Tuesday 27 May 2014



To speak of Gratification in all, is to perhaps ponder just where in all again, Humanity today in all, does stand, and as with regards even, and to speak even and of it all, and from an African perspective, and of so termed Great Ancestors that is. In all again, truly pondering perhaps, just how we do envision in all, truly if, our life/term on Earth is actually done, and as with the belief in all that, there is nothing more to be said or done, and as with regards even perhaps, and to Self-Understanding that is. In all again truly even, truly pondering the question in all, and of just whom in all again, was the Greatest Human to ever live? [Link].

To understand all this better is to associate in all again, speak of Gratification in all, of Addiction, and with actually in all again, being entrapped on this Earth, and as with basic speak here in all too even, and of Vengeance, Revenge or Retribution too, and as conditions of Man/Woman-kind in all again, and that does keep us entrapped in all, and to this Earth, and as with having in all even perhaps, to return and make good in all, and for what we did wrong, and as with further speak even and of what does stand for Judgment, and on Dying/Death too that is. 

To better in all again understand Gratification, the Addictive, is to in all ways even perhaps, associate it all, and with speak of just whom we are and with Confidence too, and as with Pain in itself, basically perceived here, and from speak of the seeking out of Gratification, and as compared in all again, and to acting Confident, and as perceived even and from speak of Adaptive mechanisms too that is [or speak in all ways even and of our failure in truly adapting, having us in all again, become more or less like Primates that is].

To speak of History in all then and from the above perspective, is to also speak of it all, and from the very perspective even and of the said races of Humanity in all again, and as with the Egyptian races, having been said highly Mature [and as with speak even and of not complaining or whining too], and with the Greek races, simply said highly Reasonable [and as with speak even of co-adaptation in itself], and with the Italians on the otherhand in all, simply said highly Intelligent [and in Intellect, and not Reason truly either], and finally in all again, speak even and of the African races, and as simply said highly Well Mannered that is [and speak perhaps even, and of the African Knight, and as said even the greatest Knight of them all][Link].