Sunday 25 May 2014



To speak of Odu in all, is to perhaps best in all again, refer in all, and to many a myth in all again really, and of just how best to go about succeeding and in the World today too that is. That for most, succeeding in all, does come in all again, and with speak of a Knowledge Base too, but that in all ways even, speak too in all, and of the Imparting of Knowledge in itself, and as with further speak here even, and of excellent Instructional material, and that does open one up in all, and to foreseeing all kinds of opportunities, and as driven in all again, and by many an emotion in all, and that does speak even and of Optimism in itself too actually.

For those in Africa though, and as with speak even and of the many Blogs and that do fall under the Blogger here too in all, speak in all ways even, and of success in all, and as going along and with speak too and of Conscious States that is [that the University system in place around the World in all again, does in all actually speak of Conscious States, and as with regards to not only subscribing and to certain (Historical) Timelines too in all, and as with they even said to speak of Guidelines in all, but that in all ways even, the Blogger here does believe that many of Africa's problems in all actually, do call for certain Conscious States, and those too, and that do speak even and of unique Body Consciousness (Sentiment, Temperament, Mood, Emotions) in all that is, and as with further speak here even and of the very belief that most of Africa's problems today, do in all ways even speak of Body Consciousness in all actually]. 

In all, Odu, and as with it even basically perceived and as a Communications protocol, speaking in all and of truly in all even for instance, reciting Oriki in all again, and alongside a certain Sentiment held or picked up that is, and which in all again, does speak even, and of a Spirit/Conscious State, and as in all Induced even, and via the very act of reciting Oriki and that does speak too in all, and of Odu that is. In all again though, the problem does remain and as with regards to just where to pick up in all again, the best Sentiment or Temperament in all, and as with regards to problems faced today, and in Africa too, and as with it all even and from an African perspective, speaking of Africa and as said Undersieged in all, and due to the very falsifying in all, and of History in itself too that is [and as with History here in all again, perceived and from speak even and of Ancestral spirits / Conscious States too that is].

In all, Intelligence here and as basically perceived from Conscious States (and even speak of vivid daydreaming), and furtherly in all again, problem solving and as going along and with speak of the Body Consciousness, and in all ways even the very belief that, Humanity's disconnection from the past today in all, does speak even, and of the Body Consciousness that is.

The Blogger and 'induced' Body Consciousness / Conscious States in all [and with the Gideons Bible, more or less actually truly African and as with regards to all this]:

[and as with LOTR, speaking truly even and of Odu in itself actually]