Sunday 4 May 2014

The Homage

The Homage.

Transcendentalism and Africa:

What to think of a Life well Lived Out? In many a way, it does speak even and of whether in all, we do believe, Heaven or Hell, to be actually real. That in all perhaps, it does speak even and of the very belief that, the Earth, is said to very much have its own Evolutionary Consciousness, and which does associate Death in all, and with the attempt even to truly avoid Pain, and in all its forms actually [and as with this even speaking and of just whom Primates in all, truly are that is].

To speak of Transcendentalism in all again, is to in all ways even associate it all and with the awakening to many a reality, and that does have to do, and with speak of the very reality, and of Heaven and Hell that is [and as with further speak even and of a 'Life well Lived Out' that is]. That for the Egyptians in all, it did speak even and of Intimacy (and as said Transcendental too),while for the Greeks, it did speak even of Pity, and with Italy on the otherhand, associating it all, and with Esteem that is.

While the three forementioned above, are known to exist in Africa in all [and as with regards to Transcendentalism too], one must speak in all even, and of Asian mindsets perhaps, and as with regards to Transcedentalism, and as now showing up in all, and in Africa too, and via Media in all again, and which does in all speak of Appreciation, and as with regards to all this that is [and further speak even of Nollywood for instance].

For many an African though, and as willing even to live a rather private life in all, Transcendentalism, and as said favourably even, associated in all, and with speak of the Homage in all that is.