Tuesday 27 May 2014

The African Calendar

The African Calendar.

To speak of the African Calendar, is to perhaps in all again refer, and to just what life in African societies, truly is like, and at the Base levels that is. To understand this better, is to associate all this (Calendars that is), and with the very Emergence (and not Rise either), and of African societies or civilizations too that is [and as with it all even speaking in all again and of the late Kwame Nkrumah in himself actually]. In all, the answer to all this does lie and in questioning, just whom Africans in all again, are, and at Base levels of existence, and as with speak in all too even, and of the very Emergence of African societies/civilizations, and as versus speak even and of their Rise that is [and as with it all speaking even, and of 'leading by example' for instance]. In all, to talk of Egyptian Civilization as such, is to talk in all ways even perhaps, and of Egyptians as Beggars that is. To talk of Greece as such, is to talk of the Greeks as Paupers in all, while speak of Italy in all again, does refer to Italians in all, and as Misers too that is.

What of Africa? It in many a way can be said, they are very much like Tramps that is [and as with the African Calendar too, speaking in all, and of defeating/alleviating this condition that is].
