives, and as with it all even said to speak and of just whom or who in all, we are, and as with regards and to speak of Wholeness that is.

Africa in many a way though, is actually truly a Magical continent, and when said perceived and from speak of Wholeness that is. What in all though, does this truly refer to? It does refer it is believed, and to what many a (Quantum) Physicist in all, does pertain to study, and when involved and in speak of Parallel Universes for instance, and in the attempt and in redesigning many an environment in all (or environs and Spaces too), and outside Africa in all that is. That in Africa, Parallel Universes, Higher Dimensions, Quantum Mechanics, Holographic Universe etc., are in all ways even said, and to be existent in their ways, and as with speak here even, and of what does constitute and for Stability in Africa, but in many a way too, speak in all and of the attempt and in making sense of African Religion that is.

To understand all this much better, is to associate Africa and in a general sense, and with speak in all, and of String Theory for instance, and as said in all even, and as referring and to Number Theory too that is. That for Africans, and as with they said Nigerian too, chaos and in society, and as perceived in all even and from patterns and as emanating and from Number Theory too [and speak even and of African Counting systems that is], and as with it all even referring and to Nigerians as Tricksters, and Number Theory too, and as perceived in all again, and to what does constitute and for Arrangements, Formations and Alignments and in society, and as with they basically said Wholesome in all, and from a Number Theory perspective too that is [and speak even and of that basic belief in all perhaps, that while holding a Party, and two whole new guests do make it, a feeling of disappointment and as with regards to Wholeness, and as in speak of the very belief that, Three guests in all, should have made it that is].

Take Kenya on the otherhand, and just where Wholeness and in society too (and further speak here and of Spaces/Dimensions that is), has often gone along, and with speak in all even, and of Quantum Mechanics [or the desire in all again, and to truly adjust, respond or adapt in all, and to the very slightest of changes, and as happening in a Space, Room or society in itself too], and as with it all even referring and to just how Kenyans in all do perceive Wholeness, and as with regards to speak of Arrangements, Formations or even Alignments too [and basic speak here in all, and of a place and as said Haunted, or truly Lively too, and when empty that is].

Finally, South Africa, and as truly attempting to design Spaces and society in itself, and in speak of Higher Dimensions [and basic speak here in all, and of the South African Real Estate Industry that is], and speak in all again, and of the very belief that, any Space, Room/Dimension or society in itself, and at any moment too in all, can simply be made better, and as in further speak here even, and of inviting many a person and to a Party too, and their not showing up, or speak truly in all, and of their all making it, and the sunken feeling that, someone else should truly be invited (and as in asking if they are 'Free')[South African English], but that in all ways even, speak of South Africa and as truly said a stratified society, and from speak in all even, and of outside Media in all, and as said not South/Southern African in all, and into South Africa, and which does attempt to introduce Behavioural patterns, and that do speak even, and of the so termed 'Rainbow Nations' that is.

In all though, Africa and as said a Magical continent in all, and as now in all again, referring, and to Angola for instance, and the very world of Capoeira too, and as referring and to society in all, and as designing Spaces, and that do incorporate the very concept of Eshu in all (and as said Yoruba too), and speak in all even, and of the unexpected and as said truly occurring, and the adaptive changes that do follow in all, and which in all again, are said to speak and of a Transformational experience, in that, society now proceeds, and in rather new or novel manners that is [in all ways even, speak here in all, and of Malandragem, Amulets and Charms too, and the ability in all again, and to keep society or a Space in all, simply alive in its ways, and from simply knowing in all again, what the Unexpected and as said Transformational too, does truly refer too that is].

In Finality, speak even and of the Igbo peoples of Nigeria in all [and as with they said Cameroonian too], and as truly said in all perhaps, and to live lives isolated and from other peoples in Nigeria and Cameroon, in that, they do define themselves, Stringently too, and from the very perspective and of Taboo that is, and as with it all even said to speak of Africa and as a Magical continent, and alongside speak in all, and of the Chinese I-Ching Oracle for instance [that the I-Ching, is an Oracle in all, and that does attempt to define Chinese society, and in speak of Taboo, and as with it all even said associated, and with many a Magical phenomena that is][Igbo Taboo].