Saturday 17 May 2014

The 4-Day Week

The 4-Day Week.

This post in many a way, will in all, attempt to deal, and with so termed Micro/Macro Economics, and as with they said in all again, and as compared to other forms or kinds of Economics, to mostly influence Fiscal Policy that is.

The so termed 4-Day Week, is believed in all again and to be a concept in all, and of Yoruba origins, and whose meaning in all, is not truly known, and other than perhaps, and as with regards to talk of African Religious festive life that is [and as paramount even, and as with regards in all again, and to defining African Identity that is]. This post though, will however attempt to associate, the 4-Day Week, and with speak in all even, and of Africa's Energy Demands too that is.

In speaking of Macro-Economics, and in a simple basis too, is to in all ways even associate it all and with Fiscal Policy, and as having to do and with speak even of National Coverage, and even National Assessments too. In all, the very attempt and to define societies in all again, and Infrastructurally too, and as based around speak in all and of Taxation (Problem solving), Production/Delivery, Utilities (Nationalized Services) and even Administration in itself too. To speak though of the said fallacies of Macro-Economics, and as pertaining to speak of Fiscal Policy in all, is to in all again perhaps align ourselves, and with the very belief that, Micro-Economics in all, do in all again speak of foundational Economics, and as very well said to refer and to speak of Localities in themselves too actually. In all, Localities too, and as very much even going along and with speak even of Reportage (and Government News Media too perhaps), but in all ways even, it all referring and to speak of Fines/Charges, Production/Depositories (and speak even of Local Communications too), Supply/Demand economics (and speak even of Routine life in all), and furtherly in all again, speak even of Councils too that is.

In all, while the 7-Day Week is associated in all again, and with Macro-Economics, and speak even of Administration too, the 4-Day Week on the otherhand, can be said to be associated truly, and with Production/Depositories, and speak even of changing Local Communications that is [and as with they even differing by the Weekday too that is].