Sunday 9 February 2014

The Banjo

The Banjo.

This entry in all ways even, does deal and with what some do term Levels of Existence actually. At the very least, this does speak even and of just whom in all again, we are at Home, or even truly in all, when bonding even, and with Family in all that is.

In places like America, Levels of Existence have come to very much be associated and with speak of Architectural Design in all, and even Materiality too [and as with having a Home for instance, and whereby one can invite others, to simply Barbecue, hang out by the Pool, or even again, having a home, and with a Backyard Firepit to it, and where by one can simply invite friends, and to 'enjoy a fire' that is (and as with this speaking even, and of many an immigrant to America too actually)]. You also have Asia for instance, or India too in particular, and where Levels of Existence, did come in all again and to be associated in all, and with Family Rites too, and speak even and of Family cultures in all again, and where just about any response and to any query too for instance, was expressed in a mournful manner that is [and as compared to a sing-song manner, and as with speak even of the Victorians too that is].

In Africa though, Levels of Existence, and as with speak even of West Africa, have come in many a way, to be associated, and with Sounds made too that is [that in many an African Family, creating harmonious, loving and peaceful existences in all, have come to be associated with Sounds made, in and around the house even, and as with this speaking even of the Music of many a West African Griot, and such as Salif Keita too for instance]. In all though perhaps, is to in many a way even introduce the Banjo (and as with it an American Instrument, and with African inclinations to it), and as with this speaking even of creating harmonious environments in many an African Family, and as associated in all again, and with the sounds of the Banjo, and as with speak even and of what they do term Bluegrass Banjo too that is.
