Tuesday 18 February 2014

African Legacies

African Legacies.

Solidarism and Africa:

This entry in many a way, has to do, and with just how Individual Africans, do perceive in all, their Individual lives actually. In all ways even, it has to do and with just whom we are in all, and as we grow up, move along in life, and in many a way, do in general view life even, and from the very perspective of Regret perhaps.

In all again, it has to do and with our understanding and of just how life works, why certain things happen to certain folks and not others, and how in all again, ones does develop an understanding of life in all, and as with regards even, to speak of Optimism and Pessimism in itself too actually.

In all again, African Legacies, and as speaking even and of those Africans in all, and who do somewhat even affect us all perhaps, and as in perhaps in all again, having us change our ways, and into becoming better people in all, and as with regards even, and to our private thoughts too that is.

In all, there are four ways in all again, and of viewing Africans, and as with they not truly living out successful lives, but lives too that do in all, lead to developing even, great sentiment perhaps, and from the perspective even and of the memories of ourselves in all, and as with this even speaking of true happiness in itself, and in the form of Inner Peace too for instance.

1. Innocence: A way of living popularized all over the World, and by the British too, and which in all ways even, does speak of maintaining a certain level of Innocence, and throughout ones life that is. That in all, everything that does happen to one, can be understood in all, and from the perspective of Innocence actually, and as with this even speaking of approaching a difficult problem in all, and from the very perspective too, and of Innocence in all that is. In all ways even, maintaining Innocence and as seen even, the very keys to enjoying life, and as with speak even of learning to laugh at oneself, but with it on the otherhand, speaking of 'evil' perhaps, and from the perspective even, and of being said known, a pervert in all that is.

2. Youthfulness: It speaking in all, and of basically defining oneself, and as based around ones Energy levels too, and as with this even referring to those who cannot easily be put down, or even truly again, those who believe they can beat Time in itself [and as with speak even and of those who do prepare for an Exam, and in only 2 weeks that is], but in all ways even and problematically for those in Africa, those who do believe that every moment of their lives should be worthwhile, and as with speak even of having something to do and in sedentary Africa that is, and that in all ways too, an understanding of life in itself, and as based around excitement levels in themselves that is.

3. Maturity: Speaking in all ways even, and of those raised in an Institutional manner in all again, and as with speak of being exposed in all even, and to all forms of realities in all, and from an Institutional manner too that is [and as with speak even of a long talk with a Parent for instance], and that in all ways even, while this manner of going through life in all, is perceived problematic in Africa today, and as with speak even of the Quality of African Institutions in themselves, it does in many a way even, speak of how best in all, to actually ground African Institutions, and to reality in itself too [and as with speak even of Consciousness matters or issues], and as with speak even of African Institutions in the past, and as said grounded even, and in Secret Societies that is.

4. Sacredness: A way of living, very much Religious in its ways, and as with speak even of those who do attempt in all, to actually Cleanse or Spiritually Heal themselves, and from any wrong move made in all, and as with even asking for forgiveness, or even readily forgiving another perhaps, and as with this in many a way too, speaking of problem solving, and from the perspective in all, and of speak of harm or injury too for instance. In all ways, going through life, and without causing suffering or harm in all, and to just about anyone, and as including oneself too that is.