Thursday 27 February 2014



Evolutionary Instincts and Africa:

For those living in Africa, and as with perhaps even saying that life on the Continent has always been lived and as based around Ancestor Worship and Veneration too, is to also state that, the very belief of many an African, including the Egyptians too, has always been just how best to connect, and to the Memory in all, and of those who are now gone that is [and as with telling those in Africa that, Evolutionary Memory and Evolutionary Thought in the place, in many a way has to do, and with connecting with those who are now gone, and not in Name/Memory truly either, but as with speak truly even, and of truly knowing or understanding inall, just how they did in all live actually]. In all, being Tainted, and as speaking of those who cannot connect, or understand even, the ways of those who are gone now (and as with this speaking even of the Egyptians too), and as with the Torah even, and as with it somewhat Egyptian too [and as with Jews on the otherhand mainly adhering to the Tanakh], helping one in all again, deal with issues and as pertaining to Taint that is [and as with this even speaking of having no idea in all, and as with regards even to defining Success in itself, or even simply in all again, having a higher vision, and of whats in all even, truly a Reality, and as with regards to Higher States of Living in all actually] [that even the most simple of African societies, and as understood in their ways, and as with this even speaking of Taint and speak even of having a lack of Understanding in all, have something to teach, and on living in Africa that is].