Saturday 26 July 2014

African Ethics

African Ethics.

It is in many a way it often said, that Africa, is in all, Lagging behind, and to the rest of the World that is [and in speak of Development, Mannerisms, or even and in speak of Sexuality in itself too that is]. Why in all, is this said or believed to be true? In all again, it probably does best speak, and of just how Africans, do define Ethics that is. That Africa, and as said Lagging behind, does speak in all, and of Ethics in African society, and as truly associated in all even, and by speak of Parental Mechanisms that is [and speak truly even, and of just how we do perceive Right and Wrong for instance, and on solving just about every problem encountered that is].

In all again, just how best in all, and to perhaps best attempt, and to speak in all, and of African Ethics? In many a way, it can be said, and to speak and of just how Africans in all, do approach, Societal/Psychological Models and of the Human Being that is. That in all, many such Models do exist, and Africans and as said Lagging behind, does in all even, speak and of their not using/utilizing, certain said Psychological Models of the Human Being, and in solving many a problem and in African societies that is [and as with it all even simply said to speak of Basic Intelligence that is].

The first of these, can be said European in all perhaps, and as it is often touted as such that is. A Model in all, and that does say in all that, Human Beings, are simply said Physical, Mental, Emotional and that said Visceral/Spiritual too. In all again, a Model and by which most in Africa, have never truly evolved by, but by which, and in all again, basic Human Intelligence and Cognition too, and in the very World we live in today that is, is said adjudged by actually. Other Models, and which are known in Africa (or Egypt in particular), do speak and of Man, and as said Humanoid too perhaps, simply said Physical, Logical, Conceptual and Contextual and in his ways that is. The most common of African Psychological Models of the Human Being, does in all even, go along in all and with speak of the Swahili saying 'Haba na Haba, hujaza Kibaba', and as with it all even said speaking of the Tracker Archetype, and the keeping in all, and of Track, and of just about anything, such that, the Human Being is simply said a Vessel, and by which in all, he is  said filled and by all sorts or kinds of Knowledge, and through which he does in all keep a Track of things that is. Another Model and in all though, and that does speak of West Africa in particular, does simply speak of the Human Being, and as very much interpreting in all, his environments or environs, and via speak of the Joker, Trickster and Magician Archetypes too that is [and life too, and as simply said having Three Stages to it all actually].

There is however another Model, Psychological too, and of the Human Being, and that can be very well said to speak of the Congo in all [but with it all even said and to speak of African Christianity], and by which in all, it does speak of Man, and as simply said Body, Mind and Spirit too [and with the Mind here, said to speak and of the Group Mind for instance, or speak even and the Higher Mind too that is]. In all, a Model, the just mentioned that is, and that is said best believed, and to speak and of just how best to solve Africa's problems today, and as said Psychic/Psyche and Developmental too, and as with it all even said to speak of an Evolutionary Consciousness, and as said to speak of the 'Human Condition' too, and that does associate, African societies, and with all forms of backwardness that is [and as including speak of Eating Habits too actually].

Body, Mind & Spirit: