Friday 11 July 2014

The Truth

The Truth.

Know the Truth, and the Truth shall set you Free

The above mentioned Adage, is known to many a person, but with its meaning, capable of being interpreted, and in many a differing way or manner too [and as with it all even, speaking of Cultural Contexts that is]. In all though, to truly best understand this adage, is to perhaps in all again, speak of Chronology in itself. That Chronology in all, does truly speak and of just how in all truly, we do perceive, record or even keep time in itself, and as with it all even said to speak of Calendars, Schedules, Timetables, Rosters, Programs, Curriculums etc., or even further speak too, and of Notebooks, Backlogs, Annnals etc. that is.

In all, the very way we do speak of Chronology in all, does define in all again, just how in all, we do think about what is True, and what is not either. That in all, thinking about a problem and from speak of Curriculums too for instance, does lead one and to arriving at the Truth, and in a rather different manner or way in all, and as versus speak even that is, and of keeping a private Notebook for instance.

In all, Chronology, and as truly holding the keys, and of just how we do perceive Truth in itself, and as in telling one that, when one does truly master Chronology in all, then in many a way in all again, the solution to many a problem and as having to do with life, is probably simply said, easy to come by that is [and as with the Backlog too, said to be of interest, and with Africa today that is].