Thursday 6 February 2014

The Celestine Prophecy

The Celestine Prophecy.

African Sociology 101:

Those living in Africa today, might not truly know and of just how many an African Civilization in all, has truly evolved in the past, and as with speak even of Civilizational evolution, and as perceived from the perspective of advancements in all, and in Religion and Religious Thought too that is [and as with speak even of everyday events in all again, and as perceived in all, and from the very perspective of the Supernova for instance] [Link].

In many a way though, all this does speak even and of just how Egyptian Civilization did evolve, and as with Africans today, not truly in touch with themselves or Africa too, and as with they in all again tending to view evolution in Africa, and as the Western World or even Asia in many a way, does tend to view evolution in their societies that is: and as based around Political Leadership too actually.

In all ways though, and as with speak even of Communal Development in Africa, is to perhaps state that, Evolution of African societies, and as with speak even of Ancient Egypt, did go along and with Religious Thought, and in the form of the Prophecy too actually. In many a way, speaking of Africa and the Prophecy today, does speak even and its merging its Political Leadership issues in all, and with further speak even and of the Saviour too actually [and as with someone said in all again, and as coming back from the dead in all, and inorder so as to solve, many a Political Leadership issue too that is].

For the Communal minded in Africa in all, and as with speak even of building great Communities or Kingdoms in Africa, is to perhaps speak of the evolution of Religious Thought in Africa, and as with it taking the form of Prophecy too, and in many a way even, the knowing in all that, simply living Religious lives [and as with speak even of advancement in Religious Beliefs and Thoughts in all], and as with all this even, solving many a Political Leadership issue in Africa today, and in many a way too that is [and as with questioning many an African Political Leader, and on their Religious views or beliefs too that is]. 

In all though, the question and of what does constitute for Prophecy and in Africa, can in many a way even perhaps speak of Meso-American Civilization, and further speak even and of Meso-Americans in Africa [and as with speak of Kumina Castle too for instance], and as with telling many a local in all that, or even many a Religious Leader in Africa that, what they do call the Celestine Prophecy, and as with it even Meso-American in all, can be a well regarded addition in all, and to African Religious Beliefs, and as with speak even of the trajectory of many an African Civilization or society in all again, but that in all ways even, it speaking in many a way too and of defeating Elitist, Snobbish and even Uppity behaviour in all, and in Africa too, and as with regards even and to just whom in all again, is believed of utmost Importance in all, and to Africa today that is [and as with speak even of Africans and as Successes, and as primarily viewing themselves as Important, and Self-Important too in particular, and as versus Celebrated or Reknowed too that is].

The Celestine Prophecy (and very world of James Redfield too):