Saturday 3 May 2014

The God-Kings

The God-Kings.

Solidarity and the African Conscience:

Those in Africa, are believed even to not in many a way, think of life, and as going along and with speak in all even and of 'The One' in all. This does not truly speak of Monotheism, but in all ways even, and of what one could call in all again, a Source perhaps, and as with it all even believed to have all the Answers and to life that is. 

In all ways even, something difficult to explain, and unless it is all taken or perceived in all again, and from speak even of Viruses that is [In all, how they spread, and speak truly even and of the difficulty of countering them in all actually]. To understand this though and from a Historical perspective, is to in all ways even speak of not only Solidarity in all, and as seen in Ancient Egypt too, and as very much speaking even and of the Sun-God Ra in all, and as the very Source too, and of many a belief/Belief in all that is [and as viewed in all again perhaps, and in speak of Solidarity, and further speak even of Feasibility perhaps, and the very building even and of the Pyramids of/atGaza for instance] [Link].

You do also have Greece on the otherhand, and where Solidarity in all again and as said emanating in all, and in speech in itself, and as acquainted in all again, and with not only speak of Great Speeches, but with all this truly even, speaking of what some do term the Mother Tongue in all [and as with it even said 'language' in all again, and that does closely bind many a person together that is]. In all though, it was via the Mother Tongue and Greece, and where one for instance does see the very rise of Knighthood for instance, and as with speak even and of the Teutonic Knights and Ancient Britain [Link1, Link2], and also speak of Macedonia in all actually [that the following Image (Link), does not actually speak of Europe, but of Greece and Macedonia in all truly even].

You do also have Italy, and where Solidarity in all again, did speak even and of a Great Humour [and not a Grand Humour in all], and one too, and which in all ways even did not go and with speak of Intelligence in itself, but in all ways truly even, and in speak of Mobility that is [and further speak even and of purveying in all, anything to do with ones world for instance, and in speak of movement, motion and activity too, and as it was in Italy in all again and where the very world of Bandits and Mercenaries too, came to truly be, and further speak even and of Intrigue in itself, and furthermore too, speak even, and of the greatest parties and romantic relationships for instance]. In all, all this too, and as speaking even and of the God Cupid in himself actually.

In Africa though, speak even and of Solidarity in all, does go along and with speak even of God-Kings for instance. That in Africa, Solidarity, and as with it even said Alchemical, does speak even and of life Witnessed or Observed in all [and as with speak even and of One in all again and as truly basing their Memory of life, and on what was Witnessed or Observed too], and that in all ways even, this does speak for instance and of Famed Cities in all, and where just about all kinds of interesting things in all again are Observed or Witnessed too, but with all this even, speaking of life in Africa, and from the very perspective of Order, and not Organization truly either [in all again, speak even and of the Orchestrating of many an Event, and inorder to make something occur or happen that is]. In all again, all this speaking even and of what some do term the Solomonic (and as with it even said a part of European History), the Davidic (and King David), and also speak even and of (King) Hezekiah in himself actually. In all ways though, the God-King and as speaking even of Conscious States, and a way of life and where one in all again, has truly seen, witnessed or observed it all perhaps, or known it too, and not necessarily experienced it that is [and further speak even and of the History of 'Great Zimbabwe', and as said even speaking of Hezekiah in himself] [and with further speak of Abyssinia (Ethiopia, Kenya & Somalia), having Somalia and Ethiopia, very much Solomonic in all, and with Kenya on the otherhand, said very much Davidic that is][The Solomonic].