Thursday 27 February 2014

Ancient Crete

Ancient Crete.

For those Africans in all, and who have in all again, possibly taken an interest in Greek Civilization, then in all ways even, is to speak of Crete, and even the Minoans too actually [and as with Crete even, having been in many a way, African in its ways actually].



Evolutionary Instincts and Africa:

For those living in Africa, and as with perhaps even saying that life on the Continent has always been lived and as based around Ancestor Worship and Veneration too, is to also state that, the very belief of many an African, including the Egyptians too, has always been just how best to connect, and to the Memory in all, and of those who are now gone that is [and as with telling those in Africa that, Evolutionary Memory and Evolutionary Thought in the place, in many a way has to do, and with connecting with those who are now gone, and not in Name/Memory truly either, but as with speak truly even, and of truly knowing or understanding inall, just how they did in all live actually]. In all, being Tainted, and as speaking of those who cannot connect, or understand even, the ways of those who are gone now (and as with this speaking even of the Egyptians too), and as with the Torah even, and as with it somewhat Egyptian too [and as with Jews on the otherhand mainly adhering to the Tanakh], helping one in all again, deal with issues and as pertaining to Taint that is [and as with this even speaking of having no idea in all, and as with regards even to defining Success in itself, or even simply in all again, having a higher vision, and of whats in all even, truly a Reality, and as with regards to Higher States of Living in all actually] [that even the most simple of African societies, and as understood in their ways, and as with this even speaking of Taint and speak even of having a lack of Understanding in all, have something to teach, and on living in Africa that is].

Monday 24 February 2014



African Ornaments and African Psychology:

Most living in Africa today, often fail to take into account, just how African Nature in all, does influence their behaviour. That in all again, when one does fail in all, and in being properly acquainted with African Nature, and as with feeling even very much at home, and out in Nature too, then one in all again, does begin in all, and to suffer and from a mind, and that is in all, very much actually, plagued by many a Distraction that is [and as with speak in all, and of being easily sidetracked and when thinking, and as with one in all again, not able to easily concentrate, but in many a way, facing many a Distraction in thought that is] [and as with Distractions even, said to underlie, any kind of difficulty in all, faced,and while living in Africa that is] [and all this too perhaps, speaking of the primary reason, why most Africans do hate living in Africa actually: Distractions].

In all, and as with speak even of Awareness, is to perhaps make one aware of African Ornaments in all again, and as not only said to speak of beautifying African environments, but in many a way too, and as with speak even of African Nature and Fireflies too, African Ornaments it is believed, do very much in all again, actually help in all, and in dealing with Distractions and as facing ones mind that is [and as with this even speaking of certain forms of African Jewelry actually, and such as African bangles too]. In all again, African Ornaments, and as helping one truly feel at home actually.

The Distracted Mind:

Sunday 23 February 2014



In all ways though, to speak of Mischief in all, is to in all ways even, not actually speak of the Trickster, but in all ways even though, and of what does constitute for Order, Law and Being (and as with speak even and of just how one does choose to relax in all), and in Africa too that is. That for most Africans today, what does stand for Order, Law and Being, is in many a way associated and with societies in all and as seen outside Africa too (and as with this even speaking of Neo-Colonialism and Africa too), but that in all ways even, when those in Africa do think Order, Law and Being, and as with it truly African even, then in many a way, they can think of the Egyptian God Geb that is. 

African Archetypes.

African Archetypes.

To speak of African Archetypes, is to in all again speak and of just how they do differ and from Archetype, and as seen in other places of the World that is.

In all ways even though, speak of African Archetypes, does speak even and of some and as associating them in all too even, and with Mother Figures that is [and as with further speak even of just how one is shaped, conditioned or molded in all that is]. More advancement in thought, does associate African Archetypes and with African Republicanism too, and with others in all again, associating African Archetypes, and with African Habitats in all that is [and as with speak even of Mental and Psychological States too actually].

Another way though, and of thinking of African Archetypes in all, does speak even and of just how Africans in all again, do perceive all kinds of Bonds (Human or not) in all, and as with this in all speaking even, and of the most impromptu and stimulating and of Human Conversations that is.

Friday 21 February 2014



Sekhmet, and as with she even an Egyptian Goddess, and who can in many a way even be said to truly represent in all, what did actually pass for Libyan Civilization in Africa, and as with the Libyans even, responsible in all and for giving birth to very world in all again, and of Africans, and as a violent, war-mongering, murderous people, and who did in many a way even, give birth to Ethnic Cleansing Africa in all [and as compared even to speak of Genocide, and which actually does refer to Religious Warfare that is].

In all, and for those in Africa, when they do think Libya, then let think Sekhmet too actually [and as with reminding one too that, the history of Crime/Criminal Africa, is actually very much Nubian in its ways in all].

Wednesday 19 February 2014



The African Mind.



Community Development and Africa:

This entry in many a way, does speak even and of just what does constitute for Community Development in Africa, and as with further speak even and of E-Government in itself too actually. That in all ways even, what will be presented here, is a simple manner in all again, and of not only envisioning Community Development in Africa, but in many a way even E-Government in itself, but truly in many a way too, a means or manner even, and of designing a Small Business in many a way truly.

In all, this Model, can be said to basically consist of only three parts in all:

1. Sharing Protocol: With Sharing in many a way, historically associated with Traditional African Governments, it in many a way even, does speak and of what some do term Funding in all, and as it in all even, does speak of sharing with others, Resources, and as including Knowledge in itself too actually. In all though, the ability to develop a suitable Sharing Protocol, has proven difficult for many, and as with attempting even to truly ask just whom in all again, one should seek to share in all, many a Resource or even Information in itself, and as with regards to advancing ones cause that is. To give an example of this, is to perhaps speak of Russia and the KGB, and as with they even developing a Spy Network, and as based around a Sharing Protocol, and that did speak and of terms and such as Comrade, Compadre, Friend, Ally, Compatriot etc. In the Modern/Western World today though, a failure in all and in developing what they do term a proper Sharing Protocol in all, and as with speak even of a general culture of being mean and selfish in the Western World in all again, and as with Sharing Protocols even, defined in all again, and from speak of superior-equal-inferior that is.

2. Risk Management: In all, this speaking and of what some do term Investment in all again, and in a Community or Business too, and as with truly defining in all, Success, Wealth and even being Human in itself, and from speak even of Risk, and what one in all again has to gain or lose that is.

3. Knowledge Production: The very world of Knowledge Production has proven to be rather problematic for most people today, and as with it even associated in all, and with Technical Research too, and further speak even and of possessing all kinds of specialized tools and equipment that is. Many though don't tend to ask in all, just how the ancients in all again, did actually produce Knowledge, and as with speak even and of just how the Pyramids were built in all. Take Egypt for instance, and where Knowledge Production, did go along and with Meditative techniques, and that did in all even speak of going into a Trance or Possession in itself, and further speak even, and of what some do term Altered States of Consciousness that is. It was however the Greeks, and that did in many a way originate the manner of Knowledge Production, and which does speak even and of Art/Physics, Science and Geometry too [and as with Geometry in all, not well understood today that is]. In many a way, most of the World, and as including Europe, have come to be shaped in all, and as with regards to Knowledge Production in itself, and in the manner the Greeks and Egyptians did define it in all that is. There is however a third way of thinking about Knowledge Production, and which does speak of Italy too, and is today in many a way, falsely said even, to be associated and with Ancient World too that is [but as with speak even of the origins of Italy, and as going back to the Greek times actually]. This in all, does speak and of associating oneself, and with a Book or Text, and which is believed to hold nearly all the answers you might need, and from a Logical perspective too. It in all again, does speak even and of developing a strong or high Imagination, and as with this furtherly speaking even and of what some do term Mysticism, Spiritualism, Thought, Catechesis and even speak truly even, and of the Bible, and as basic Logical framework even, and as with regards to developing Imagination that is.

Finally in all again, African Knowledge Systems and as said mainly Egyptian in their ways, and as with stating that, Oracles and in basic sense, can be said Egyptian, Greek or Italian too that is.

Tuesday 18 February 2014



Post Apartheid South Africa:

For many a so deemed primitive tribe or people in South Africa, and who in all ways even do know that the White/British and Coloured/Tribal divide, does continue to exist in South Africa in all, and as with speak even of BEE (Black Economic Empowerment), and as said helping even to resolve this (and as with regards to speak of quality of life for instance), or even truly again speak of many an African, and who might wish to truly settle in South Africa in all, then what some could call Romany even, and as with this speaking even of Roman Culture in Egypt too, can very well serve as an inspiration for all this, and as it is a culture, that does actually work rather well even, and in South Africa too that is.

African Legacies

African Legacies.

Solidarism and Africa:

This entry in many a way, has to do, and with just how Individual Africans, do perceive in all, their Individual lives actually. In all ways even, it has to do and with just whom we are in all, and as we grow up, move along in life, and in many a way, do in general view life even, and from the very perspective of Regret perhaps.

In all again, it has to do and with our understanding and of just how life works, why certain things happen to certain folks and not others, and how in all again, ones does develop an understanding of life in all, and as with regards even, to speak of Optimism and Pessimism in itself too actually.

In all again, African Legacies, and as speaking even and of those Africans in all, and who do somewhat even affect us all perhaps, and as in perhaps in all again, having us change our ways, and into becoming better people in all, and as with regards even, and to our private thoughts too that is.

In all, there are four ways in all again, and of viewing Africans, and as with they not truly living out successful lives, but lives too that do in all, lead to developing even, great sentiment perhaps, and from the perspective even and of the memories of ourselves in all, and as with this even speaking of true happiness in itself, and in the form of Inner Peace too for instance.

1. Innocence: A way of living popularized all over the World, and by the British too, and which in all ways even, does speak of maintaining a certain level of Innocence, and throughout ones life that is. That in all, everything that does happen to one, can be understood in all, and from the perspective of Innocence actually, and as with this even speaking of approaching a difficult problem in all, and from the very perspective too, and of Innocence in all that is. In all ways even, maintaining Innocence and as seen even, the very keys to enjoying life, and as with speak even of learning to laugh at oneself, but with it on the otherhand, speaking of 'evil' perhaps, and from the perspective even, and of being said known, a pervert in all that is.

2. Youthfulness: It speaking in all, and of basically defining oneself, and as based around ones Energy levels too, and as with this even referring to those who cannot easily be put down, or even truly again, those who believe they can beat Time in itself [and as with speak even and of those who do prepare for an Exam, and in only 2 weeks that is], but in all ways even and problematically for those in Africa, those who do believe that every moment of their lives should be worthwhile, and as with speak even of having something to do and in sedentary Africa that is, and that in all ways too, an understanding of life in itself, and as based around excitement levels in themselves that is.

3. Maturity: Speaking in all ways even, and of those raised in an Institutional manner in all again, and as with speak of being exposed in all even, and to all forms of realities in all, and from an Institutional manner too that is [and as with speak even of a long talk with a Parent for instance], and that in all ways even, while this manner of going through life in all, is perceived problematic in Africa today, and as with speak even of the Quality of African Institutions in themselves, it does in many a way even, speak of how best in all, to actually ground African Institutions, and to reality in itself too [and as with speak even of Consciousness matters or issues], and as with speak even of African Institutions in the past, and as said grounded even, and in Secret Societies that is.

4. Sacredness: A way of living, very much Religious in its ways, and as with speak even of those who do attempt in all, to actually Cleanse or Spiritually Heal themselves, and from any wrong move made in all, and as with even asking for forgiveness, or even readily forgiving another perhaps, and as with this in many a way too, speaking of problem solving, and from the perspective in all, and of speak of harm or injury too for instance. In all ways, going through life, and without causing suffering or harm in all, and to just about anyone, and as including oneself too that is.

Kenyan Museums

Kenyan Museums.

Kenyan Museums, just where in all again, African Identities, do merge in all, and with those seen in Abyssinia (Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia) too, and as with Abyssinia truly even Christian in its ways, and even Victorian too, and as with regards to defining Civility in the place actually.

Monday 17 February 2014

The Book of Isaiah

The Book of Isaiah.

And as with it even, best Representative in all, and of life and as seen in Africa today, and as with basic speak even and of Ponderous thought in all again, and as compared to speak of the Gospels and the New Testament too that is.

African Rocks

African Rocks.

African Rocks, and as with they even truly representative and of what some do call the Commonplace, and as with this speaking even of basic Order and in our societies too, and as compared to associating the Commonplace, and with anything said or deemed popular that is.

the African Unconscious

the African Unconscious.

And speak in all ways even, and of just whom Africans in all, are, and as said as Tormented beings too that is.

Sunday 16 February 2014

Spanish Revival Architecture

Spanish Revival Architecture.

Spanish Revival Architecture, and as seen even in Florida too actually, and as with it having its origins in Islamic Spain and the very world of El Cid too, and as with it even an Architecture, capable truly of fitting in Africa in many a way, and as versus speak even of South Africa, and British styled Architecture too that is.

Saturday 15 February 2014

Ipi Ntombi

Ipi Ntombi.

An Image in all, and of Africa, and that has come to be popularized in all again, and by International and Wordly Media too, and as with it even said to speak of the Typical, General and Average Behaviour of Africans in all, and as with it even in all again, an Image, and that does arise, and in Post-Colonial Africa too, and as a kind of Entertainment Media in all, and as geared towards the Poor (in spirit) in Africa actually. In all ways even, this kind of Image, and as differing even and from that put out by URTNA for instance, and speak even of Youssour N'Dour, and which does speak of the Typical, Average and General Behaviour of Africans, and as very much based around the cultures of the Chad, and with a third group of Africans, criminal in their ways, having Typical, General and Average Behaviour too, said African in all (and as with speak even of many an African Politician today that is), and as said arising with 'the Sudan', and Nubia too that is.


The Sahara Desert

The Sahara Desert.

The African Epicenter.

Sacred Art

Sacred Art.

African Sacred Art.

African Dress

African Dress.

The African Persona:

One does find that in many a way, African societies today, often tend to concentrate on speak of Hair in all,and as with regards even, and to everyday and daily Identity too that is. This was not true of the past in all, and as in attempting here in all again, to very much broach the topic in all, and of what does constitute for the African Persona that is.

That in all again, African Dress, and as used even to define many a Title in society, did come even, and to strongly in all again, truly define the African Persona in all [and as with this even at the very heart of Regional differences, and to be seen in Africa too that is] [all this and as compared to other parts of the World, and where Dress in all again, does speak of simply in all, Presenting oneself to others that is].

In all again, when one does speak of the African Persona in all, and as with regards even perhaps, and to speak of resolving Conflict too, not only does one find African Dress, and as influential even, and in defining African Personas, but that in all ways even, the African Persona in all, and speak even of genuine African Dress, does appear in many a way, to speak of Cameroon actually [and alongside its Cultures too that is].

In all, Cameroonians, and as very much playing the role, and of Advisors too, and throughout Africa in all, and as compared to Ugandans, and who are knowledgeable about Africa and as with speak even of URTNA too perhaps, but that Cameroonians in all again, and as opposed to Nigerians too, it is actually believed do know whats best for Africa in all, and at any given moment too that is [and as with this even referring to Foreign Affairs actually]. 

Finally, Abyssinia (Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia) in all though, and as housing a different Persona, and from that said Cameroon too, and as with this Persona in all again very much speaking of Kenya too, but that in all ways even is to say that, it is Cameroonians in all, that are most probably similar to Kenyans actually, and not speak of Ugandans, Tanzanians or other Africans either, and when it does come to speak of being Personable in all that is.

Thursday 13 February 2014

Indaba My Children

Indaba My Children.

Mastery, Discipline and Responsibility, and as seen in Africa too.

Zimbabwe, Malawi & Zambia

Zimbabwe, Malawi & Zambia.

A Geographical region in all, and as differing even and from the rest of Africa too, and as with it even said a (River) Basin in all actually, and as with this even referring, and to the cultures found in the place in all again, capable in all and of coming to define in all again, African Heritages, and in more ways than one might believe that is [that Southern Africa in all, often neglected and as with regards even and to African Cultures in all, does have to it even, Religion, Traditional too, more ancient in its ways actually, and than those in Western Africa for instance, might believe it to be actually].



Civ. and Africa:

*the term Civ. here in all, does actually differ, and from the term Civilization actually.

Africa in many a way, is a Continent that does suffer truly even, and from speak in all, and of just how in all again, to go about best defining the Tempo, Flow and Beat, and of everyday or daily life too that is. That Africa in many a way, has often turned and to all sorts of Music, and in helping define in all, Tempo, Flow and Beat, and in Africa too that is. To speak of this in many a way, and in coherent manner too perhaps, is to speak even and of life in Southern Africa, useless in its ways too, and as having the Tempo, Flow and Beat of life in it, defined in all even, and by the African Flute actually. On the otherhand, West Africa, and as very much adventuresome in its ways, did have life in the place, and as once defined even, and as based around Tempo, Flow and Beat, speaking in many a way too, and of the very tale/myth, and of Sundiata too that is. Kenya too, and as with the Tempo, Flow and Beat of life in the place, speaking even of Pacing and Timing issues in all, and as coming to be defined in all again, and by a Victorian culture (and as somewhat American too), and of what they do call 'the Safari' actually [and as with speak even of Kenya and as laidback even, and as with regards to Pacing issues in all actually].

In many a way though, is to perhaps tell Africa, and as with speak even of where Africa does truly meet Spain in all that, Tempo, Flow and Beat and in Africa, and as with speak even of Pacing and Timing issues, can very well be defined in all again, and by the very world of the Cid in all, and as seen in Spain too, and as with this even very much speaking of 'The African', and in Spain too actually [that in all, speak of Spain and as very much African, does not speak of Flamenco in all, but in all ways even, and of the very world of the Cid actually] [and as with this even speaking of the Music of Spain, and as arising in Aragon too, and in many a way even does speak of the very music in all and today, and of Santana to some extent too that is]. In all again, a more high profile way of living, and as with giving one a benchmark of a kind, and as with regards to speak of Tempo, Flow and Beat issues in all, and as with speak even of just about every figure or person in society, and as very much high-profile in their ways actually. All this too, and as speaking of Africa, and as excluding Egypt, Sudan, Libya and South Africa too that is.

Wednesday 12 February 2014

African Pharmacology

African Pharmacology.

Surrealism and Africa:

Many Africans are aware that, they are in all again raised up in societies, and that do promote in all, the very concept of Cool, and in simply interacting with others that is. Modern Africa in many a way too, and as with it even associated in all, and with speak of building Infrastructure all over, but without in many a way, taking into account, just whom Africans today in all, are, and as Cultural beings too that is [and other than talk of Entertainment in all actually].

To get though, to the very root perhaps, and of this post in all, is to in many a way even speak of what does constitute and for Modern African Cultural, Religious and Political Imagery too that is. That such Imagery in all, is believed said even to be accompanied by certain forms of lifestyles in all again, and which today in all, does speak and of influence, and from America and Europe too actually. In all again, basic speak and of not how Africans Celebrate life in all, but simply in all again, just how they do choose to enjoy it in all, and at just about every moment too that is [and as with speak even of the Behavioural in all actually, and as expressed to the max even] [that in all again, surprisingly enough, Modern African Cultural, Religious and Political Imagery in all, does not actually speak of bringing a higher vision in all again, and in building African societies too, but in many a way truly even, does speak of Africans in all, and as free to express themselves in all again, and in a Behavioural manner too actually].

The above though, Modern African Cultural, Religious and Political Imagery that is, has failed in many a way, and in bringing what some do term, a better life for all, and to Africa too [the very failure even to realize that such Imagery in all again, and in Africa too, is associated and with the ability to enjoy life and to the utmost actually] [and as with speak even of said shopping trips to London, and by Africa's elites in all actually].

In many a way though, is to tell one that, life in Africa traditionally, and as with speak even of enjoying every moment of ones life in all, has been in all again, and surprisingly too, based around the very world of African Pharmacology. In all again, this actually does speak even, and of what some do term the Subconscious mind in all, and as with it even associated with Hallucinatory effects. That Africans in the past, did take many an African Herbal or Medicinal Plant in all again, and which with time, would result in many a Hallucinatory effect in all, and as with regards even, to Intuitive thought/thinking, and as with speak in all again, and of what did constitute for reality in all, and at any given moment or time too that is [that these plants in all again, would make one Hallucinate and as a Daydreamer would in all, and as with generally even giving one a pretty good idea, and of what to do, and with their time, and at any given moment too that is].

In all again, Marijuana, and as having said even,been used in Egypt, and for this very purpose too actually.




Common Identity and Africa:

This post in many a way, does speak even and of just how in all, those living in Africa, do basically create a Common Identity that is [and as with Identifying with many an another African that is]. In all ways even, this does speak in all, and of African Images of Respect, African Bodies, and even African Voices too.

That in all, one does see in the more distant past, an attempt to somewhat even create a Common African Identity, and as based around, African Bodies in all, and as with those said perfect in their ways even, said to be Egyptian that is. In many a way too, one does see Nigeria in all again, and as spearheading this manner in all, and of creating Common Identity in Africa, and at the very least, from a Western/Central Africa perspective too that is.

There are those on the otherhand, and who do seek to create a Common African Identity in all, and as based around Images of Respect, Political too, and as with this even referring in many a way today, and to speak even of South Africa in all, Nigeria, and even Kenya to some extent too.

This Blog though, and as with it speaking of Anatolia in all, does in all again though, wish to spearhead the movement in all, and of creating a Common African Identity, and as based around African Voices too. That in all again, Ugandans and as said similar to all Africans but outside Abyssinia too, does in all again actually, speak of their having varying Voices in all, and as with speak even of Egyptian Voices, and as heard in Uganda too that is. In all, the very attempt to find a Common Voice and for all Africans too, and as with perhaps attempting to say in all that, it all actually does speak even, and of Nut too [and as with he in all, not an Egyptian Goddess actually, but simply in all again, a Voice, and that one can draw from that is].

Finally, Abyssinia (Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia) in all, and as said even and as having a Common Voice, African too in all, different from the rest of Africa perhaps, and as with speak of the Voice in all even, heard in the Kebra Negast that is.

Tuesday 11 February 2014

Roman Civilization

Roman Civilization.

Most in Africa, are never truly appreciative and of their lives that is. This in many a way even does speak in all and of Africa in all again, and as said a place in all, believed truly even, to simply have just many a Technical problem to it that is. This is actually not false, and does in all ways even speak of just ho we do seek in all, to build Civilized existences in all again, and in Africa too that is.

In all again, this does also speak and of just how many an Ancient Civilization, did actually arise. Whom were the Egyptians and as with regards to all this for instance? And as with they even inhabiting Land in all, very much Desert like in all truly even. In all it is said believed that, Egyptian Civilization, did arise and with what some do term a Mystery School, and as with speak even of creating Knowledge, and as based around Feasibility actually [the very belief in all that, it is possible to grow food, and in desert like conditions for instance]. For the Greeks, Civilization as arising, and as based around the Temple too, and as with speak even of the very rise of Mathematical Systems in all again, and the viewing of ones life in all, and from the very perspective of Technicalities that is. In Italy, Civilization as arising, and as based around the Monastery, and as with it in all even speaking of Moralism actually, and as in questioning anything, and as with speak even of Mathematics too, and from a Moral perspective that is.

Most in Africa today though, do in general think of building Civilization in all, and from a Greek perspective too [and as with it all even associated and with many a piece of Infrastructure that is]. In many a way, this manner of building Civilization (and as with many another manner said to exist too in all), does not work well for Africa (and outside South Africa too), and as with speak even of promoting Regional and Local ways of living in all, and in Africa too that is [and as with Civilization in Africa, best said in all again perhaps, and to best arise even, and with speak of Local Industries in all, and further speak even and of the rise of Timbuktu and as a market-city too that is], and in all ways even, all this does speak of viewing just about everything, and from more or less a Security Concern too that is [and as with saying that, this is what does differentiate in all, Nigeria, and from the rest of Africa too, and as with most of Africa even, attempting to use the Egyptian route of Mystery Schools and Feasibility in all, and on thinking about life and in just about every manner too that is (and as with the example even, and of thinking of a basic meal to prepare in all, and in the name of feasibility too, and as versus in all again perhaps, showing up at a friends place in general, and so as to eat a good meal, and in the name of food security in all that is)].

Roman Civilization:

Sunday 9 February 2014

The Banjo

The Banjo.

This entry in all ways even, does deal and with what some do term Levels of Existence actually. At the very least, this does speak even and of just whom in all again, we are at Home, or even truly in all, when bonding even, and with Family in all that is.

In places like America, Levels of Existence have come to very much be associated and with speak of Architectural Design in all, and even Materiality too [and as with having a Home for instance, and whereby one can invite others, to simply Barbecue, hang out by the Pool, or even again, having a home, and with a Backyard Firepit to it, and where by one can simply invite friends, and to 'enjoy a fire' that is (and as with this speaking even, and of many an immigrant to America too actually)]. You also have Asia for instance, or India too in particular, and where Levels of Existence, did come in all again and to be associated in all, and with Family Rites too, and speak even and of Family cultures in all again, and where just about any response and to any query too for instance, was expressed in a mournful manner that is [and as compared to a sing-song manner, and as with speak even of the Victorians too that is].

In Africa though, Levels of Existence, and as with speak even of West Africa, have come in many a way, to be associated, and with Sounds made too that is [that in many an African Family, creating harmonious, loving and peaceful existences in all, have come to be associated with Sounds made, in and around the house even, and as with this speaking even of the Music of many a West African Griot, and such as Salif Keita too for instance]. In all though perhaps, is to in many a way even introduce the Banjo (and as with it an American Instrument, and with African inclinations to it), and as with this speaking even of creating harmonious environments in many an African Family, and as associated in all again, and with the sounds of the Banjo, and as with speak even and of what they do term Bluegrass Banjo too that is.


Saturday 8 February 2014



Wabi-Sabi, or speak even of Japanese Philosophy, and as somewhat in many a way even, actually African too that is [and all this too, and as versus Shibui or even Shibusa too that is]. In many a way, all this referring even, and to just where ones Mental Realities in all, do meet ones Physical Realities too, and as with speak even of ones Perceptions of ones Physical Realities, becoming a Physical Reality that is [in all again for instance, why in all do certain environments or environs, become debilitated with time, or simply deteriorate too, and as with a building fading in colour for instance, and that in all again, this does speak even of Group Consciousness and as with regards to a Physical space too, and as with ones Perceptions in all too even, and of ones Physical space for instance, and as with speak even of levels of cleanliness in all, and as simply becoming a Reality that is].

In many a way perhaps and as a secret too, Japanese cities and as now becoming rundown or debilitated even, has to do, and with their belief in all, and in Shibui and Shibusa too that is.


Thursday 6 February 2014

Darkwing Duck

Darkwing Duck.

Darkwing Duck, and as with it even a show in all, espousing in many a way, Meso-American Humour, but as seen in Africa too actually [and outside Egypt and Abyssinia (Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia) that is] [and as with all this even, speaking of South African Humour in all, and as truly representing Africa and on the International scene too perhaps, and as versus Nigerian Humour, or even in many a way too, speak of Kenya in all again, and as a Developing Country too that is] [that in all again, it is possible to view Development in all, and from a Humour (Judgment/'Judgmental') perspective that is, and as versus speak of Intelligence truly either actually].

Darkwing Duck:

The Celestine Prophecy

The Celestine Prophecy.

African Sociology 101:

Those living in Africa today, might not truly know and of just how many an African Civilization in all, has truly evolved in the past, and as with speak even of Civilizational evolution, and as perceived from the perspective of advancements in all, and in Religion and Religious Thought too that is [and as with speak even of everyday events in all again, and as perceived in all, and from the very perspective of the Supernova for instance] [Link].

In many a way though, all this does speak even and of just how Egyptian Civilization did evolve, and as with Africans today, not truly in touch with themselves or Africa too, and as with they in all again tending to view evolution in Africa, and as the Western World or even Asia in many a way, does tend to view evolution in their societies that is: and as based around Political Leadership too actually.

In all ways though, and as with speak even of Communal Development in Africa, is to perhaps state that, Evolution of African societies, and as with speak even of Ancient Egypt, did go along and with Religious Thought, and in the form of the Prophecy too actually. In many a way, speaking of Africa and the Prophecy today, does speak even and its merging its Political Leadership issues in all, and with further speak even and of the Saviour too actually [and as with someone said in all again, and as coming back from the dead in all, and inorder so as to solve, many a Political Leadership issue too that is].

For the Communal minded in Africa in all, and as with speak even of building great Communities or Kingdoms in Africa, is to perhaps speak of the evolution of Religious Thought in Africa, and as with it taking the form of Prophecy too, and in many a way even, the knowing in all that, simply living Religious lives [and as with speak even of advancement in Religious Beliefs and Thoughts in all], and as with all this even, solving many a Political Leadership issue in Africa today, and in many a way too that is [and as with questioning many an African Political Leader, and on their Religious views or beliefs too that is]. 

In all though, the question and of what does constitute for Prophecy and in Africa, can in many a way even perhaps speak of Meso-American Civilization, and further speak even and of Meso-Americans in Africa [and as with speak of Kumina Castle too for instance], and as with telling many a local in all that, or even many a Religious Leader in Africa that, what they do call the Celestine Prophecy, and as with it even Meso-American in all, can be a well regarded addition in all, and to African Religious Beliefs, and as with speak even of the trajectory of many an African Civilization or society in all again, but that in all ways even, it speaking in many a way too and of defeating Elitist, Snobbish and even Uppity behaviour in all, and in Africa too, and as with regards even and to just whom in all again, is believed of utmost Importance in all, and to Africa today that is [and as with speak even of Africans and as Successes, and as primarily viewing themselves as Important, and Self-Important too in particular, and as versus Celebrated or Reknowed too that is].

The Celestine Prophecy (and very world of James Redfield too):